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America's Choice Results In James Returning


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I really don't care who came in or who left but the whole thing was just very stupid as many have already said. I would be pissed if I was kicked out in week one and held on all this time for a lame "twist" that really did not mean anything.

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The pea brain producers played up the romance part of James and Chelsia and her crying goodbye to James. The producers would like nothing more then a raunchy sex show for the audience.

I am still wondering why they did not tell the HG who the winner of America's choice was after they chose James. I found that strange.

I think "America" got screwed and our voting was nullified by what the producers wanted. Our votes were a joke.


i agree that america's vote meant nothing and that bb is twisting the game the way they want it to go. i disagree about bb wanting a raunchy sex show...every time james and chelsia start kissing on the live feeds, the camera moves away. buggers!


If James left and Alex returned, James fans would be crying foul. CBS hasn;t had a fan poll all season so I doubt the legitimacy of the entire thing. Besides, how hard would it be to convince me that Alex or any returning guest was completely oblivious to the goings-on in the house.

It was a crappy twist last week breaking up the couples and letting Ryan stay. The break uo should have happened for the final 4, to be fair.


How much more damage can they do to a season that was damaged from the beginning?!? I am sooooooo pi$$ed. I never wanted to believe that the show was manipulated by the producers but after last night, I am so totally convinced that it is.

That was just wrong. Not only to the viewers but also to Alex and the rest of the sequestered HGs.

Just plain wrong is what it is.

I have passed this train wreck. Move along folks, there's nothing to see here.


That petition is priceless.

26 votes, and the comments are hysterical.

Someone felt they were cheated because they spent all day voting for Alex..another said they voted Alex 500 times.



Next time they have an America's Choice, no one should vote. This was the proverbial straw that made me change the channel as soon as the decision was final. I have no interest in watching the rest of this crap. I feel used and abused and I'm pissed.


The petition was just posted at Alex My Space in the middle of the night. The link was broken that they sent out but I fixed it.


OMG, I'm over everyone complaining about this... If you're unhappy with the show then don't watch. BB has done and will do what they want regardless of what America wants...

Go James!


This thread is named "america's choice results in James returning". Don't know why, but I basically feel that it was the HG's choice that resulted in James returning. They could of taken a chance on the mystery guest, but fear of the likes of Jacob, Allison, Amanda etc, stopped most. Their vote, their choice. Ryan hoped for Jen, Matt for Alex and Sheila for Allison..that's why they took chance and said Mystery Guest.

I personally liked the twist, though wanted Parker, and still feel there is more to come ..... as long as that siren is in working order....I think we will hear it again.

Just My Two Cents :animated_bouncy:


Look at all the excitement and controversy this has caused. Don't you think this is exactly what they (BB Producers) were looking for. Do we want a house full of boring people - Ryan, Sharon and Alex or do we want something we can talk about.


It appears that some people are happy with the scummiest HG and think someone like Alex is boring because he is not part of the sex show. I give Alex more credit that that. I think with normal people he would thrive.


I don't think that texting was an option in this AC. I thought it was odd when I noticed that after one of the shows. They probably did that because they knew that everyone would be mad if they spent the texting money.

That being said, I was very happy with the results!


It is not just about the sex that makes it an interesting show. My family just watches the show on CBS three nights a week, they do not go to any website, message boards or BBAD and they love it. They are not seeing all the sexual stuff we see and hear about. What kind of show can they produce three days a week if nothing is going on. I have seen past BB that is so predictable and boring. This season is not boring so far and I would hate to see it go that way.


It is all a matter of perception. To me this year sucks. I have enjoyed many other seasons that were all about scheming and competition. The Big Brother shows that are played with brawn and brain to me are what I enjoy seeing. The sex show that they are putting on now are not my cup of tea.


Exactly Marty.

What's even more disturbing is the blatant way in which producers have been editing this show. What we see on the live feeds and what we see on Sunday/Tuesday/Wednesday are hardly parallel.

Where was the pickle juice clip and the "stinky cooch" that should have aired last night following the veto ceremony?

I know some, maybe most may not agree, but I feel that James and Chelsia SPECIFICALLY are getting a hell of a deal in the editing department.

I know some, maybe most may not agree, but I feel that James and Chelsia SPECIFICALLY are getting a hell of a deal in the editing department.

Oh I so agree. It was so apparent last night. I never really fell for the BB fixed theory before but I DO NOW!


You'll notice almost everyone who thinks this was OK in this thread are James fans. I wish they would cut out the bias and imagine if it was Matt who was evicted and came back. I'd put money on it that they wouldn't be happy with this decision.



I have no problem admitting my saltiness for the mere fact that I'm far from a James/Chelsia/Joshua shipper.

I actually don't feel like I'm anyones shipper, but those 3 are my least favorite of the bunch.


I commented that they didn't show any of Chelsia's bad clips last night.

Look, I know some of you don't want to hear this but with Alison Grodner here, she WANTS couples to win. This is why Dick and Dani were pushed so hard by producers last year and that is why James and Chelsia are starting to be pushed hard. There is nothing more that Alison Grodner would love to see than a James and Chelsia final 2.

For whatever reason, Grodner loves pairs.

Oh I so agree. It was so apparent last night. I never really fell for the BB fixed theory before but I DO NOW!

Do you mind if I ask -- is it because they gave James/Chelsia a nicer edit (as the post you quoted said), or because the House Guests voted back in James and disregarded America's choice?


they want to have storyline of guy who helping charity wins

and at finale james will say i give some on my winnings away


Both but more so because they gave James the opportunity to come back in the house. Why? The build up was all week was that America got to chose who went back in the house. We did not get to vote for James. It appeared that this James twist going back in the house was poorly put together.


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