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Andy - Week 1


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a bit chatty

but i cant say i am surprised

looking to see his more devious side and his lying skills in action :animated_bouncy:

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Guest 6Borders

Totally like him. He's funny and I think he will get more animated as the show goes along. He's also smart and seems to have studied this game!

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I'm on the fence but, my daughter loved him because she thought he was hilarious and she thinks he might be gay. (Had to inside laugh that it was a "I think" comment.)

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Guest 6Borders

Right now I think he is kind of overshadowed by the big personalities in the house. I hope he ends up being a lot more fun!

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Why has no one in the house guessed the fact that Andy is possibly a relative of Howdy Doody? Not only does he resemble him physically his personality seems to be about as wooden as the puppets. JMO.

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Why has no one in the house guessed the fact that Andy is possibly a relative of Howdy Doody? Not only does he resemble him physically his personality seems to be about as wooden as the puppets. JMO.

Oh yes I do see the resemblance

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Why has no one in the house guessed the fact that Andy is possibly a relative of Howdy Doody? Not only does he resemble him physically his personality seems to be about as wooden as the puppets. JMO.

Is anyone in the house even old enough to remember Howdy Doody???? ;)

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I could be wrong, but from experience the gay guys always seem to go far because they have great personalities and are usually not as wound up as the "mean" girls. They tend not to blow small things out of proportion. If I were on the show (which would never happen because I'm too shy) I would try to build an alliance with one of these guys like Brit did in season 13.

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In truth, I think that Andy is a really nice person and I think that it is difficult for him to be in the house because none of the women are really bright enough - except Helen and maybe a little bit, Candice - to be close buds with. Andy just kind of floats around the house. Lonely would be my guess. I hope he finds his niche. He is maybe kind of a big man. Effeminate and big. The HG's seem to just ignore him for the most part. IMO.

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Why has no one in the house guessed the fact that Andy is possibly a relative of Howdy Doody? Not only does he resemble him physically his personality seems to be about as wooden as the puppets. JMO.

That was my first thought...LOL...

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