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BBlite Q & A

Guest 6Borders

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Guest 6Borders

I'm actually thinking of trying the feeds over purchasing Show2 (etc) Summer package.

I see: BBLite as "bbreloader", "bigbrotherlight.com"...which one do I use or are they the same????

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I downloaded the bblite and all I saw were folders. Last year when I downloaded it the computer opened all of it up and created the viewer. This time it didn't do that. I tried to unzip the folders without any luck. I'm hoping they have a new release which will load correctly.

I'm so confued right now. :(

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Guest 6Borders

Oh dear, now I am confused. I definitely DO NOT want to deal with Real Player, which means (I think) I get the feeds thru Superpass (here at Morty's) and download BBlite....correct????

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I finally got BBLite to load correctly after a few tweaks. It's showing the beginning of BB13 so I'm assuming since they are functioning they will work once the show begins. There still hasn't been anything posted on their facebook page to say they are being updated. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

Suez, just go to bblite and download the application. It's free or at least it was last season. :)

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I got it up and running with no problems.

1. Download & Install Adobe AIR (if you don't already have it installed).

2. Download & Install BBLite

3. Run BBLite and login to SuperPass (if the SuperPass login doesn't come up, close the program and restart it).

Make sure to use the official site http://bigbrotherlite.com/ as I think that other site that links to the official site is up mainly to get people to sign up for the LIve Feeds through their referral link.

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the jury is still out on whether it will work for this season

too bad if it doesn't i had fun posting screen caps last season during the endurance comps , meltdowns etc....... :animated_bouncy:

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the jury is still out on whether it will work for this season

too bad if it doesn't i had fun posting screen caps last season during the endurance comps , meltdowns etc....... :animated_bouncy:

Just so I don't clog up my computer with any more unnecessary crap, I'm going to make sure it's working with the new season before I install it.

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It's a shame the people who developed bblite won't return any e-mails sent to them from fans. I went to their facebook page and nothing has been posted by the owners but several fans who have tried to get a response from them have made a post there.

This is so disappointing to me. That program made my life so much easier with live feed updates. Now that I'll have to use the super pass in a browser it's going to slow my computer down. If I had a new computer I wouldn't worry about it but this thing is several years old and I'm keeping my fingers crossed it makes it through BB. I guess I'll just have to see how it goes. :(

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yeah doesn't seem like bblite will work this year

i feel bad for all the new people who heard good stuff about the program and decided to sign up for it :animated_bouncy:

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It's working for me. If you had the player last year you may need to uninstall that version before installing the new one.

I can't get video to load on Superpass without some costly upgrade to my operating system. I was glad to get this free player!

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well that is good to hear and thanks for posting this because I have been really annoyed not bring able to use bblite, it is so much better because you can have it right up in the cornor of your screen while you are updating, with the big real player and tab browsing, the best I can do is listen and update so I hope they fix it soon

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