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America's Choice Results In James Returning


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America's choice...bah!

waste of time.

...and why the h3ll did Natalie vote for James to return? Matty's not going to like it.... :animated_rotfl:

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I am mad, I voted for Alex and what is the point of having the vote if they aren't going to put it to use.....next time they want to have America vote for something why would anyone vote?


nat is a nutcase

imho she is way more clinical them amber ever was

matt better bd her out the first chance he gets


Well you just answered your own question... Matty didn't have time to tell poor little Nat what to do...


I didn't want any of them back in the house. So I don't care either way. The ONLY thing I am rooting for in BB is to see Matt and Natalie out of that house period! SO do I feel cheated? NO.


WHAT SHOWMANCE??? They are 2 little immature kids who don't have a clue about anything..Wait until one has the chance to screw the other one over and it will be done in a heartbeat...Personally i find it very disturbing to even watch them together--i find them sooo gross...Wait until Chelsea gets out of the house and sees how discusting James really is!

imho she is way more clinical them amber ever was

completely agree


its a showmance julie said boyfriend

i dont get it

but bb was playing up this showmance the entire show

Well you just answered your own question... Matty didn't have time to tell poor little Nat what to do...

how he was right there talking to her


Natalie was trying to ask Matt what to do and he was ignoring her so I think she got mad and showed him. He was mad about Julie asking about their relationship and he wanted to distance himself from her.


i would distance myself too

that chick is a mental case


i wanted to at least see the look on Matt's face when he found out it was Alex. This is so ridiculous! Now we are back to square one! stupid.


Thing is, someone said it before all of this went down ... Julie and the announcer stressed that we were were voting for an evicted HG to have a CHANCE to come back into the house. Alex got his chance and the HG's screwed him over. I'm pissed about it and still think BB wronged America, BUT the more I think about it, the more we should have seen it coming. <_<


Not only do I feel cheated I feel like cancelling my feeds! Allison whatever-her-last-name-is is ruining the best reality game. James got voted out fair and square but no they had to have the continuous lovey-dovey crap between James and chelsia. I had a feeling the producers were going to find a way to keep him.

I know this show isn't fair but i'm really pissed off right now.


i hate when show plays on one word

reminds me of some college test i got bad grades on because of playing on words


So am I GQtaste......grrrrrrrrrrrr......

Sooooooo disappointed!!!!!!

and watch, James will win the HOH......

well, James or Chelsia.....just for the revenge....



it is a bunch of BS. If they say you can bring in a new HG, bring them in. Don't tease us. All last week was wasted and now the once very unpowerful and shockened group of Joshuah, Chelsia, Sharon, and James could now be in complete control. If they just brought in alex instead of this dumb twist, that would have changed it completely. It would have strengthened Matt, Ryan and Adam while still depleting the other group. Pure BS!


The twist was AWESOME.

I am so glad James is back in and hopefully he wins HoH and has a reign of terror.

Matt calling himself the King tonight was too much.

Natalie (who he HATES) is his only chance now.

This is great.

And everyone online up in arms is the icing on the cake.


How would they have broken a tie if the votes ended up 4/4?

again dr would have voted to break tie

bb clearly wanted james there

i wouldnt put it pass them to have payed either adam or nat under table


I think they still have to use Alex...maybe a bit later on.....because how will they ever get us to vote ever again if they don't use our votes


its clear alex was too boring for bb to have back

i dont see how they will use him now

tonight was chance to bring some one back

i dont see them bring back now chance has past


well why wouldn't they have said who it was to the houseguests then after they got James in the house then? just wondering, its funny don't you think


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