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Dan, Week 11 (HoH - Part 1) 2nd Place $50,000


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cold blooded cold blooded

stone cold killer :animated_bouncy:

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I think he just cost himself any shot he had at winning. Shane and Frank are going to be BITTER. He screwed Jenn too. Ash will follow Frank. Joe and Dan were never close. He's screwed.

He played a great game to get here and he has great shot at final 2 but I don't see any way he wins.

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Well who knows what will happen with the jury but second place is good too. He had no choice but to get blood on his hands to get to the end. He will get his creds for best BB player ever.

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Hi Everyone this is my first post this season but I've been stopping by every chance I get.

I would love to have seen Dan play without AG and the DR in his back pocket. I hope (even though I can't stand the girl) Dani can get Dan out and Ian wins it.

Shane for AP since he sounds like he could use the money.

Note to AG leave all past HG out of all future seasons of BB and cast people who know the game and can play it.

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We'll see how they react in the jury house once they all cool down and think about it. There's still 6 more days for them to vent :P

We all know some jurors always remain bitter but occasionally they relent and look at the whole game and realize how important those moves were imo.

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Don't blame a bitter jury over Dan's demise if they do end up not voting for him. Part of the game is to make sure the jury vote for you once you get to the f2 chairs... If the winner was solely judged based on good game play, they might just abolish the jury system... Part of BB is playing a good social game to ensure that you'll win at the end no matter what... Good moves != best player most of the time. It is good television though!

Also, outsmarting a bunch of newbies doesn't mean much... If he does pull this off in an all-stars season, kudos to him! Janelle/Brit/Boogie weren't at Dan's caliber in term of gameplay tbh... bring in the real vets like Will...

Anyways, I felt like DR/AG made sure Dan was safe throughout this whole season... They probably always pushed Dan's idea in the DR (Frank, Dani...).

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I soooooooo hope & Pray that Dan is the next one to go!!! I think it is so wrong to swear on people you love and or the bible knowing it's a lie!!! Others have won this game without being so cruel & heartless!!!!! Lieing is one thing but to swear on the bible and his family is so wrong!!! Not a very good role model for his students at St. Marys........

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I soooooooo hope & Pray that Dan is the next one to go!!! I think it is so wrong to swear on people you love and or the bible knowing it's a lie!!! Others have won this game without being so cruel & heartless!!!!! Lieing is one thing but to swear on the bible and his family is so wrong!!! Not a very good role model for his students at St. Marys........

No snuggs, it's all gameplay... you can do w/e you want to get to the end... j/k, I totally agree with your post...

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I soooooooo hope & Pray that Dan is the next one to go!!! I think it is so wrong to swear on people you love and or the bible knowing it's a lie!!! Others have won this game without being so cruel & heartless!!!!! Lieing is one thing but to swear on the bible and his family is so wrong!!! Not a very good role model for his students at St. Marys........

honestly i chuckle that hg's fall for that kind of stuff

i could understand falling for that when the game was in its infancy but falling for it now give me a break :animated_bouncy:

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Dan I was pretty meh about you coming back this season but seriously after tonight.......CHOO CHOO, my butt is firmly back back on the Dan train, best player EVER!!!

Personally, this is why watch this garbage every damn year, it's gotten far to kittens and rainbows the last few years, everyone voting the way the HOH wants, everyone afraid to make any moves or get blood on their hands.....GO DAN!!!

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Down playing his competition is an easy way to diminish what this guy has accomplished this season ... Don't forget there were 3 experienced player in this game too. They said from Week 1 they should take out Dani so that Dan would be gone and not enter the house. Frank may have won comps but Dan had to play the game every day all summer long.

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Down playing his competition is an easy way to diminish what this guy has accomplished this season ... Don't forget there were 3 experienced player in this game too. They said from Week 1 they should take out Dani so that Dan would be gone and not enter the house. Frank may have won comps but Dan had to play the game every day all summer long.

Meh... Brit tbh is clueless about BB... Janelle and Boogie had their own feud to deal with. Dan was sitting pretty. Remember that only Janelle suspected that the coaches would join the game... The reset was just rigged... it was obviously that AG pushed so Danielle would stay over Jojo...

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