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Return of Evictees Speculation and Discussion


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Here's something else I thought of here. Usually when Julie talks to the evicted HG on the live show, she reminds the HG that we'll see you back her on Finale night... she didn't say that to Ashlea. Is that another clue?

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In BB3 when the house had the chance to vote to bring someone back

in they picked Amy. How about this time half way thru CBS lets

views decide on one or two houseguests go come back in. like

viewers get to vote on luxery item for house........... :lol: Could you

just immagine the looks on the houseguests faces if Michael came

thru the door.......Especially Erics if by some miricle he lasts that long :wink: Lets send CBS emails that we want to pick one to come

back in............. lol BEsides if they like stirring things up they'd

probably jump at the chance to bring Michael back.

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I agree Diva... From what it sounds like he asked to leave the night of the fight and they talked him into staying because he has said as much but that he told them the only way he would stay is if he had air time to set the record right...

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i would rather have ashlea back in than michael at this point but i am betting on one of my favorites, most likely janelle being voted off, so if she is then i would love for her to get voted back into the house and win this time!!(cause i really liked amy)

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Mike is gone... He has told them as much... he has said the only way he will stay until eviction night is that if he allowed to set the record right... Just for the record April, James and Ivette are sitting on the hammock right now talking about when Julie says he has one minute to say his goodbyes they aren't getting off the couch to walk him to the door...

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Mike is gone... He has told them as much... he has said the only way he will stay until eviction night is that if he allowed to set the record right... Just for the record April, James and Ivette are sitting on the hammock right now talking about when Julie says he has one minute to say his goodbyes they aren't getting off the couch to walk him to the door...

just shows you the type of people they are

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I do believe it is possible, but I don;t think Julie would have revealed the amount of money that could be won if a couple made it to the end, or that fact that there are all couples in the house, during Ashleas exit interview last week. I think the whole point of keeping the exact amount from the couples when they were casting, was to make them wonder. If anyone goes back in that has been given the exact amounts, they would tell and that would be the end of it.

That doesn't mean that evicted HG's may not play some part in the future, but I just don;t think they are going to let anyone back in that knows too much of the "SOS".

Also, I do think the gumball machine is key to opening the safes, but I don;t think this is the week for it. I think this week was the gym. They have to spread the surprises out over the course of the show.

It pisses me off as much as manyone else that Michael is not gonna get some vengeance, but hey, we never know. Maybe, by some stroke of genious, Howie maybe got Rachel to vote for him, maybe James and Sarah, that would only be 4, so 2 more would be need for a win and 1 more for a tie, which we all know would go with Eric choosing Mike.

Mike has no hope (partially his own fault for giving up), unless there is a major twist, which I don;t expect because it would make it look like BB was interferring too much.



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yeah......its a sad day for bb6 watchers.....without all the "drama" what is bb gonna air on the shows? a bunch of barbies complaining about cramps and pms....and then of course their various plastic surgeries? yeah, sounds like GREAT future shows are in the works....lol. :roll: :roll:

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did anyone notice that ashlea's loved ones werent there when she got evicted, for the "not sequestered" evictions they usually bring out a friend or family member to greet them, the only other time the first person evicted wasn't greeted was season 3 Lorie, then tonya, then amy, then eric...and then amy was brought back...could this be the twist? Last season, early on i remember Mike "the don"'s daughter coming and he was evicted first, so it struck me as odd, anbody else?

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As I recall, the evictees did not have family members meet them last season. Jase did have Holly though.

I am thinking that maybe if possible, they will have their previously evicted partner there as the show progresses.

To be seen...

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last season mike had his kids come, lori had her parent come, holly had her mom come (i think) and jase had holly and scott had his like step mom come...then there was the sequester house so no more relatives

season 4 was amanda michelle dave and..? but the ones that didnt make it in the sequester house had relatives come

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You know, I noticed Julie eluding to that at the end of the show. I wonder if there is a secret twist. Here is what I was thinking, anyone on the block can unlock the safe. If they do, they can remove themselves, but in order to do that, they would have to choose an evicted houseguest to take their place on the block.

think about this, Could Eric give into his ego enough to save himself, but risk having Mike back? LOL

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Guest jimmydot

I don't know... I wish he would be... but I think that they would have said something tonight... also why did they show nothing about them trying to crack the safe.... it would have been interesting t.v...

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