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Ronnie goes home!

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106 members have voted

  1. 1. Who/what will be more disappointed when Ronnie arrives home?

    • Wife
    • Cat

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Please vote and add your comments since we all know Ronnie the Weasel will be searching the web for interesting stuff on himself.

I want to add that the question is not relating to his losing the money, but just because he's home and the party is over for the cat and wife.

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Who wouldn't be disappointed in him? The way he acted and then the way he spoke to Michelle before he left!!

His little speech he gave was all about himself, he didn't describe her at all!! He started back stabbing her on day one

and the sad thing is, she was in his clique!! She was his team mate and he thru her under the bus constantly!!!!!

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His wife will be more disappointed...the cat will be glad to see the rat...as breakfast! :sneaky:

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I'm thinking they will both be sad..............but could only vote for one.

On the bright side, sounds like he doesn't have much interaction with either. If she thought he was spending too much time on the computer b4, she better get ready...........he'll be on day & night trying to refute all the trash that's been written about him and that could take years :lamo:

I predict a divorce, soon.

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Oh come on, y'all. You KNOW his wife is dying to get her hands back on his belly-button excavating self!

OK I just lost my dinner... puke.gif

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arrgghhh... clicked on his WIFE too soon...

forgot the poor Cat will have to share it's litter box again :glare:

( the only good thing about him lasting til Sequester House is that they'll both get a couple

more weeks of not having to listen to him making excuses for not winning 24/7 )

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gsn... CRAP, I thought for sure this was the 1st week someone would go to Sequester.

(you'd think after watching BB for sooo many years, I'd get this stuff straight... sorry :wacko: )

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On the other hand, who will actually be GLAD to see him??

I say his FRIENDS!

Oh wait . . . he has no friends.

Maybe his parents???

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Poor guy.

I watched an interview that someone poster with Howie adressing Ronnies mistakes, "Too hard, too fast, too soon."

His problem was that he never really built much of a report in the house with many people. Getting voted out when you are up against Lydia is really embarassing. I don't think anyone really likes or trusts her much. That's really not good when you go home against someone that's also not very good at this game either.

Ronnie never realized that in order to lie effectivly you have to tell the truth. That's why Michelle is ok in the game and Ronnie is an easy target.

Ronnie is really gonna feel used up when he sees Natalie go up on the block and Jessie, if he's not up there with her, fight tooth and nail to get her off. Jessie pretty much gave up on Ronnie the moment he went up.

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