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BB 13 - Questions, Theories, Suggestions

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Okay so what about this as a theory -- When Julie Chen told the HG about the Golden Key she said it was a "gift and a curse". What if the curse is that after all 4 keys are given those people that have been safe this whole time are the only ones that can be nominated next week?

Anyone got thoughts on that?

I like this. I would add to this that all 4 are nominated and just the 4 of them play in the POV. The 2 winners come off the block leaving the other 2 on.

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maybe its the people with the golden keys are the only ones competing in the hoh and the only people they can put up are the golden key holders! Wouldn't that make Danielle mad!!!!

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I have a general question about clothing. Earlier in the game I heard Porsche complaining that they took some of her clothes, including a few pairs of jeans. We all know that all she has been wearing is those ugly velor sweat suits. So why does Big Brother take their clothes? I can see if they brought clothes that are inparopriate to be on TV, such as too light colored shirts, shirts with logos on them, etc. But jeans? I also remember Ragan complaining about being left with only his "v-neck t-shirts" last season too. Anyone know?

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I think there have been 4 in total who returned after eviction.

Amy in BB3, Kaser in BB6, and then both Sharon and James in BB9.

Love to see Cassi return this year.

Me too! I know there are many out there who don't care for her, but I really liked her.

I like this. I would add to this that all 4 are nominated and just the 4 of them play in the POV. The 2 winners come off the block leaving the other 2 on.

Ooooo interesting!

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I wasn't a big Cassie fan because I never really got to see her compete but..... I would much rather she comes back then Dominic.

I could see a J&J and Shelly & Cassie alliance.

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I have a general question about clothing. Earlier in the game I heard Porsche complaining that they took some of her clothes, including a few pairs of jeans. We all know that all she has been wearing is those ugly velor sweat suits. So why does Big Brother take their clothes? I can see if they brought clothes that are inparopriate to be on TV, such as too light colored shirts, shirts with logos on them, etc. But jeans? I also remember Ragan complaining about being left with only his "v-neck t-shirts" last season too. Anyone know?

The only reason I could see for that is if they were an obvious brand. I know they make then cover certain tattoo's and any shirt with a brand logo. I would guess some jeans are specific in their style?

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I personally think they don't give them near enough alcohol. Take last night for example there was all kinds of tension in the house but Brenchel and Jordan go tuck their tails between there legs and take a nap in the have not room. What should have happened was they should have rolled in a keg, a couple bottle of patron, and a few boxes of wine. Give em some snacks don't start have nots till today and let em get S faced. How do we benefit from this we get drama nudity and stoopidity. I don't know what you guys want to see but those things are way up on my list. I know there is a safety concern but they have it controlled (mostly) on Rivals at least no one has ever been seriously injured.

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Everyone should play for veto. Sucks that some people are backdoored or have NO chance at all to save themselves (Cassi)

If you're the first to fall or be eliminated from an HOH competition, automatically a have-not.

Start making them compete for stuff like they used to, such as having to earn the privilege of using the hot tub.

Make more fun stuff, like how in season 6 rachel found the secret room.

Stop mixing old and new players. Sucks that the newbies this season didn't even have a chance.

Get rid of Grodner. Bring back Shapiro.

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I think Cassi is more popular than Dominic , but Dominic can allow for a better storyline in the show, if you get what I mean. When Cassi was evicted, #teamcassi was trending on twitter for several HOURS. Dominic was only trending for 30 min at most. Plus , i read alot of big brother message boards and Cassi is always in the lead. However, people are skeptical about her coming back because she will just side with Shelly/Jeff/Jordan. Dominic would obviously side with Dani, but people don't like how he basically let her bring his game down.

Idk, I would love both to come back personally. These were the only 2 newbies that had potential to me all season. Let them come back, do and do 2 double evictions down the road.

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Slow nite. Trivia forever then endless hours of Brenchel crying. The house is literally 12 shots of Patron and 10 beers from the best night of TV ever.

Did they used to give them more alcohol? I was on youtube watching a Janelle clip and she looked like she was pretty hammered.

I think that when people constantly sing or talk about DR there should be some sort of punishment. Unitard or something entertaining. Liven up all the down time.

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I'm hoping someone (Jeff) finds a secret GOLDEN DOUBLE VETO that allows him to remove 2 people from the block, and prevents him from being a replacement and Dani is forced to put 2 new people up for eviction. The vets would have the numbers to keep themselves safe - even if she put up Jordan and all would be right in my BB watching world. I just cant fathom watching Adam, Porscha, Kahlia, Shelly or Lawon making it to the end. Ahhhhhh - a girl can dream!

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No one would consider that a privilege since Kalia admitted to pissing in it.

I can't even understand why people would announce that to a small group of friends, let alone on national freakin tv with strangers. Nobody will ever get in a pool with that woman again.

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Guest Corky812

I hope NOT!

I saw someone post that Cassie isn't being sequestered...is this true?

Are we still expecting to have an evicted HG return?

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