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I'm not yet at a panic point, because this lie is based on truth! There is every indication that Russell will go for early strike, so why not beat him to the punch? Even though I strongly dislike Natalie and would love for her to go, I'm not averse to understanding the importance of getting out a very strong player over 3 weaker ones. They are just evaluating options and hedging their bets on getting this guy out.

Who cares if they believe the lie, when it's based on truth & causes them to really weigh their options?

I refuse to see this as a negative! :)

I don't believe Russell would come after J/J next week. He wants Kevin out first. Secondly, keeping Russell is keeping a huge target in the game. If Lydia or Kevin happen to win HOH they'll most likely nominate him.

It would be a ridiculously stupid move to get rid of him now and even out the playing field 3-3 (with only 2 competing for HOH next week).

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I wish Jordan would not tell so much info to Michelle, she can't be trusted either. What was up with her telling Jeff to tell Michelle what he heard (about Russell lie), not 5 minutes after Jeff said they shouldn't. I think she needs to hold her cards a little closer.

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Michelle has really been working on jordan to get her to vote russell out. Does anyone know who jordan decided to nominate? They kept going back and forth last night.

That's a stupid move on Michele's part. Without Russell Michele has no one to protect her. She's expendable to J&J, and will be the target of L/N/K. What is she thinking throwing Russell under the bus!?

If Russell goes this week Michele will follow him out the door next week.

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I wish Jordan would not tell so much info to Michelle, she can't be trusted either. What was up with her telling Jeff to tell Michelle what he heard (about Russell lie), not 5 minutes after Jeff said they shouldn't. I think she needs to hold her cards a little closer.

Jeff sat outside last night and told Kevin just about everything. Unbelievable.

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I would love to see Nat go.... Jeff win HOH, tell Russell what Kevin said... have the 2 guys confront Kevin, without the pitbull there Kevin will fold like a house of cards

Here Here Shipp!! Exactly, do it next week.


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Jordan has been great at reading people and I just wish Jeff would step back and listen to her. She told him they need Russell right now and Jeff will just not back down.

I hope she is seeing through michelle's lies right now. She just asked michelle do you swear russell has been saying this and she sort of shook her head yes, reached for her mike then reached for her cup.

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Jordan has been great at reading people and I just wish Jeff would step back and listen to her. She told him they need Russell right now and Jeff will just not back down.

And they say Jordan is dumb :animated_rotfl:

I still think she will listen to her gut and get NAT out .

I like J&J but I will LMAO if they are that stupid and fall for taking Russell out !

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The thing about Jordon is... she is her own person. She listens to Jeff's opinion... but does exactly what she thinks is right. As long as everyone backs off and gives her 5 mins to think... she will know what to do. She may not be a rocket scientist but, she understands people better than most! If J/J pull through this... it is not because of Jeff... Jordon will save his butt this time! (They could not do it with out each other!)

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Jordan hates Nat most of all. Nat and Lydia will go up. If Nat doesn't get saved by POV, then she will go to Jesse....Last night, Michele and Jordan got out crackers or something and counted how votes would fall in upcoming weeks without Russ.

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Russ even said in his DR that he is comfortable with the F4 situation he is in and going to do everyting in his power to keep it that way

EXACTLY! Why would he lie in a DR?

On top of that, if J/J/M backstabs Russel, they just 100% lost a jury vote. Jeff and Michelle NEED that jury vote to win because they have pissed off so many people.

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Dean..the way Russ/Michele/Lydia/Kevin and Natalie lie.....who knows who's telling Jeff/Jordan the truth...at this point about the only thing I would trust in that house to tell the truth is the CLOCK and it's probably fast!

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Like Morty stated on the update page yelling at the computer screen is probably something many are doing lately.

I wonder if we all yell loud enough if J/J will get the message.

One minute the light is on and they realize they need to keep Russell and maybe just maybe Kevin is lying. Next thing you know Jordan is telling Jeff she really likes Kevin. :bangin:

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