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About fromthedamage

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  1. It wouldn't be the same without her, I don't think she should be replaced. Especially with some of the choices you gave. Replacing her with one of them would be like replacing Simon Cowell with that kid John with the red hair on American Idol or replacing Jeff Probst with B.B. from the first season of Survivor. And even though I can't stand him, it would be like getting rid of Nol
  2. I think you can tell just by watching the show that Eric is a complete ass. I knew that before I read anything on here.
  3. Ha ha I'm with you on that one Marcellas. I'd do James too...if he wasn't like 9 years older than me.
  4. I don't think James was lying about originally having another partner. It makes sense that it was originally gonna be a guy because they usually have an even number of guys and girls or one more of one gender than the other. If James had come into the house with a guy there would've been seven guys and seven girls.
  5. Yeah they were really boring. I guess Michael and Janelle must've been off by themselves somewhere when most of the pictures were being taken, they're only in like five pictures. Well Janelle was in five, Michael was in two.
  6. I noticed him saying that and wondered why nobody was waiting for the ball to come out of the hole. I didn't notice Michael or Janelle waiting though, but my screen was fuzzy (crappy rabbit ear antenna) so I couldn't see it very well.
  7. Do you mean Will from season 2? I thought he was hot, definitely hotter than any of the guys from this season.
  8. I know lol. The other day I was seeing how many names I could remember from each season (yes, I was extremely bored lol) and I totally blanked on like half the people from the first season. I remembered George, Jamie, Josh, Curtis, Jordan and Eddie but that was it.
  9. Me and I don't really care who else. I haven't been here long enough to know anybody by screen name yet. I think it would be interesting enough with just me though lol.
  10. I think that was in season one, it was Jamie's boyfriend who sent the message.
  11. I don't see why he would. If Eric knows who all of the pairs are he'd probably put Sarah up in place of whoever was taken off.
  12. I think Eric...so obviously also Ivette and April...will try to get rid of James next. He'll probably convince everyone James is a narc or something and he's going to report back to the FBI or CIA...whatever...everything that he heard in the house about illegal activity.
  13. I think he's pretty much only interested in himself and he'll take attention any way he can get it. He's Howiesexual.
  14. I think it would be amusing to lock Eric in a room by himself for a day. What on earth would he do without his "team" to listen to his sob stories and take his orders? He's already crazy, it might just put him over the edge.



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