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CA NOW Issued An Action Alert To Its Members To Contact Cbs About Dicks Behaviour.


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Before anyone says something like this can have zero effect, that's what lots thought in BB across the pond. That was before it started showing up all over the news because of the racist comments by some guests and it became a national big deal over there.

Basically, anything can happen.

If I told any woman that I wanted to stick my ____ in her ass until it bleeds, that's sexual harassment. Anything in a contract you sign that contradicts the law is invalid. People need to keep that in mind too. I just get the impression these reality shows think they can do and allow anything because no one has really said anything. Well someone finally said something in BB Europe and now a large organization is finally saying something here. Good for them.

Drama is fun. Vile comments like the above, however, is not fun. It's sick.

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I would actually prefer them to march and picket outside the BB house (if they can) and start a plane banner campaign. Seriously.

I'm actually glad this is happening...maybe CBS will go back to Big Brother instead of the Dick & Dani Show.

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As much "entertainment" as Dick has provided us with I have trouble justifying that BB has let his behaviour slide without doing anything. I know most will say then simply turn the channel or that they are characters in a TV show, it's not reality. Matter of fact I've even said it myself. Yes I should but it's like a fire, I watch in disbelief. Problem is I know it's wrong.

I couldn't agree more Xal.

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Did Dick actually say that to Jen????? Oh my goodness!

He said it to Jen, Kain and Dustin.

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I don't think much will come of it either... while I don't agree with things that dick has said and done...I also know that many of the other houseguests have said horrible nasty things about each other... and although they aren't "in your face" with it the people they've talked about will eventually see it and hear it... it may not be exactly the same.. but they could just as easily claim it caused them mental anguish or whatever... I'm certain cbs has a team of lawyers doing nothing but going over everything that's said and done in the house, deciding if it's alright or not.. or wether or not legal action could come of it... and wether or not they should take the risk.... and given what's been shown on tv, they've decided that for now, they can get away with letting it go... JMO

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I just sent this information to Greta Van Susteren and Bill O'Reilly and Hannity & Colmes at Fox news.

I also sent it to a couple different shows at CNN, NBC, and ABC. Then I sent the info over to the Associated Press as well.

Dick really needs to be kicked out of the house for all the abuse the has done.

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I think it highly possible that it was set up as a vehicle for Jen to use when she gets out. Perhaps even by an extended group of Chill Town backers.

I am not condoning Dick's behavior or commenting on how CBS is or is not handling the issue within the house. I am saying that when it comes to the world of television, money is always the object. And publicity is publicity. Fanning the flames is just what somebody wants.

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Money is the object which is why CBS should know that Jen could file a lawsuit against them for not protecting her against her abuser. And before anyone jumps in with this. . . no, the victim shouldn't have to forfeit her winnings and leave on her own accord.

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bb in deep water now :food-smiley-005:

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i don't agree or condone the things that dick has done, but this is like everyone calling the hospital to have maggie fired for the things she said. this is TV. they are there for a game and entertainment value. none of us know the real dick. none of us know that he acts anything like this person he is on the show on the outside. case and point is Dr. Will. he is really nothing like the "character" he became when he entered that house. he's really very shy and professional. it's TV people. it's entertainment. we don't know these people on the outside, so why try to ruin their lives over a game and what you see on that big boob tube. (and i'm not talking about jessica's chest)

dick knows about every season of bb. he knows the game very well. he knows the camera sees and hears everything. he plays the game, and cbs will let him.

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Shelly, the problem is this is tv called "reality". When you allow things like this to occur on a "reality show", it sends a bad message to the public. This isn't a movie with actors (at least it's not supposed to be).

In a movie when people say things like Dick has said, everyone knows it's wrong and he's a guy you're supposed to hate who usually gets his at the end. In a reality show without actors, it's supposedly "real life". This is, after all, what BB has been promoting their show as for 5 years, real life drama of what happens when you put a bunch of people in a house together and eavesdrop. The bad guy is NOT getting his like in the movies. As a matter of fact, countless Americans are PRAISING him.

THAT is why NOW is doing this. The simple fact that thousands if not hundreds of thousands of people think it's OK to treat other human beings like that is unsettling. NOW's whole purpose is to get RID of this attitude about women from the American way of life but sadly, it's all too familiar to anyone who hasn't lived in a bubble all their lives that this type of thing DOES go on. The simple fact it's being broadcast on television and many people support the behavior just makes it worse.

I know it's the responsibility of parents but do you have any idea how many kids watch this show and have seen the way some of the people have been treated by Dick? Can you imagine some of these irresponsible parents cheering for Dick and their kids suddenly thinking it's OK?

This DOES go on no matter what anyone thinks. People need to stop being naive about it.

In case anyone doesn't get what I'm saying, I'll sum it up thusly. In America today, many people think it's OK to turn a blind eye when a man says something like "I'm going to rape your ass until you bleed to death". Hell, some applaud talk like that. NOW has been trying to change this attitude for decades now and this is just another semi-high profile way to do so.

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Hopefully something happens regarding this situation. I think is Jen is smart, she can do the alk show route bad mouthing and exposing BB for their cheap tactics and also talk to them about her abuse that she recieved from Dick.

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^^ I am sorry but this silly tv show is the real deal. Dick is like that in realoty. He is vile and nasty and treats women horribly. He supposidly has a criminal record as well. This should not be the type of person a big name tv channel should promote. Cannot wait till he is out.

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how many "reality" shows do you know of that are really real?

bachelor? they never get married

survivor? who get stranded on an island these days

Amercan idol? america votes=popularity contest

the apprentice? trump=chump

the real world? all about drama

if we are going to get up in arms about everything everyone says or does on these shows then amber needs to be kicked out for her views on jews. howie should have been kicked off for his rant against busto. kaysar and the lesbian almost came to blows. what about mike boogie and his treatment of women?

i said i don't condone or even like the way dick acts...but it's all for entertainment and cbs will do nothing.

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I agree erin, it's pretty funny. You would think this NOW organization, who I have never heard of in my life, would be out there protecting truly battered women instead of worrying about some silly TV show animated_rotfl.gif

You're a woman and you've never heard of NOW? Gee, they have only been around for 40 years promoting women's rights and women's causes. They often go off the deep end but they have done a lot of good for women.

Just a bit of their current agenda is...

* Advancing Reproductive Freedom

* Promoting Diversity & Ending Racism

* Stopping Violence Against Women

* Ensuring Economic Justice

* Winning Lesbian Rights

* Achieving Constitutional Equality

I'm going to stop now before I say something severe I will truly regret and perhaps get me banned.

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don imus was just like cbs until he got the ax. cbs if they smart they better rigged the game like they always do and get dick out while they still ahead jmho :lol:

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