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Britney, Week 6 (Safety Winner)


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I had to go back and watch the show again to figure out what the heck she was doing with Ian when he was worrying about "the date" in the HOH.

This girl doesn't have a filter. She just says whatever comes in her pea brain. It was very obvious Ian was upset about Ashley being with Frank and all Britney could do what was make rude comments to the kid and stir the pot even more. He's a very sensitive boy and it seems none of these people "get it" about Ian. I just felt it was unnecessary how she was acting. I understand she was trying to push his buttons but it didn't feel right to me. He was really upset without her rubbing salt in the wound.

Give it a rest, Britney. You've shown everybody what a biotch you are. Congrats.

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Why is Britney sulking all day today. Is she changing her mind about Boogie and Frank?

They keep putting FOTH every few seconds of this conversation. It is like the feeders are getting robbed this year.

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Why is Britney sulking all day today. Is she changing her mind about Boogie and Frank?

They keep putting FOTH every few seconds of this conversation. It is like the feeders are getting robbed this year.

The FotH are really bad this year... it is insane... I've already complained. As for Brit, she said that she is beyond tired today.

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Britney is just as big a scum bag as Boogie. She will throw her entire team under the bus and end up with NOBODY to play this game with her. I hope!!

She gets her panties in a bunch when Shane tells her what was said in the HOH and she doesn't let any grass grow under her feet until she goes to Boogie and Frank and tells them way too much. What the heck is this moron doing? She's putting a whole lot of people in jeopardy besides Shane. I hope she's the first person in jury and has to sit there from the beginning. Ugh.

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Okay, I was never a Britney fan. Maybe because I really like Rachel and Janelle and I wasn't happy about how she treated either. I guess I'm a bit biased. But the way she went down to confront Boogie and Frank is impressive. Way to stand up for your 5'1" 97lb self against two giant bullies. Maybe Shane should take a little lesson from Britney right now. The girl's got bigger balls than Shane.

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Can't stand her. She's a mean, catty b!tch who's only enjoyment in life is ridiculing others. I don't find her wit entertaining at all. Never have.

I wholeheartedly agree with you. She is not a nice person and she's a total coward when it comes to accepting responsibility for her own actions.

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Okay, I was never a Britney fan. Maybe because I really like Rachel and Janelle and I wasn't happy about how she treated either. I guess I'm a bit biased. But the way she went down to confront Boogie and Frank is impressive. Way to stand up for your 5'1" 97lb self against two giant bullies. Maybe Shane should take a little lesson from Britney right now. The girl's got bigger balls than Shane.

If she had bigger balls then she should have no problem getting a little blood on her hands. The only reason she confronted Frank and Boogie was to distance her self from Shane.

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How do you expect her to feel when Shane pussies out and blames everything on her? Would you not go in there after your name was thrown under the bus and you were going to be the target for your whole alliance when you weren't the only one who agreed to this decision? Dan and Danielle are sitting pretty (well they were) and Shane blames Britney lol. I just can't blame her for not wanting to be their #1 target for something a whole group wanted.

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If she had bigger balls then she should have no problem getting a little blood on her hands. The only reason she confronted Frank and Boogie was to distance her self from Shane.

There is a difference in getting a little blood on her hands and Shame letting her take the blame for his decision...
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3. Not to mention that neither Boogie or Frank were YELLING at her!

Actually it was worse. Condesending Boogie called her "sweetheart" and "honey". He hates women and he really showed that tonight. Do you think he would have said that to Dan? I don't think so.

He can't believe that Shane would be the one to put him on the block. So let's blame Brit. He went after Janelle - as much as I don't like her and I thought it was a good game move to get her out - and he needs to be taken down a couple of notches.

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There is a difference in getting a little blood on her hands and Shame letting her take the blame for his decision...

She had no problem letting Shane take the blame. I agree that Shane shouldn't have said anything. However, if Brit just let it be, either Frank or Boogie will be gone and the one who remains still has bigger targets than Brit.

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