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Amanda - Week 10 - Evicted (Sep. 5) - Juror #5


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Prediction time. If Amanda and McCrae are nominated does Amanda react by going to her bed and crying all day or does she turn into a crazy maniac and taunt everyone in the house?

I think she will do both, telling everyone how DARE GM nominate her!!! and whoever wins the VETO MUST use it on her!!

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She is talking to Mc and Spencer and saying GM has to put up Judd and Elissa.

I wish noms were over. I think there will be a McNasty depression and they the beast will wake up.

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News flash - Amanda does not like McSloth's attitude. She has been ordering him to talk to GM.

Now they are arguing about her turning the lights off and on.

So production takes the camera off of their arguing and put all 4 on GM washing her hands.

It wasn't a scripted arguement so......................

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I have mostly thought I wasted my money on the feeds BUT!

To see McManda's reaction to being put on the block will be PRICELESS!!

The audacity they have displayed by NOT even CONSIDERING it is amazing!

IMO, Amanda has displayed that she has no class and is also a poor enough sport to throw her mic in the pool and be evicted.

Wish we could witness but certainly will be tuned in to see there reaction as soon as feeds return from noms.

Pop the popcorn!

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I'm hearing you! Can't wait either, husbands off to work and grandfather fed. Ready to strap in for this roller coaster of a ride! Isn't it normally between 4 - 6 BBT?

Oh nominations are TODAY??!!! I can't wait! Let the good times BEGIN!!!

Amanda is SURE that GM will be putting up Elissa and J U Double D!

I just wish we could watch the nomination ceremony in real time on the live feeds.

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She just said she thought it'd be Spencer and if not - her.

She really thinks it is Elissa and Judd going up. She is just saying it might be her because of who she is talking to.

It will be a total nomination blindside. sHa_yay.gif

Amanda opened her drawer and she has a HUGE box of Trojans in there. sSig_oops2.gif

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If amanda wins nothing, it would be interesting to me to see how she segues back into everyday life. You can't take back some of the stuff she has said and done for the whole wide world to hear and see.

Would I appreciate the fact that she has bamboozled the entire house up to this point if she didn't appear to me the chinicuil in the bottom of a bottle of reposado? Maybe. Amanda has achieved much with little effort.

I hope that amanda wins nothing.

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If amanda wins nothing, it would be interesting to me to see how she segues back into everyday life. You can't take back some of the stuff she has said and done for the whole wide world to hear and see.

Would I appreciate the fact that she has bamboozled the entire house up to this point if she didn't appear to me the chinicuil in the bottom of a bottle of reposado? Maybe. Amanda has achieved much with little effort.

I hope that amanda wins nothing.

Usually there are a lot of alpha personalities in the BB house. The only reason Amanda was able to get this far with her tactics is the other HGs are followers. Even Helen, who had leader qualities, had that herd mentality where one victim was separated from the herd and made the target. Everyone else was supposed to vote as one.

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