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Lurkers, Hibernators, Oldtimers.... Come Out BB14 is HERE!

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There are a lot of social media options out there today, but there is nothing quite like Morty's for Good Old Fashion Big Brother Fun.

If you are a newcomer, a lurker or just someone that does not post very often...come on out and don't be shy.

There is lots to do at Morty's and being part of the board is another fun way to enjoy the 24/7 Big Brother experience.

Introduce yourself and dive into the message board.

Anyone is free to join in - It is what makes Morty's, Morty's.

While we might not always agree...we do have fun and people here are generally pretty nice.

Or, maybe there are some of you that leave Morty's each year only to return for the Summer BB excitement.

Well, here's the chance to "check in", say hi and share your thoughts and hopes for the season.

Everyone: Let us know how long you have been following the game, what you are looking forward to this Season, say hello to all our new and returning BB friends & family and just ramp up to what we all hope to be the best Season of BB ever!

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Hi everyone. Getting psyched for BB. I fit all three categories-Lurker, Hibernator and Old timer, but also give opinion and Live Feed Update too. Been watching BB since Season 5, and have gotten live feeds (ordered thru Mortys for the last 3 years) since Season 6--so addicting. I have not had a bad experience on Morty's ever. Mostly everyone here just having fun and poking at the hamsters. Looking forward to seeing everyone! !

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Guest 6Borders

Been here all year...in forum and chat!

I was surprised how few ppl were commenting on TAR and DTWS, etc.

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hi, everyone old-timers,lurkers :animated_wave: :

uvp checking in. morty's is pretty much a ghost town once bb ends. it is getting worst and worst each year. i am huge idol fan as well as bb and no one was really active in american idol forum. i gave up on posting there. i am glad to have bb back around so the forum can come to life again. the circle of life around here is like the transitions from winter to spring in real life.

1.how long you have been following the game?

started watching about mid to latter half of bb1. don't question me about bb1 because my memory about it is terrible :disappointed: . plus i hated that america decided. for me bb really started with bb2.

2.what you are looking forward to this Season?

more and more (*) over engineer game twist (pandora's box, returning hg, coup d'etat, golden key, americas choice, producer's save(for one time only the producers can nullify a hg eviction and keep them in the game ) etc....... :animated_rotfl: ) of the game so the producers can get the desire results they want to keep fans from tuning out. i am usually more optimistic about each new bb season but i have finally come to conclusion that we get the same bb every year . i am a fan of good gameplay but the last few seasons the gameplay has really been lacking. i really wished bb would go back to pre allison take over days. let the chip fall where they fall. if you were a bad player you weren't rewarded just because you are a fan favorite. hoping to see a less showmance focus show. if you want to have a showmance , go on the bachelor. the reason i dislike showmance so much is that it takes a hg focus off of the game and they lose their individuality. please no more returning hg to play the game. bb flows better for me without the retreads. rant over :baby: . i am looking foward to discuss bb with knowledgeable and friendly folks who share the same love of bb as i do. we have have fought over the years and made up . morty's is a big family . i have been here 7 years now and keep coming back .

welcome back back.................. :lousings::animated_bouncy:

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YEP.. it's been quite around here.

But, I've said a few times that viewers and fans have so many options to occupy their

'downtime'... that Morty's seems to get put aside until BB comes around.

Wish it was different - but - I'm a 'Die Hard' Morty's fan and am always lurking

around the corner and checking in from time to time on Chat and posting from time to time.

SO..... Come on BB :party_smilie:

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Just a few posts and I am already getting excited and have some strong thoughts.

There is nothing like Morty for a complete BB interactive experience.

Boards, Chat, Live Feed Updates, Prediction Challenge, 24/7 activity, etc.

And with Glass House as a possibility this Summer we may have 2 times the fun.

A couple comments on some of things that were said:

UVP: I think that Morty's being like a ghost town for AI and DWTS is more a phenom of a lackluster season/excitement for these specific shows. I know I for one did not see one episode of either show. I did watch Survivor AND Amazing Race and while I did not post much (if at all), I did lurk to see what others thought of Rachel/Brandon AND Colton C. For all the year-round stalwarts, please know that your posts did not go un-noticed.

Slowpoke: I have been having some strong feelings lately about "other social media" coverage of reality TV.

While there may be other options out there, very few are delivering a concise or complete experience.

I enjoy a blog or two but that typically is a one way ego driven rant of one person's take (kinda like this post :)

Twitter is choppy and "codey"....just provides a snippet of something without any details or commentary.

Then there is Frenetic Flow of Facebook...which to me is the Devil of All Social Media Devices. No cohesive flow of thoughts or data, lots of repetition, no organization. Also on Facebook I lose my annonymity...which for me is part of the rush of this board.

I feel that all this choice is going to yield us much of nothing.

And my bigger fear is that some of the classic sites will lose their voice in all the choas.

A couple of weeks ago I learned one of my (other) favorite sites is closed down (Reality News Online).

For 12 years they were the best in what they did...detailed analysis and assessment for several Reality shows.

One of the key factors closing...too many competitive alternatives.

So for all the Morty people as we reconvene...

Keep in mind how fantastic we have it for BB...don't take it for granted.

Let's get involved in lively discussions and have fun.

If you are going to buy the live feed...try to get it thru Mortys.

If you can donate a little money at the start, middle of end of the season please do so.

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My name is Marty and I am new here. :popcorn:

Well, it does feel like forever since last season. Looking forward to a new season! :cheers:

mods can you erase my warning level? I hate looking at it every time I post.

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Welcome to All...

I was trying to figure out a term for people that stay around all year long and all I could come up with was "old timers"/

After seeing the number of posts for Marty and UVP I think I will coin the term "Power Posters" as another category.

But what would be a good word for people that stick around Morty's year round?

Marty you are from Palm Spings what is the opposite from a "Snow Bird"?

Anyone have any ideas?

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Welcome to All...

I was trying to figure out a term for people that stay around all year long and all I could come up with was "old timers"/

After seeing the number of posts for Marty and UVP I think I will coin the term "Power Posters" as another category.

But what would be a good word for people that stick around Morty's year round?

Marty you are from Palm Spings what is the opposite from a "Snow Bird"?

Anyone have any ideas?

Back in the day we used to spend all day in Off Topic 365 days a year. We had a large crowd. The good old days.

I don't live in Palm Springs anymore but still work there. I live 30 miles away in a beautiful town with a higher elevation. I call it God's Country.

opposite of Snow Bird in my parts is a Desert Rat.

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So you guys will be getting an extra dose of Big Brother soon. Big Brother Canada was just announced. Haha. I believe the US Rules will apply. I believe for 2012/2013 TV Season.

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I'm back for another season of BB. If I could have one wish granted about this show it would be preventing the people in the diary room from manipulating the game. It's been pretty obvious that's been going on for quite a while now. I believe that's one of the reasons they don't allow the HG to talk about their diary room sessions. I want new people, new games and new twists. This show has been going on for a lot of years and they're overdue to have some new elements added to the show. I know that's wishful thinking on my part but we can always hope for change, right? lol

The reason I'm not around here after BB is that I don't watch any other reality shows. My fall and winter are pretty much busy with sports and I don't have time for reality programs. Besides, I really don't care for them. I've watched BB since the first season and have really enjoyed it. I do hope this year is better than last year. I'm getting tired of seeing the same old faces. Give me new people with wild and crazy personalities. They seem to be getting a little better with including "older" HG meaning folks over 30, rofl

So we're getting ready for Big Brother. Bring on the live feeds!!


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Hi ready for big brother I am going through reality withdrawals all my favs are done until fall! Hoping to get a good season. I did like last year even if it was returning hgs. I think it was a better twist than previous ones. Didn't especially like the golden key thing but I did enjoy the season. I do wish they would cast some older people but I guess it's all about who looks good in a bathing suit! That would leave me out LOL!!

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Guest 6Borders

KITTEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So glad to see you!

I AM BACK!!!! cant wait for bb to start i am excited for the new season to begin....

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I am ready for Big Brother! I got to work as a "star handler" in April at the Reality Rally and got to meet quite a few of the Big Brother former stars. Yes I even had to be nice to Evel Dick!! Rachel, Brendon, Adam (and his beautiful girlfriend Fara), Chelsea and Kevin were among a few.

Had a blast and raised a lot of money for Michelle's Place which supports breast cancer patients.

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My wife and I are so excited, she has several friends at work and they get together and talk BB. I really hope there are no production favorites this year or star wannabes, but I doubt either one won't happen. Still excited though.

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Well well well, brought my head out of the "cow dung" and thought I'd poke my nose in here. The commercials and Morty posts on FB are getting me started and ready for a new season. Hope all had a great "hybernation" and look forward to the coming of BB 14~~~ love me my Big Brother Show!!animated_bouncy.gif

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lol... I think I get just as excited around this time of year

seeing the Old Timers and the Lurkers start popping their heads in

when the BB excitement level starts to rise.

One of my fav things is how we get bits and pieces of Info to chew

on before it even starts.

Bring it on :cheers:

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Guest 6Borders

I am ready for Big Brother! I got to work as a "star handler" in April at the Reality Rally and got to meet quite a few of the Big Brother former stars. Yes I even had to be nice to Evel Dick!! Rachel, Brendon, Adam (and his beautiful girlfriend Fara), Chelsea and Kevin were among a few.

Had a blast and raised a lot of money for Michelle's Place which supports breast cancer patients.

Well, congrats. I guess it it was raising a ton of money for a good cause I could pretend to be nice to Brenchel.

Always wondered, from someone who's been there and done that, what exactly a "star handler" does????

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