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this is an easy one for me to give my prediction too pretty

no chance

but i reserve to change my predictions after i see cbs2 interview

but she seem like an airhead from early show vid i watched

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back again if she can play the dumb blonde she may stand a chance

but i will be back here after i watch their cbs2 interviews

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Yeah.. I just dont see her making it far for some reason...

she doesnt seem like she will have the stamina it takes to win.. looks like she might break down alot.

Of course, as always.. Let me watch the interviews first.

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1st Impression... won't be anything like she says in her bio.

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Reminds me of a mix between Allison and April. I really don't like how low-cut her shirt is in that photo, really rubs me the wrong way. It seems like she is trying too hard. And for some reason, I get the vibe she won't be liked. But who knows? I could be wrong.

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She's probably been sheltered most of her life if she lives in a small town. She probably thinks she's been out of her shell and the "party girl" but I think she'll have a new perspective on that when she's on the show and sees the other girls...especially that bikini chick who I see her either clashing with, or trying to be like.

I found it interesting that they put her sister in brackets. Are they not close or what?

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Is this sister a twist? Who cares really...

For her:

-can play sweet little ole southern gal to her hearts content and get male protectors out of the deal - stay virtuous and they'll all do what they can to keep her safe.

-may be playing a con game on the innocence and virtue which will work like a charm


-Laura will hate her and bring in the other 'good looking' gals against her.

-she'll be the first one under the sheets in a showmance if she stays that long grandfather watching or no. I interpret 'party girl' to mean exactly that, why else mention it? Could be bad for her in the long run to hook up. The protected gal is a better strategy.

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Still can't get over this:



Age: 22

From: Matthews, N.C.

Occupation: Waitress

Status: Single

Jen's Take: Jordan has to be the sweetest person of the season, at least from her first impression. She was one of the "Big Brother" recruits, which means that she had never seen an episode prior to a ... moremonth ago. She says that not having access to the world won't be that big of a deal considering that she doesn't have Internet access or a computer. Jordan is really excited to move into the house so she can have her own bed, as she currently shares with her mom. I'm hoping she makes it at least to the jury house so she can have the full experience, and so she can win some money to bring home. That said, I think the only chance she has of getting anywhere in this game is if others notice her sweetness and use her to further their own goals. People will see that she is not a threat.


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omg I was just coming to post the same thing!!! I was hung up on this part:

Jordan is really excited to move into the house so she can have her own bed, as she currently shares with her mom.

That makes me feel kind of sad...but also creeped out. Why is she sharing with her mom? Why isn't one sleeping on the floor? Or, do they take turns? And why isn't she sharing with her sister and leave the mom alone?!?!?!

I don't think this girl has what it takes to survive out there in the world on her own. I'm sure she's really nice and sweet, but being too innocent isn't the best either.

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