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America Is Playing For Dick, Not Eric!


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Have you noticed this? America isn't playing to further Eric's game, but to further Dick's. We are against anyone who is against Dick. Week 2,3,4. We kept trying to get Jen and Kail out of the house because they were the #1 enemy of Dick (and Dani). Once Dick and Jen patched things up in Week 5, we wanted our own AP out. Week 6, I'm pretty sure we are gonna want Dustin out!! (at least I hope) But my point is none of this furthers Eric's game, but rather Dicks. Dick is by far the most popular houseguest with a popularity of 30%, no one is even close to him. The closest person is Daniele at 14 %, then Jen, then Eric. I find this all amusing in a twisted sort of way. I don't think this is what CBS expected when they came up with the idea of America's Player. What do you all think?

(I know there are a lot that don't like dick on this board, and when i say "we" i mean the majority...not everyone)

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I think CBS full well knew that ANOTHER player would be the beneficiary of AP.

I just don't think they would have thought it would be Dick!

They should switch players now.

See how Dick likes not being able to make his own moves!

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I too am playing for Dick :2thumbsup:

I agree that America seems to be going against Eric & making him play for Dick too. After Sunday's TV show Dick's popularity jumped up a lot in the CBS poll. If Dick stays or goes hopefully Eric will figure this out & try to get out of the L&C because that is his only chance.

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Yes, using Eric to vote in ways that helps ED, even if it gets Eric voted out.

Eric is his own worst enemy in this game, he never shuts the F' up. I have no doubt he was cast because during casting interviews he would get on one of his roles and not stop. You can see a interviewer\producer saying to one his colleagues "You got to check this guy out, totally brutal"

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i not apart of that crew

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Eric has no chance if he ends up having to vote Dustin this week.

I really think this whole AP thing was atest of sorts. Back in season 1, the viewers voted the players out each week. America made stupid decisions that season and so CBS retooled the show and took the power out of our hands.

Everyone complained every season that "We should have a say, we should have a say", so they gave us a say this year and again, people screwed it up.

At least people can't complain about us not having a say after this season


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I think most of America loves Dick because they watch the show where is stuff is watered way down. On the feeds it far more brutal.

It all about the game, and Dick is playing the game extremely well. People might not like how he plays it, but he playing within the bounds of the game.

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I don't think that America has screwed up this year. Eric screwed up by aligning with the wrong people. If America was in the house (well we are) we would not align with the L&C. I mean we have been dropping hints to Eric by going against his aliance he is just to dim to figure it out :grin2:

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I also agree with those who think America HAS NOT screwed up. To me, the whole AP concept to me isn't to get Eric the furthest in the game -- if that's the way it works out for him, great for him. The whole AP concept to me is to get Eric to do my bidding as if I were a player in the game. And so far he has because the votes have directed him to. I don't care if it isn't what he wanted -- he signed up for this and he's made more off it than I will.

I also disagree with those who are saying America has screwed up his game, and will screw it up further if we vote for Dustin. Part of good gamemenship is getting yourself out of the tough situations. And Eric has been fairly savvy and successful (or just lucky) to do so each time. That means he is working his angles decently anyway, with or without our vote. If America chooses to evict Dustin this week, I don't think he's screwed. I think the house is ready to turn the other way and there are other targets in his way. Eric is smart, and remember he has been watching this show for ages so he knows he has to -- and probably will -- win his contests at the right time. It's coming.

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Have you noticed this? America isn't playing to further Eric's game

No I have never thought that America's choice was to further Eric's game. I just vote the way I want. Not my job to make sure Eric wins the grand prize.

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I mean we have been dropping hints to Eric by going against his aliance he is just to dim to figure it out :grin2:

Excellent point. Eric thinks we need him, so we should do what he wants.

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I think America is doing a great job. Let's not forget we are the ones who started the whole downward spiral of the LNC by having the "extra" eviction vote for Kail.

The question is if Eric is smart enough to follow our lead. So far he has been a smart puppet.

Extra vote for Kail...Eric said...Nick did it...Bye Bye Nick

Now he has to know that there will not be a tie breaker.

Will he align himself with the winner?????

Master of Puppets thinks 4-2 bye-bye Dustin.

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I think it's great that were finally having a vote. I never was playing for Eric to win. He is very annoying, and is such a liar. Now if only we could tell Zack and Jen how to vote, then we would break up that alliance of 5. Isn't that what the LNC did when they found out Kail had an alliance, they broke that up. I hope Jen and Zack are smart enough to figure this out. Someone please fly a banner over the BBH!!!!!!!

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Of course we're not playing for Eric. WE didn't choose Eric, CBS chose him for us. Now that we're stuck with him and essentially are his voice, we SHOULD get to use him as we want. After all, he's America's Player, he does what WE tell him. We never agreed to do things that HE wanted...screw that !!I like Dick more than I like the Nerd herd 2.. I'm part of the American that "Eric is playing for", so how is it screwing anything up by using him the way we want? Again, the deal or object of America's Player isn't to help the AP, rather it is to have him do what we want him to do. There's a huge distinction that shouldn't be distorted.

Someone please fly a banner over the BBH!!!!!!!
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yep good point

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Also, when you consider that there are people paying to vote on these things, there should be no question of Eric doing what the voters want. If it messes up his game plans, too bad. He was accepeted into the house on those terms, he should bite the bullet and live up to it.

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