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Big Brother Allstars 2


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I have a huge write up on this that I was planning on posting someday here is it is check it out let me know your thoughts.

My thought is nobody from seasons 1-6 would be back however they could give somebody like Cowboy or somebody else a shot maybe. I don't see anyway anyone is brought back for a 3rd season such as a Janie, Howie, Will, or Boogie. As great as it would be to see Dr. Will v Evil Dick it is never going to happen. I don't think anyone really deserves to be in that house more then 2 times. So here is my list.

Big Brother 8

Locks- These people I see as absolute locks to at least get called back whether they accept or not is another story.

Dick- One of the most popular players ever and he won the game with some very good game play. Also a little help from AP. No way you can do an all stars 2 without him.

Daniele- One of the better players as well. Her and her dad took the house by storm. She will definitely get called back however I think she potentially could say no.

Jessica- They already tried to get her back on this season. Definitely one of the most likable house guests ever and a solid player.

Eric- I think everyone would love to see Eric get another chance free from America's Player restrictions.

Potential- meaning they aren't locks, but could be all stars.

Zack- Made it to the final 3 and was a solid player.

Jen- Yes she was one of the more interesting house guests ever. Even though I don't like her she is likely to get called back.

Jameka- Made it to final 4 despite forfeiting 5 HOH's.

Analysis: That's all I see for season 8 I think Dick, Daniele, Jessica, and Eric definitely get back in if they want. Along with maybe Jen.



Chelsia- Loved by many and one of the more fiery house guests ever she will definitely get called back and I think she would go back in.

James- How can you have an all stars 2 without Crazy James?


Joshuah- Even though I loved him not convinced America loved him or the producers. He was definitely a good player and entertaining!!!!

Sharon- I absolutely love this girl not sure if America did I think they did, but not as convinced as I am on C&J. Even though J&S were my favs followed by C&J. Sharon played a great game though and deserves another shot.

Alex- America voted him to potentially go back in I think he was well liked enough to get another shot.

Amanda- Amanda is one of those one that grew on you over time.

Sheila- She made it to final 3 and played a decent game was like Michele this season really scrutinized. I think Dick and her could make a good alliance.

Natalie- Gnat was very different for sure I could see her getting another shot.

Ryan- Did make it to final 2 although I don't think he played a great game.

Adam- Won the game although like Ryan I think they both got lucky.

Analysis: Wow this season has a lot and I didn't even include Matty. This season I have my favorites, but then I think there are quite a few people that I didn't particularly care for that might be given another shot.



Dan- One of the most beloved winners of all time. One of the best players of all time you can't have an all stars 2 without him.

Memphis- With Dan comes his fellow Renegade sadly will never see Renegades v Chill Town probably.

Keesha- One of the most loved house guests of her season she did win America's Choice jury. She also played a pretty darn good game like the two aforementioned.

Brian- They already tried to get him back in the producers love him and think he deserves another shot. He might be the third renegade!!!!


Renny- Made it to the final 5 however while she was entertaining she is not one of the best players.

Michelle- I think they would love to see her back in just to cause trouble!!!! They would like to have her fiery mix back in the house.

Angie- I think she is a better player then she showed she is probably the Laura of last season out long before she should of been.

Jerry- Made it to the final 3 not sure if he would do it again though considering his age and stuff.

Analysis: I think I have this season pretty much spot on.



Jeff- America has pretty much loved him all season and he has played a decent game. Plus he is the eye candy for the ladies.


Laura- Much like I said about Angie above I think she will definitely be given a shot at coming back.

Ronnie- Was definitely game savy might be given another shot.

Casey- Gotta have an entertainer in there right.

Jordan- Just because she is cute and would bring joy to the house.

Kevin- Maybe the best player who is gay in the history of the game. Kevin would likely be given a shot to comeback.

Lydia- Much like Jordan maybe doesn't bring the best game, but they might bring her back for her uniqueness and also to hook up with Dick lol.

Michele- One of the better players of the season certainly would be on the short list of potential candidates.

Russell- The love muscle could definitely be given another chance. They would love his up front explosiveness in the house. Can you imagine a Dick v Russell fight?

Natalie- If she goes all the way and wins this thing she will be the running.

Definitely Not

Jessie- This would be his third shot not happening or very unlikely at least. Certainly not 3 summers in a row?

Chima- I think her days on any reality show is likely over. No way will Big Brother ever bring her back though I would be shocked just due to all her violations and the fact she actually got expelled.

Analysis: I see Jeff as the only real lock others are likely, but can't really say at this point anyone outside of him is a lock.

So a total breakdown shows this.













Analysis: I think these people get in either by America's vote or by the producers choice. I would assume they do it much like the last time let us vote on like 20 house guests put like our top 4 guys and gals in then the producers pick 4-6 players too.

So here is my total breakdown on what I think would happen then I guess.

Top 4 America's Choice Girls (in no order)





Top 4 America's Choice Guys (in no order)





Producers Choice







So I guess that would be my guess for the 14 house guests however I would be leaving of several that I would really want back in such as Joshuah, and a few others. Plus I don't have anyone on this list really that I don't like other then Jen so maybe I am being biased.

So what are your thoughts on another all stars season? I personally want to see one again maybe not next summer then the summer after. They could do a fans v favs, but then even less of our favs will be back in. What are your thoughts on my list feel free to tell me what you think. I won't be mad if you think I left someone off or don't agree.

I was just trying to think as unbiased as I could and come up with a list of potential all stars taking several things into account such as there popularity with America, there game play, and the potential of there chances to be called back by the producers.

Zach wasn't in Final 3. It was ED, Danielle, and Jameka.

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Zach wasn't in Final 3. It was ED, Danielle, and Jameka.

wrong zach lost to ed in last part of final hoh . ed then took daniele to final two

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wrong zach lost to ed in last part of final hoh . ed then took daniele to final two

I thought it was Jameka. For some reason I remember ED saying "Jameka you're outta here - Danielle, me and you have won this whole thing". But I stand corrected.

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No, Zack was definitely final three. He withstood Dick's biggest torrent of insults the entire season and won that final endurance like a champ.

Then he lost in the absolute bullshit final questions stuff they always do. I hate that competition more than any other. The questions are random and the answers are unpredictable where a jury member could just answer with the opposite that houseguests would expect them to, essentially making the final questions round a total lottery.

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Zach, Jameka, Dick, and Danielle were the final 4 that season. Eric and Jessica were sent packing on the fast forward week back to back if I can remember. Jameka forfeited 5 HOH's and still made it to final 4 not sure if that is good or bad. People may have kept her around just because she couldn't play in HOH.

However Zach was definitely in final 3 they kept him over Jameka!!!!

Yea I think my list is pretty good I mean you just have to look at what production is going to pick, and then who is likely to get voted back in per America. Then also who off the list who would not be voted in by America would definitely be put in by producers. Assuming they do it the same way as season 7 which is likely.

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WELL as a person who loved BB 1

I would love to see Brittany in all * stars 2 and Curtis

BB 2 Monica

BB 3 Amy

BB 4 Nathan, Jee

BB 5 Marvin, Karen, Nakomis

BB 6 Rachel, Sarah, Ashlea



BB 8 Carol, Dustin, Jen, Kail, Zach

BB 9 Allison, Alex, Parker, Natalie

BB 10 Libra, Keesha, Renny, Steven

BB 11 Michele, Laura, Jeff, Casey

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Eric (Love him, considering how far he got even with AP and the plane writing incident, I think he would do awesome. I think he is so underrated)

Jen ( She was interesting to me, so why not?)

ED (he's only okay to me, but it would be interesting to see him play without AP)

With a Jen/Dick combo, let the tea pouring begin!!!


Ryan (from what I saw, I liked his game play)

(I hated this season, so I stopped watching before they even got to jury)


Renny (She's Renny! Need I say more?)

Dan (I like him, and it would be interesting to see if he can pull a win off twice)

Michelle (without Jessie there, I think I would like her)

Memphis (I'm all about the Renegades, especially since they probably called themselves that because Memphis went to Florida State Uni)


Michele (Possibly played the best game this season, imo)

Russell (I don't know why, But I do love me some Russell, I do think he needs to turn down his antics if he gets another shot.)

Casey (My only problem with Casey is that he was always rocking the UF gear, but I liked him other then that)

Laura (If not kicked out by Ronnie week 2, she would have kicked major butt. So not the )

Kevin (Next time, he needs to step if up and be a little more bold, but imo, he played the game well. Plus his DR where classics!)

(I thought this season was going to suck and thought I wasn't going to like anyone, but then I realized I liked more people this year then I have since season 8)

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BB8 HG's



BB9 HG's







BB10 HG's





BB 11 HG's






This should be the pool that the cast is chosen from, I dont want any previous 1st or 2nd place winners coming back and dont ever bring Jessie back to reality TV.

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My Cast

BB8 Evel Dick

BB8 Daniele Donato

BB10 Dan

BB10 Keesha

BB10 Renny

BB9 Amanda

BB9 Josh

BB11 Kevin

BB11 Jeff

BB11 Jordan

BB8 Eric

BB8 Jen

BB8 Kail

BB9 James

If allowed more HG's then

BB8 Zach

BB9 Sharon

BB10 Jerry

BB11 Ronnie

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Marvin Latimer

Occupation: Mortician

Age: 36

Hometown: Conway, SC

Marital Status: Single

Motto: "Live a life with no regrets." Considers himself: "Maverick, mercurial, dynamic.Too real for some people." A gourmet chef. Appeared on "Weakest Link."

He also won a prize on BB to play a extra on The Young and The Restless...

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