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CBS Love 'em or Leave 'em Poll


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According to "America" the two most popular HGs are Mike and Jameka, probably the two most boring, benign HGs in the house. What's up with that?

The two most hated are Danielle and Eric. How weird is that?

The poll is all over the place this year. The most boring HGs are the favorites. Others near the top are Dustin and Kail. Ugh!

Have Dustin, Jameka and Mike said more than 20 sentences on the live shows so far this year?

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Love them or leave them poll under community. Every year they have a poll every week that shows the popularity of every house guest on a graph. That way you can track weekly who has gained and lost popularity.

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I definitely agree that the polls are crazy. When I looked at who is going to win. People voted like Kail, Mike, and Jen. And Mike or Jameka as America's favorites? They barely even have diary rooms that air. I think you shouldn't vote unless you watch the feeds lol. Otherwise you have not clue whats going on in that house.

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Polls have rarely been the reliable reflection of public opinion that they claim to be.

Also, it depends on who's conducting the polls, the wording of the questions, etc.

Anyone with a vested interest (as in CBS, with BB) in a poll, can reach just about any conclusion.

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You also have to remember that people may have found CBS.com and voted but they have no idea Live Feed sites exist. Talk to someone that watches BB but doesn't have the live feeds or a site the go to. They're opinion of the HG will greatly differ from Live Feed watchers/readers.

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Is there only one vote per person per week? Can they use those vote bots?

That poll does not reflect anything I have heard for feed and non-feed watchers.

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Just because it doesn't reflect the message boards doesn't mean it reflect Amercia as a whole. Most of the viewers of BB has life and just goes along with what they see on TV and decided through that. Plus a lot of it was also first impressions since its the first week.

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It doesn't hurt that if you only watch the TV shows, you get a very glossed over view of what is really happening.. The personalties displayed on TV in some instances are a far cry from what is really going on in the house.

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i just figure that people that would take the couple of seconds to vote would also be the ones taking the time to watch live feeds....all these show watching poll voting non forum reading live-feedless people are skewing the poll results :frusty:

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Mike, Kail, & Jen's poll #'s have dropped a bit from last week & the poll seems to be getting more in line with my feelings (except that I like Dick). The one I am shocked about is that Eric is ranked as the least popular HG. I don't get that one at all as he seems to have been portrayed well on the show.

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I dunno, I watch the feeds and I post and/or read y'alls posts and I like Jameka. Her strategy was obviously to float for a while, and hey, as the only African American in the house I think that was a great plan. Plus she does talk when she feels its benificial to her. I think she will emerge as a player as the game hits the halfway point.

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this has to be the worst cast since BB1. no one stands out.. Dick is funny cause he has nicotine fits. Jen is funny cause i really think she is who she is.. (that is scary)... Maybe Mike and Jamika's cousins vote all day for them.. i mean dindt like 80 billion votes get casted for cowboy last year for all-stars but they were thrown out cause those 80 million votes came from 20 computers.

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i just figure that people that would take the couple of seconds to vote would also be the ones taking the time to watch live feeds....all these show watching poll voting non forum reading live-feedless people are skewing the poll results

I completely agree with you, Nursie. At the very least, if someone is going to vote, I can't imagine they don't check out some of these sites like Morty's that provides live feeds. You really have to look for that poll, and you really wouldn't know about it unless you are a hardcore fan scanning the BB site. I am sure there are plenty of exceptions, but I would say the live feeders/fan site followers would be the same type to be voting and vice versa.

Honestly, I was so shocked by the polls, that I came to the message boards right away to see if there was a thread on this. It just boggles my mind. If you look at previous years, the polls reflect the sentiments of message boarders:

Big Brother All-Stars Poll Votes for Kaysar are a bit inflated, but he was a message board fave..

Big Brother Season 6 This one makes it even clearer since nearly everyone started out evenly. And as the season progressed, clear cut favorites emerged. You would think it would be the same for this season.

Who knows if it is a glitch, or perhaps the fact that CBS is conducting these polls on an episode-by-episode basis rather than week-by-week. Either way it pisses me off and confuses me all at once.

Ok, I'll get off my soapbox now. :rolleyes:

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I don't know, with most of the talkative HG's being annoying as all get out (Joe, Jen, Eric), I could see people liking the quiet ones. Although liking Mike and not liking Zach is wierd as they are the same person in non-live feed world.

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I was looking at the poll results last week and thought they were skewed. I thought maybe because of the new season starting the votes were cast based on first impressions.

I came back again this week and was totally confused. What the hell is going on? The results make absolutely no sense at all. It sure smells fishy to me..... :animated_scratchchin: And being that I'm not the only one that noticed, it seems odd.

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I have been watching BB since season 3 and the only website I went to was the CBS website for season 3 and 4. I was always on the CBS website and voted religously.... During season 5 I figured there must be other people who are just as obsessed with this show as I am and went hunting for websites. The first one I found was Mortys and I really liked it. I did look for others but I wasn't impressed and kept coming back here. This is the first year I have posted, I was a closet lurker for the last 2 years. :mbabe:

Ever since I found Mortys I forget to go to CBS to vote and very rarely do I ever go to check out their site. Maybe there should be a thread that has a link to CBS to remind people to vote every week.... JMO

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