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BB House / The Tour / The Drama!


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Now I guess I am seeing things because it looks very very different to me ... the outside looks like a compound, the whole place seems larger and there is a "more open" feel to parts, and longer hallways in others ... anyone have any old house pics that could be posted here for comparison ...

Now back to my consistent rant ... I am not happy to see the stairs one bit ... seems like there will never be any wheelchair users as contestants and if there ever are, they will not have access to the upstairs!

I think when the houseplan is released you'll see the similarities. It is bigger though - but seems to be the same layout, just slightly bigger.

Re: wheelchair rant - let's be honest, it's not going to happen as it would severly restrict the challenges that could be set.

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How did they miss an opportunity?

The house looks quite different to me. I think it would be quite difficult to create a house that is open enough that you have very few blind spots to the number of cameras you want to use. The bathroom is larger. Two sinks and two showers. The kitchen is wide open with no island in the middle.

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Guest summertyme

It doesn't look the same to me, well except fot the kitchen. That's about it.

This is the first time they've had two showers and two sinks, and a lounge.

I do hope they get something more in the yard. It looks very boring.

And I can't wait to see the HOH room.

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  The kitchen is wide open with no island in the middle.

I was wrong. I rewatched the video and there is a bar opposite the stove and it has four stools on one side.

Also the HOH room looks much larger and the video showed another bathroom. I would assume that the HOH has their own private bath?

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We are building a house and we had - notice had - 2 living areas and 2 dining areas. I said forget it and made 2 bedrooms.

I don't know why they would need them on BB though? Guess we will find out. :?:

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Guest ranster627

More spaces mean more secret meetings ... and more juicy live feed stuff ... just a thought :?:

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Guest eniper

Yep, looks inside to me. At least they made them a very obvious path this year. Now maybe as they leave they won't look stupid asking where they are supposed to go. :roll:

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Guest ranster627

I would love an overhead shot to see what is "outside" and what is studio ... I wonder if the backyard compound is outside?

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They've put so much more effort into the "front" than the "back yard".

Obviously they keep most of it lawned so it's flexible for the challenges, but they could make the walls a bit more interesting rather than having flat cream walls all the way round!

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Guest ranster627

looks like a good place right here crazy!

I tried the link and only got a few seconds to play ... :?

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It seems such a missed opportunity with the new house.  It's got virtually the same layout as the old one - apart from the stairs.

I agree with you so much. I even think they recycled pieces of the old house. Did you see the stone work I don't know what it's called it was popular in the 1950's in modern architecture. The colors and style all look like previous BB US houses.

When you see some of the BB houses in other countries, they're so much more... maybe sophisticated? I really liked one of the BB Australia houses, I would like to live in a house like that. BB UK had an urban house one year with this beautiful bar, and this year the garden and showers are really sharp.

The first year was so Ikea, and ever since they just keep taking that basic Ikea look and making a retro mod mish-mosh. I wanted a tree house! The promised "a mansion," doesn't look like a mansion to me. Why not a haunted mansion? I think we should call ABC and see if they'll do an Extreme Make over on it. Or maybe call Oprah and get that Nate Berkus guy in there.

But seriously, Brekkie Boy is right, what a missed opportunity to do something cool.

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