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Return of Evictees Speculation and Discussion


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Guest Witness

A few things I noticed since the Ashlea eviction really makes me think they're going to allow an evictee back in.

1) During "House Calls", Marcelus and Michael both kept looking over to what I assume was the "handler" as to what Marcelus could say and absolutely nothing was said about what was happening after he left.

2) A new house on a new lot that nobody knows could so easily be designed with adjoining rooms.

3) "Lock downs" have been more frequent from the backyard, even when nothing was being set up. Purhaps to give evictees chance for air without leting them scream over the wall.

4) Most Importantly - Hasn't anyone noticed that during the closing interview with Julie, BB ONLY shown the evictee the message from their partner. Every other year they showed messages from all the house guests, good or bad.

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I did too white phenoix .. when people started to ask what was the point if your partner was evicted .. I said there would be an inviction to try to reunite a pair for another shot at winning the big prize.

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Guest WatchingInIndy

I just thought of something... IF they are sequestering the evictees then... LOL... I wish I could see live feed of Eric and Michael's time in that sequestering area. LMAO.... That would be too funny. But, if they are planning on bring back in a evictee.... I SURE HOPE that it isn't Eric. I do however think it would be neat to see Janelle's face if they brought Michael back in.

Another thought... wouldn't it be interesting if at the end each individual "pair" that came into the the house competed against the other "pairs" in a final round to see who would be the ultimate winners. Unlikely that would happen, but... never know.

Tammy in Indy

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I'm not sure what it is exactly is going on with the evictee's but, it's obvious something is going on.

Whether all houseguests go to sequester house or someone is getting Invicted.

1) Julie's reaction to Ashleas something about going back into the house.

2) No family members there to meet the evicted houseguests

3) Housecalls doesn't let the evicted houseguest talk to live callers.

4) Housecalls has to be careful of what they say to the evicted houseguests. (Notice they didn't mention anything about Kaysar winning HOH.)

Those are some of the reasons why it's obvious something is going on.... exactly what... I hope we find out soon. :D

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I am not new to Morty's but new to posting. If this question has been addressed please forgive this old lady.

Do you think, because Julie Chen will announce to the houseguests that each of them came in with pairs (like they really need this to be announced) and if they make it as a pair to the end the prize is a million dollars, that this will allow the opportunity to let the evicted house guests to re-enter the game and they can all once again try, as pairs, to try and make it to the end? Or do you think maybe they will have some special HOH contest when the winner gets to invite his partner back into the game? Somehow, it just does not seem fair that the ones left in the house will know what they are fighting for as pairs now, and the evicted ones partners had no clue? Does any of this make sense?

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Guest princessmean1

nothing BB does makes any sense. if u have been reading the live feeds you would know that April, Jen, Beau and Ivette still havent admitted they are partners. I just wonder where they are "hiding" the HG that have left. I hope BB doesn't put Eric and Michael together if they are hiding them somewhere!

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nothing BB does makes any sense.  if u have been reading the live feeds you would know that April, Jen, Beau and Ivette still havent admitted they are partners.  I just wonder where they are "hiding" the HG that have left.  I hope BB doesn't put Eric and Michael together if they are hiding them somewhere!

I thought they admitted it early early this morning? Just not about how well they know each other

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I think all the house guests now know they are playing in pairs and who those pairs are, but they don't know the prize is a million dollars if the pair makes it to the end. My point was that Jan and Kaysar and Maggie and maybe whomever is evicted next week should be allowed to play a competition that would allow their partners back in the game. That would at least allow them to compete as partners again for the million! I think that is why the interviews for the evictees on House Calls are so short and they won't allow any live callers to call in, because they don't want them to drop any clues. I also think Marcellus and Gretchen know more than they let on! But, that is part of their job.

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By Sunday morning all the HG's had admitted they came in in pairs... Some of them didn't reveal how they really know each other though...

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Julie said to Michael, "You never know what happens in the summer of secrets so we will stay tuned to see what unfolds."

I hope that there is a way that Michael will return to the game! Maybe Kaysar will open a safe and find a "return one person to the game" card!

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Guest Witness

Anything could happen, chances are, they would never sequester Michael and Eric to the same house. They's probably do it more like BB3, sequestering each one to a separate location.

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Well since they are revealing the pairs to the HG so soon I do suspect there will be an even bigger twist around week 7 or so to shake things up a little more. This may very well be the twist we are all waiting on.

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I hope they dont come back. They had a chance and one way or another they blew it. It would have been fun to see what would have happened had they stayed but they didnt and the game went on. Sure, the mood will change when Cappoleon is gone (still my favorite name for him) but someone else will step up and we will all go on to find someone else to rag on. However......since they are playing in pairs, maybe a brief cameo re-entry where they had a set amount of time to spill the beans to thier partners about whats going on, who said what, how they might change their plan of attack. But that would only work if ALL the pairs lost one.

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I'm not sure if it's gonna happen or not, but the way Julie has acted with the outgoing houseguests (Mike, Ashlea....hopefully not Eric) she made it seem like they could Return. So Basically which houseguest would you like to see return and why.Or do you not want to see any houseguest return at all. Earlier this week I would've loved to see Mike return to the show, but now that Kaysar and the final 6 seem set, I think it might upset the current balance/mood in the house.

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It would be hard to do it fairly with the extra money going to the pairs if they make it to the finals. Unless maybe in the safe is a card that says "Partner Returns" or something to that effect.

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Guest CaliZona81900

Anyone heard anything from Ashlea or Michael other than House Calls? Could they be sequestered together? Wouldn't it be funny if they hooked-up outside the house and Kaysar and Janelle got together in the house? Anything could happen in BB.

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Guest Witness

I doubt they'd be sequestered together. More like season 3 when they sent the sequestered guests to diffrent spots. Although, it would be more interesting if they sequestered them to the same locale and Eric had to join Michael where ever he's at now. That would be worth the cost of the live feeds. LOL :P

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Guest ranster627

Michael gave an interview to TV Guide today ... check the Media thread in this forum ... I personally do not think they are sequestered ... maybe she is because I have heard nothing from her, but I think he isn't ...

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