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Helen - Week 3 - HOH

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going out on a limb and saying she will be safe this week :animated_bouncy:

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Helen gets 2 Noms and Elissa gets the 3rd Nom should be another boring week in the BB house

until mvp is flush out the next few weeks will be boring

mvp + majority vote is boring bb :animated_bouncy:

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If she's smart she will B/S Jeremy into thinking he's safe and then back door him with the MVP & POV

jeremy may seem like a dumb ass but even he has to know he is the main target this week :animated_bouncy:

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She will try to oust Jeremy. He was so thrilled (not) at her win. Don't know what she will do with Aaryn.

Aaryn can be dealt with later. Nominate Aaryn and McCrae. Convince McCrae that he's a pawn and to get the POV. Even if Aaryn wins the veto - she's not the bullseye target yet. Then backdoor the crap out of Germy. I say get Germy out now.

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boy she can talk

she may break the words per minute record held by kalia :animated_bouncy:

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I'm happy Helen won! I yelled so loud I scared all my cats. rofl I'm sure Helen will not choose Jeremy for eviction because they wouldn't want to give him a chance to win the veto. Stick all those girls on the block and see how quick they turn on one another. Then backdoor Jeremy. His arrogance will get him evicted.

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Stick all those girls on the block and see how quick they turn on one another. Then backdoor Jeremy. His arrogance will get him evicted.

Oh, I like this idea a lot. The infighting amongst the mean girls should be good.

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I'm happy Helen won! I yelled so loud I scared all my cats. rofl I'm sure Helen will not choose Jeremy for eviction because they wouldn't want to give him a chance to win the veto. Stick all those girls on the block and see how quick they turn on one another. Then backdoor Jeremy. His arrogance will get him evicted.

I as jumping up and down! LOL Oscar (pug), Sammy (Chiuaua) and Callie (cat) looked at me with a "what the F*ck" look LOL

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