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Adam - Week 11 - Evicted 9/14 Jury #7


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should start planning for part 2

no way in hell he wins part 1 :animated_bouncy:

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Adam complaining about the size of the platform.

His feet were too big. Is that why he went down so fast?animated_rotfl.gif

That comp was totally unfair!!! It was specifically made for people who worked out all summer, don't smoke, eat healthy, have small feet and have used an egg beater.

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he is the biggest non player that has ever been on BB, they way he went back and forth is ridiculous, and don't think it did not fall on Jordan , she was onto him but was gonna use him for as much as her and rach could, cause noone coulda beat Rach or Jordan in f2, and it will not matter who goes with Rach if she wins the 2nd part she will win hands down, I personally do not even want to see either of the slackers even get 50 grand, they don t deserve it either one of them, adams attitude is like he is the best that ever played and thinks ed will agree, hell ed cannt stand this guy and not becasue of Dani either, I cant wait to see adams reaction to what ed says to him at the finale,lolol, I could not stomach this losers attitude for a while now and hope to see his sorry ass lose like the wussy boy he is

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Jordan handled her eviction very well but I soooooo didn't like the way she was talking to Adam in the HOH room. It sort of confirmed her sense of entitlement and expectations that others should allow her to win.

Adam was gracious about the whole thing, though he may of been doing so just to avoid pissing her off further and losing a possible jury vote. It appeared to me that he couldn't lie to her face so he went with the old 'not sure what I'm doing yet'.

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Jordan handled her eviction very well but I soooooo didn't like the way she was talking to Adam in the HOH room. It sort of confirmed her sense of entitlement and expectations that others should allow her to win.

Adam was gracious about the whole thing, though he may of been doing so just to avoid pissing her off further and losing a possible jury vote. It appeared to me that he couldn't lie to her face so he went with the old 'not sure what I'm doing yet'.

I didnt hear what was said in the hoh since i was not home yesterday , so I missed it

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(paraphrasing) She said to him you are going with them aren't you? He just kept smiling. I think he said I don't know yet. She said in a very nice sweet voice.. I can tell when you are not telling the truth. He kept smiling. Then I think she said Oooooooooh Adam.

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Some of you liked Adam from the beginning. I didn't. He is just not the sort of guy that I gravitate to for one reason or another. That is not to say that I don't wish him well in the game. I do. Adam came-through for himself, when needed. I admire that. I will say, however, that I do not believe that we have seen the real Adam Poach. He has played a guarded game.

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Some of you liked Adam from the beginning. I didn't. He is just not the sort of guy that I gravitate to for one reason or another. That is not to say that I don't wish him well in the game. I do. Adam came-through for himself, when needed. I admire that. I will say, however, that I do not believe that we have seen the real Adam Poach. He has played a guarded game.

He pretty much is playing a role that he wants us to see so I really don't know the real Adam. When he was HOH I noticed he was louder and little obnoxious and not anything like the shy stuttering Adam in the beginning of the game. I think he is a big wussy and played the safe game. Not my type of guy but it got him to the end. Adam you are no Jeff! :animated_bouncy: (sigh I really miss Jeff and his in your face game play)

That being said I would probably like Adam as an acquaintance outside the house.

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not me, I think he is as phony as the day is long

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