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Known to his friends as "Russell the Lovemuscle," this commercial real-estate broker is certain to be a favorite in the BIG BROTHER house. Loud and brash, Russell holds nothing back and is always ready for a fight. In fact, his brash personality is probably his biggest asset outside the house, where he is a mixed martial arts fighter. He claims nothing scares him and that includes the game of BIG BROTHER.

Russell's biggest pet peeve is people who don

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I dont know what to think about him yet... Not into the fighting part, but then says he always likes to smile, which makes me thinks he is fun..

He will make it to Jury I believe.. But I have the right to change my opinion once I watch the interviews.

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will be on the block often

maybe bd

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I don't like his shaved head,you can see where his hair use to be...lol Maybe it's just a bad shave job.

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bd= backdoor

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1st Impression... Ool lala. But, I have feeling once he opens his mouth I'm going to lust after him the entire season or he's going to make me want to throw my laptop across the room. ;)

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He's very attractive but I don't think I'll like him. I hate that whole "tough guy" attitude. Or that whole, "I'm going to be loud so that incase you didn't notice me before, you'll notice me now" attention seeking behaviour. In just this brief introduction, I compare him to Jesse. Lame....

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Known to his friends as "Russell the Lovemuscle,"

Too much. I was on the fence when looking at his picture, but the above quote made me think of him as a cocky bastard.

Maybe it's just me...and I'm just wishing I had a cool name like "Joe the Jovialsoul" or something. I'll start talking to my friends about it later...it's got potential!

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Maybe it's just me...and I'm just wishing I had a cool name like "Joe the Jovialsoul" or something. I'll start talking to my friends about it later...it's got potential!

lol I like it!

But yeah, I think I rolled my eyes when I read Russell's slogan.

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For him

-he's done stupid things and paid for them - could be more inspirational than this interview appears. Anyone who worked to regain the ability to move after being paralyzed will probably have a body fixation - weght lifting, health etc. Not holding it against him.

-loved the laugh in the interview - made me think house teddy bear


-dumb jock potential which can be used against him in BD and pawn requests

-too loud for other guests to try and get to know him - gone quickly

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