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Cbs Should Kick Dick Out


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It's funny....I liked Dick at first and now can't stand him....

I didn't like Jen at all and now sort of like her alittle bit.

I just can't understand why Dick is still there...it must be

for the ratings.....they all suck......no one deserves to win....

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Havent any of you heard of the Jerry Springer show? If Jerry can have guests on his show that verbally attack each other - I doubt very much that CBS is worried about any of the things Dick is spewing. He's a pussy cat compared to some of those guests on Springer.

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Jerry Springer is known for that...if I wanted Springer I'd watch Springer. Even Springer got boring fast.

What about strategies/comps...isn't BB about that too. I'm not stupid..I know that reality shows are not realistic, but this season has turned into an insult match. Where is the strategy. These people are a bunch of no minds, they have made choices based on nothing. Putting kail/jen up three times was ridiculous. Dustin has not changed much-why wasn't he put up? Amber she has been the same since day one-she sits pretty now. Zach - he's been avoided by the hg every twist and turn, yet he stays in the house. Nobody was thinking threat. Dick/Dani should have been put up first, because of their alliance which was the biggest threat and then work on Nick. Now they put up Dick/Dani not because they could be strong but just because Dick is starting in on them. Jealousies also drove some of their choices.

I don't care who wins at this point.

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Havent any of you heard of the Jerry Springer show? If Jerry can have guests on his show that verbally attack each other - I doubt very much that CBS is worried about any of the things Dick is spewing. He's a pussy cat compared to some of those guests on Springer.

Yes, and the shows get more similar everyday.

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Stay on topic reminder! :) (fyi, all the houseguests have their own thread)... this one is specifically about CBS kicking Dick out of the game or not.
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""Dick a feminist? Thats classic. I wonder if Jen, Kail, Amber, Dani, and Jameka know he is a feminist? ""

I agree and I can't understand why anybody would say there is not one iota of difference between men and women and that the best society is one where men and women are treated the exact same. Crazy, we are different, really different, physically, socially, and science has even proven our brains are different. Is one better than the other? Of course not! But I know many times when I see two guys get together they bang each other on the back, pound each other's shoulders, shove each other in fun, swear a lot, burp at each other etc. I don't feel if a guy treated me like this I would say

"oh, how nice to be equal." There are many of us who conduct ourselves like ladies and expect to be treated as such. Just because we can vote now doesn't mean everything goes.

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The topic is should CBS kick Dick out............not, is dick an a**hole, abuse and feminism.

My opinion is that the houseguests, knowing full well who Dick is :animated_shocking: had him on the block once before and THEY chose not to give him the boot, so why should CBS?

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The fact that this thread has reached 18 pages of discussion is reason enough why CBS would never even consider kicking Dick out for his verbal tirades. Dick is creating buzz for them right now, which is a lot more than any of these other pathetically boring nerd herders can claim to be doing. Once Dick leaves, they're going to take a ratings hit. For that reason the production team is trying to keep him IN if anything, not looking for ways to get him out.

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I think the only way CBS would oust Dick would be if it got them in their pocketbook. I think it was Gingersnaps in another thread who said they don't go to FOTH with all commercial names mentioned (i.e. red bull and captain morgans) so they must be sponsors of the show.

Perhaps if people really want Dick out they should be writting to the sponsors of BB8 telling them they will boycot their products if they don't take a stand to CBS by threatening to pull their advertising.

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My "opinion" about whether or not CBS should kick Dick out is NO...........they have no reason unless he breaks their contract. My other point was that people who justify CBS kicking him out because of how he treats the HGs should face the fact that the HGs could have kicked him out long ago if they were so concerned about themselves........why should CBS do it?

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