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Howard - Week 5 - Evicted (Aug. 1)

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IDK Sparklet - CeCiMom is currently doing housekeeping and it's not looking good

Her red pen is going to run out of ink :lookaround:

BTW I have a few more pics from last night for you but I gotta fix em up a little in Photoshop :laugh4:

I accidentally deleted a bunch last night I was mad at myself :sad2:

Nooo! :(


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Sparklet, I hope Howard stays in the house tonight. I don't really want Candice to go either; would rather have Amanda go, but I would really like Howard to stay. Were you watching the feeds during the night when Howard and Candice were in the cockpit? They talked about all kinds of things from BB scenarios to things outside the house. I am wondering if they will get together outside the house.

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Sparklet, I hope Howard stays in the house tonight. I don't really want Candice to go either; would rather have Amanda go, but I would really like Howard to stay. Were you watching the feeds during the night when Howard and Candice were in the cockpit? They talked about all kinds of things from BB scenarios to things outside the house. I am wondering if they will get together outside the house.

YESSS!!!! I think they are!!! That why I think things happen for a reason! I think he was going to meet Candace And she was sent there to meet Howard! They have so much in common Down to their fathers! Sometimes you just have to look at the big picture And I believe God has a plan for them! I may be wrong But I think we all witnessed something special between those two! Please don't get on me for this guys this is just how I feel!
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Thank you iris! How do y'all do that??? They look so cute together!

I notice that they haven't gotten any or not that much sleep! The time on that is 7:36 am eastern standard time and around 11:00 this morning again est they were up? Yeah! I think this is going to carry over outside the house?

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Great photo of him, Iris. Candice looks very tired lately. Not at all the same candice I remember from Day One.

She has been a have not for two weeks. I'm sure she feels like crap and has no energy. The other's were talking and they pretty much agreed that no one should be on slop more than two weeks but Aaryn said she would put Candice on slop for another week.

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Thank you iris! How do y'all do that??? They look so cute together!

I notice that they haven't gotten any or not that much sleep! The time on that is 7:36 am eastern standard time and around 11:00 this morning again est they were up? Yeah! I think this is going to carry over outside the house?

Push on CTRL and "print screen", which puts the image of your entire screen on the clipboard. Then go to PowerPoint and crop it. Then save that image and import it into a photo sharing software to paste here. Clear as mud? :laugh4:

I can't stop watching this from earlier this morning. They are laughing and giggling and just having fun conversation.

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She has been a have not for two weeks. I'm sure she feels like crap and has no energy. The other's were talking and they pretty much agreed that no one should be on slop more than two weeks but Aaryn said she would put Candice on slop for another week.

I think that the slop thing is ridiculous. She really does look wan. I dunno.

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She has been a have not for two weeks. I'm sure she feels like crap and has no energy. The other's were talking and they pretty much agreed that no one should be on slop more than two weeks but Aaryn said she would put Candice on slop for another week.

I heard her say that! I can't wait until aryan gets out and finds out her parents or co can't help her out! You know she's gonna blame big brother For her upcoming troubles!
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I'm here for the Sparklet funeral. I'm sorry "your man" got the BIG boot tonight. :no: We are making arrangements for you now. Please get your shrine ready.

Oh my gosh, this is so funny! :laugh4:

Not to worry Sparklet, I will go to the "funeral". I'm so sorry it's Howard going tonight.

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Sparklet these are for you - I had to do some Photoshop magic on these - if you notice any blurry spots that's just my amateur hand :) a couple I couldn't fix so I just cropped :)


I love them! I can't even tell they are photoshop! Wow!
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