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Libra - Week 2


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She does make things exciting, though.

I agree! I was laughing my butt off at the way she was going-off on Jerry and Renny! And how they were holding their own and didn't back down from her!

I hope BB shows it on the show so everyone can enjoy it.

jmho :pixiedust:

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1:45PM BBT: Libra is talking to Renny in HoH about food competition. It apparently involved pouring wine into a bottle without spilling it and she complains to Renny that they had the two older people on their team and maybe BB should have had Renny on one team and Jerry on the other

that is what was posted on the main page the day of the food comp. I love the way Libra denies she said something she most obviously did...

AND I love the fact that Renny (as annoying as she is) can hold her own against this bully. :boxing:

Kudos Renny :clap:

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Her personality is exactly how I imagined it to be. Sometimes I end up liking the person I didn't in the beginning. I doubt she'll be one of those...

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Obviously Libra's Psychiatrist thought having a couple of litters would calm the bitch down. It didnt work! Spaying should have been the first option!

If these fools keep her one week longer they deserve the hell they'll be going through. What a bunch of clueless nutcases. :maleficent::maleficent::giljotiini::furious3::cookoo:

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I bet her old man is hoping she wins the damn money and stays the hell in L.A.!!!

And re: Jerry vs. Libra...Jer messed up, he should have said that's what Michelle said!!!! Imagine that mushroom cloud!!! I just wondering when Libra's gonna start hitting people...then can she have an instant eviction??????

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$10 says she gets backdoored at the last second. Steven would cause less turmoil, while Libra creates it on a daily basis through both being heavily paranoid of relatively harmless Angie and delusions of grandeur through her manipulations everybody is well aware of.

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Snan typed: "Libra said she takes seperate vacations from her husband or they would suffocate each other "

She also takes separate vacations from her kids.

So, it's no big deal she's gone...the hubby is use to it.

Nice for THEM! Imagine having that loser around 24/7? He proably PAID her to get on BB.

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Libra said she takes seperate vacations from her husband or they would suffocate each other

If she keeps it up, the suffocation could possibly occur before she ever even leaves the house... Hubby wouldn't even get the chance, lol...

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Libra's certainly not an "average woman" She definately beats to her own drum.

I wish I could insert an emoticon that beats a drum. The closest I could find was the band :)

BTW- how are the emoticons made and by whom? I'm just curious. I obviously don't know much about computers and technology which is sad, but true. :)

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