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Caleb Reynolds (Week 1 HoH) - HoH2


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If Caleb said homophobic and racist remarks two years ago, I doubt he has changed much in the interim. He thinks he can win the game by competing strong, but more of the game has to do with the interactions. At this point it is a boy's club and the guys accept his ego posture. Would someone tell me what Joey did to Devin that got him all het up and why all are going along with his vendetta against her.

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I don't know what Joey did except blab she is part of America's team. I hope it's a bunch of other stuff too and the vendetta continues. Can't stand this over confident little blue troll. Devin has a few screws loose to even think she's hot, because she is not. Ewww!

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. Would someone tell me what Joey did to Devin that got him all het up and why all are going along with his vendetta against her.

Joey told Devin with what she thought was a nice gesture that everyone in the house wanted him out so it will be him going up on the block to replace Donny. She outed Britney campaigning to get Devin out but Brittney and Joey were (still are) up talking all night and best buds.

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I don't take anything as a rule into consideration that was said or done outside of the BBH. It's usually BS, been mangled through the grapevine or exaggerated.

I judge on hardcore infallible proofs and what I see them doing HERE and NOW.

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Would someone tell me what Joey did to Devin that got him all het up and why all are going along with his vendetta against her.

Joey actually told Devin that she was going to give Caleb his name when he asked her who to put up against Paola. Caleb told her that it would be a house selection and he would poll all of the houseguests to determine who he would put up. Joey said she told Devin as a courtesy and would not be mad if, in return, he chose to name her. She said that the reason why she chose him was because he was such a physical threat. She insinuated that the other women also felt the same way.

I don't take anything as a rule into consideration that was said or done outside of the BBH. It's usually BS, been mangled through the grapevine or exaggerated.

I judge on hardcore infallible proofs and what I see them doing HERE and NOW.

In this case a copy of Caleb's Instagram account was posted and we could read his racist and homophobic rants, and he never denied them. Apparently, he was told by producers that he had to "make nice" with certain people to offset the negative publicity in order to be selected for the show. They could ill afford a repeat of last years show. But a leopard rarely changes his spots.

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Joey actually told Devin that she was going to give Caleb his name when he asked her who to put up against Paola. Caleb told her that it would be a house selection and he would poll all of the houseguests to determine who he would put up. Joey said she told Devin as a courtesy and would not be mad if, in return, he chose to name her. She said that the reason why she chose him was because he was such a physical threat. She insinuated that the other women also felt the same way.

In this case a copy of Caleb's Instagram account was posted and we could read his racist and homophobic rants, and he never denied them. Apparently, he was told by producers that he had to "make nice" with certain people to offset the negative publicity in order to be selected for the show. They could ill afford a repeat of last years show. But a leopard rarely changes his spots.

Where is the proof that he was told to make nice? Is that speculation or did he actually say that on live feeds?

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Where is the proof that he was told to make nice? Is that speculation or did he actually say that on live feeds?

Pure speculation on my part. However, it seems very odd that members of the group of people that he ranted about so vehemently could become his "best buds" in the house. His actions in the house seems to be a complete turnaround from his written words. Could someone change so drastically, so quickly? http://www.wetpaint.com/big-brother/articles/2014-06-22-16-caleb-instagram-gay-slur

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Caleb needs to lose the line about people should not mess with the "strong" players. :sport:

He needs to give the talking and talking and talking a rest.

Other then that I think he seems to be an OK guy. :sneaky:

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TOOT TOOT <----- Caleb tooting his horn for the past hour I've been watching the feeds. :sleepy:

I know he needs to shut up! Did I hear him tell the guys if they turned on him he would OUT everyone in the alliance and create chaos????

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Oh Good Grief, would someone please drop the kryptonite on the HOH Room

and disable this jerk (and on his dad too while we're at it).

If this guy is over 6' tall than I am Queen of Sheba

(or maybe it's that Common Core Math)

and I don't think there is a planet big enough to hold his ego.

Nothing, short of finding every stray dog a forever home, would make me happier than this

IDIOT going back to his home next week to watch the feeds with his dad so they can

lie about his experiences (since they are obviously both delusional)!!!

He said he was 6 foot tall?! Bahahahahahaha! Come on now, he's shorter than several of the women in there. I can't stand when men have a height issue.

I haven't seen anything his father has said but saw someone post that his father is all over the sites. And I thought that was just horrible. Thankfully I'm not the only one! I think family needs to lay low and let them play. We, the viewing audience don't have any power in the game (no matter what CBS says) so the only thing they are doing is making the family member look like they have crazy family.

I haven't invested much time into BB this year so I don't really know what is going on. That could change next week.

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You know who is awesome and the strongest competitor in the house? Caleb. Just ask him. He will take the next hour or so to tell you all about himself.

Watching Zach listen to him and stroke his ego, I have to wonder what is actually going on in his head. Is he laughing at this butthead?

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Pure speculation on my part. However, it seems very odd that members of the group of people that he ranted about so vehemently could become his "best buds" in the house. His actions in the house seems to be a complete turnaround from his written words. Could someone change so drastically, so quickly? http://www.wetpaint.com/big-brother/articles/2014-06-22-16-caleb-instagram-gay-slur

I don't believe the change is that drastic. The bar that I met him at years ago was The Dirty Rooster. I would say that 1/3 of the patrons were either gay or lesbian. He got along with everyone. It didn't profit him then to be their friend. Many of them were my best friends. Other than having an ego, everyone remembers him fondly. He was never violent. He sang like an angel and the boy had some fierce dance moves. I am overweight and he never looked down on me or treated me poorly. We had several long conversations. When I saw the instagram, I had moments when I questioned what I knew about him. Now that I see him in the house, he is exactly as I remember him. Still has the ego... Still a hunter... Still friendly with everyone.

What I think has happened to him is the same thing that happens to almost every HOH. They go on a power trip and think they have the game perfectly planned only to get evicted a few weeks later. I believe Caleb is on that same path. He will have to find humility if he is to survive.

And yes, his power trip is driving me crazy as I am a Big Brother fan. I wish I could smack him upside the head for letting it get to him.

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I wouldn't worry about it, Misha. I seem to remember that you gave his dad the best counsel you could about the pitfalls of family members involving themselves in forums. If his dad continues to hang around then it might be a long and winding road for him, considering that caleb seems to have lost his mind and thinks that he owns the big brother house. Are you sure that his dad is his dad? LOL. Just checking.

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I wouldn't worry about it, Misha. I seem to remember that you gave his dad the best counsel you could about the pitfalls of family members involving themselves in forums. If his dad continues to hang around then it might be a long and winding road for him, considering that caleb seems to have lost his mind and thinks that he owns the big brother house. Are you sure that his dad is his dad? LOL. Just checking.

I'm positive. Even if he forgot that it was the Dirty Rooster, not the Red Rooster. The fact that he knew about the Rooster was proof enough for me. LOL. Plus, I have him on Facebook too. He hasn't been posting here since the show began and I think that is best for him to distance himself from this side of the show.

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i think we found the new gm

if and when amber gets evicted i am sure he will build a shrine for her memory

amber is decent looking but not worth drooling over imho :animated_bouncy:

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OMG!!! I have figured it out!!!!!

A ghost really IS haunting the Big Brother house but there are TWO of them. They died in a murder/suicide because one if them was in love with the other but the feelings weren't mutual. Ever since then, they have possessed two houseguests as they continue to play out their macabre drama. Last year, it was Nick and Gina Marie. The talisman was the blue hat. This year, Caleb and Amber were chosen. The talisman is that dress he was wearing around his neck all day.

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