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BB 13 - Questions, Theories, Suggestions

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Let viewers vote which two to put up, but let the hg's choose who goes...

Let everyone but current HOH play in Veto comp

If someone is on the block and wins POV they get to name their replacement <<<Great idea slimcruz...

and I like bigguy117s idea of not telling what the vote was...

AND I like this one too...6. Dollar penalty out of your stipend for singing...

AND another stolen one...I'd even bring back letting all evictees see what really happens in the show before finale night.

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I've been saying this for years, the game needs to be more difficult and they need to up the prize money. This will weed out any wannabees. Washing laundry in a tub, eating slop, no prizes, no giftees for the duration and I betcha no pretty boys or princesses will apply.

I want it to be prison like without the cable, library books and $.50 meals.

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Why is it due to Daniele that the jury cannot see what really happened in the show? I had just started watching part time on Dick and Danielle's season, then I was hooked, but did not here about this.

In Season 2, most of the HG's talked with each other after the show, and gave the victory for the season to dr.will on the benefit of watching his diary rooms. In season 3, Daniele played an amazing game, complete with a secret alliance, etc but based on some of her DR comments, and footage, the hg's were angry enough at her, that they didn't vote for her to win in the end, even though she had arguably played the best game. So beginning in season 4 they had a jury house.

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Dani keeps referencing her friends in the DR that said they would quit if she was backdoored. Then Jeff kept saying that his DR's were brutal and they were really pushing him to talk to Dani. She claims that she is friends with these people outside the house. How fair is that?

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Lots of good ideals here. Some changes do need to be made to update the game. It's getting to predictable. I like:

1. Everyone paying in the POV except HOH and POV winner picking replacement.

2. Keeping the vote total secret. This would make it easier to play both sides and keep more suspense in the game

3. Definitely no returning HG.

4. No ridiculous superpowers and no special power/pass is good for more than 1 week.

5. Have a competition for have/havenots. Have/havenot will be for half a week so there will be a comp twice a week.

6. Absolutely no suggestions from production.

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Dani keeps referencing her friends in the DR that said they would quit if she was backdoored. Then Jeff kept saying that his DR's were brutal and they were really pushing him to talk to Dani. She claims that she is friends with these people outside the house. How fair is that?

Not. But why am I not surprised?

They might as well call it the Donato Show.

Seriously, why don't they just create a show around Dick and Daniele Donato?? and let BB be?

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I like some of the ideas that I saw on the Australian Big Brother. The voice of Big Brother played a much bigger part of the show. He would always chime in with respect "This is Big Brother, housemates, please go to the back yard...etc". You also heard the questions that were being asked in the DR. The last season they had a competition on the first day and the loser had to spend most of the summer in a van in the backyard. He could only come inside when given permission.

Big Brother Denmark would give them tasks that would take days to complete like gluing together a huge clay pot that was broken into many pieces.

The comps in the USA are pretty bland and have been used too many times. I like hiding the vote totals. Perhaps if you use the Veto you could also be the replacement.

America nominates one and the HOH nominates 2 is a possible suggestion. That would also give the hamsters and idea of how America feels.

Just a couple of thoughts....

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Dani keeps referencing her friends in the DR that said they would quit if she was backdoored. Then Jeff kept saying that his DR's were brutal and they were really pushing him to talk to Dani. She claims that she is friends with these people outside the house. How fair is that?

I feel the same way. Something needs to get cleared up about this. She should not be on the show if she has friends in the DR. I love Big Brother, however if this is how the game is played then I will not be watching any longer.

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When Dani got up today she asked if they had did any DR's yet. Why would she ask's that? Make's me suspicous that her "friends" in production she mentioned are waiting for her to get up before stirring up the house. I do not like the fact she knows anyone in production at all.

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Guest 6Borders

once again, sad that "the vets" get 25K to come back win lose or draw I guess, and everyone else gets Grodner left-overs!

Why should Jeff and Jordan be so special because they were BB cute (they were cute in their season maybe but he's a bully and she's the ultimate floater/idiot this season and they think they are all that) or Brenchel so special because they were BB GROSS and had sex more times than anyone BB continent to continent and Mars on the show????

I have in the past (my corner of America) voted for the fish, the spiders, the fish again and anyone who deserved it beyond this bunch of losers (the vets) and the wannabee's (Groder's new team if one or more are 1 and 2)

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With all the warnings that BB give about singing and not talking about production, etc., I think they need to come up with a new one.

When 2 people are whispering, and it can't be picked up on the feeds BB should say as an example, Dani, Porsche please quit whispering.

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With all the warnings that BB give about singing and not talking about production, etc., I think they need to come up with a new one.

When 2 people are whispering, and it can't be picked up on the feeds BB should say as an example, Dani, Porsche please quit whispering.

I think that they did that in the beginning. BB has gotten very lax about some things.

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OMG.....I was thinking the SAME thing.....if dani has "friends" in production, why aren't they telling her she needs to speak up (?) WE are not HGs, there's no one in or near the have not room.......WHY are they (now, Porche, too) whispering?

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I think the singing needs to stop. One way to do it is fine them and when they go to losing money maybe the singing will stop. Yes, you are correct-- they use to get in trouble for whispering.

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I have a random question.

Do you guys know if anyone who has regularly posted on this forum ever became a BB contestant?

And, vice versa, has anyone who now posts every played in the game?

(the former question is probably more likely to know)

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Guest 6Borders

Props Dept. would be my guess. I'm sure Grodner would be happy to sell it to you for...oh say 50K...LOL!!

This may be a silly question (or one that has been asked and answered) But does anyone know where the Couch in the HOH room came from, I really like it.

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This may be a silly question (or one that has been asked and answered) But does anyone know where the Couch in the HOH room came from, I really like it.

Try furniture.com...I THINK that's where I saw one if not EXACT, VERY similar. Also on one of the Bob's Furniture ads on TV here on the east coast I saw one similar. I like it too and it wouldanswr ALL my seating needs for the TV room I have!

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My suggestion would be to have the double eviction later on in the show. I think it happens too early. They should do it when the number of players is lower because lets face it live feeders get bored with less people in the house. It would be nice to have more weeks where the house is still fairly full.

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My suggestion would be to have the double eviction later on in the show. I think it happens too earlier. They should do it when the number of players is lower because lets face it live feeders get bored with less people in the house. It would be nice to have more weeks where the house is still fairly full.

Good idea. I wonder if there are any other twists? If BB really thinks things are not going "their way" would they make the HGs choose one of two doors for someone to return? Sort of hope not.

IMO, if this is rigged, then BB13 intended all the Vets to go to Jury and let remaining Newbies vie for big bucks. This whole mix of newbies/vets was dismal. Either all star or all new. Preferable they will pick newbies next time who know NOTHING about BB.

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What they need to do to get all the fans back and to prevent people from saying the show is manipulated or fixed is to have a big brother 3rd party with a list off all the twists they plan for the season. Each week the 3rd party would post yes CBS intends to give the next HOH pandoras box. So that it would ensure the game is not fixed. But knowing Allison this will never happen.

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1) ratings are high and the viewers are not leaving

2) So far this season has had less manipulation then past seasons. Pandora's box was an option for Porsche and Rachel won the POV comp fair and square. It was a competition that Porsche could have won very easily also.

I do like the idea of picking the twists in advance. If we knew the twists the season might not be as exciting.

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