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Is BB8 a Good or Lame Season - Why?

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I think America loves D&D because of Dick early actions on Jen with Ice tea and such that made them really a fav from then on.

I can't speak for anyone else, but that's no where near true for me... I have liked Dick from the start... If anything his actions toward Jen have cause me to like him less...

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This season is curing me of my addiction to the feeds. I'm not sure if that is good or bad. The two things driving me away from the feeds are Eric's incessant and repetitious speeches as well as Dick's constant spitting. I used to be on the feeds way too late every night, but now I turn the sound off until it looks like someone else is discussing strategy.

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I feel highly betrayed by cbs this season and i hope someone loses their job for it. I have never seen so many people upset with the setup of this season. To let america push someone through to the end even at the risk of getting the "america's player" evicted is total BS and to put her father into the house to push her through til the end is crappy as well. She along with two other people pushed her all the way to win the game, like this was not a forgone coclusion. I rather like the feeling of no control over the situation because who america likes and who i like are usually very different. Why not just have america give the money to whoever they want without the expense of production. I want the producers fired!

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To let america push someone through to the end even at the risk of getting the "america's player" evicted is total BS and to put her father into the house to push her through til the end is crappy as well. She along with two other people pushed her all the way to win the game, like this was not a forgone conclusion.

Well that statement certainly makes some huge assumptions. First you are making the assumption that the producers knew who America was going to like from the start. And I have read or seen many interviews with producers of various reality shows and the one constant seems to be that the people they thought America would like are never the ones that we do.

Also your second assumption is that they thought that we would like Danielle, so they had to throw Daddy in to help her. Well if you have ever listened to any of their conversations, you would realize that BB chose Daddy first and then recruited Danielle.

Finally, the AP twist helped Dick more than Danielle and nothing is a foregone conclusion in the BB house.

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lame season because of stupidity of hg

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I just watched Thursday's episode over again. Wow that scene with Dick up on the carrot and the exchange between him and Daniele was just so powerful.

I think it was a very good season. I put it #2 behind season 6.

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Donatos are the biggest trash talking houseguests and the worst sports in BB history IMO. When things don't go their way they act so childish, throw tantrum, whine, etc. When things DO go their way they gloat like there's no tomorrow. Poor sportsmanship in my book.

I second that opinion!

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I loved this season! It wasn't controlled by alliances - it was controlled by us!!!!

The reason I didn't like Season 6 was how darned predictable it was - nerdherder as HOH meant a SOV would go and vice-versa (except when dumbass Howie got flipped and evicted James - thus sealing the SOV's fate). This season wasn't predictable until last Thursday when Zach missed 1 more than Dick for HOH.

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I also loved this season! The worst thing about BB (even Survivor, for that matter) is when an alliance is large enough to 'gain control', the show becomes soooo BORING & PREDICTABLE. The audience KNOWS who is leaving before the POV is even played, much less when the actual eviction happens. This season was a suprise more weeks than not. I was shocked quite a few times when a particular houseguest left. The part of the season I did not like, was the number of trivia challenges. Those got old after awhile. I would have preferred at least SOME physicality in the majority of the competitions. Irregardless, loved this season & looking foward to BB9! :cheers:

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my worst bb season in order of worst being first

1. season 6 divided house made each week too predictable and NH just mop the floor of sov period

2. allstar none of past hg really played like allstar beside a small few . that small few being WILL and boogie

3. season 8 no one beside d and d, eric, dustin, zach came to play the game seem like rest just wanted to coast on coat tails and joined group to get to the end eg.jameka, jessica this by far in bb history had the lowest bb iq of any season.

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I created a membership for myself in this forum mostly because I understood during busy times only members could get in. I don't true or not, was just my impression at the time. The point is I really came here to read posts rather than make them. That being said, having become caught up in making a few posts myself, I've enjoyed expressing my thoughts and opinions.

I've been a BB fan since season 1 as has been everyone else in my household. We look forward to spending our summers watching the live feeds and always tune in for the CBS broadcasts. This year I thought the concept of AP would be fun. The way I looked at it was if I was in the house, what kind of actions would I take in order to win the game. Initially I participated in the voting and voted that way. As if Eric was my/our surrogate and if he could win the overall game it would be as if I/we/America had won the game. It's as for several seasons I've thought many times, why did that person do that? I would have done it this way, well here was that opportunity.

I also started out the season as I normally do picking out my favorites of the HG. Right away I was a fan of Dick's I loved that he was around my age and his initial attitude. I also was pulling for Danielle because of her connection with Dick and because lets face it, she was not hard on the eyes. However I also was concerned that the supposed estrangement between them would not work out well for Dick in the game. I did not like Jen from the very first words out of her mouth, nor was I much of a fan of Kail's.

When the second round of nominations came up and Dick and Danielle were nominated, I was totally bummed. I felt that surely there was no way that Dick would survive. And in the end was ecstatic when Joe ended up going home instead. The CBS broadcast coverage has always be at least a little slanted, but not overly so, I was happy to see it slanted to show Dick in a good light early in the game.

I saw Kail and Jen as Dick's biggest threats in the game and kept pulling for both of them to be evicted. I felt frustrated when Dick chose to get rid of Nick rather than Kail because I saw it as a personal move on his part, in order to get rid of someone who was consuming his daughters attention. I was still a big fan of Dick's at that point but started to have questions about his character.

I also realized about that time, either most of the people voting for AP were not watching the live feeds or were not choosing to vote in their own best interests. Having mystery votes was not the best idea for advancing in the game.

I first started to turn on Danielle when she turned on AP, not so much just the act, but rather the reasoning, blaming Eric for getting rid of Nick when it was Dick who shouldered most of that responsibility. It also soon became evident that America was not playing to win or their own best interests, America was voting in a way to throw the game to another HG, Dick, giving him a huge advantage in the game. Initially I rooted for Dick because I always tend to do so for the underdog, he was no longer the underdog but the favorite at that point. While I still liked him, no longer having the underdog status, I wasn't as enthusiastic about him.

Also while in the past the CBS broadcasts were a little slanted, they were becoming more and more obviously pointed to showing D/D in the best light possible. To the point where on the live feeds we would see Danielle in a conversation complaining, bad mouthing others, lying, basically doing all of the same things she accused the other HG of doing. Only CBS would show those same conversations but cut out all the parts of Danielle bad mouthing others behind their backs and only showing the good parts. Fairly to show the hypocrite she truly is.

I still felt it was mostly honorable the way that D/D played the game up until the point where they turned on Eric and Jessica. It was clear that E/J were holding up their end of that agreement and felt the turning on them more a case of vengeance rather than strategic. It was further driven home when Danielle lied to Eric about Jessica being evicted. just do the honorable thing and tell him, but she didn't and that showed me her dark heart.

As more HGs were evicted more camera time was dedicated to Danielle, and on the live feeds we saw a person who takes joy at the discomfort and misfortunes of others. We saw a person who appears to take joy in lying even when it is not necessary. Case in point all the lies she told Jameka about Eric when Eric was no longer in the house. I saw no reason for that other than perhaps something inside of her causes her some pleasure to be mean. I'll also add that I am a big fan of Hooters, another reason I was initially pulling for Danielle. Believe it or not I like Hooters mostly due to their excellent customer service. I find it somewhat disturbing that she is a trainer there.

Ultimately my opinion of D/D has dropped below low due to their actions in victory. The most ungracious winners I've ever seen, that causes me more than anything else to want them to know that, ummm no you aren't the best players in BB history, you won because America was playing for you.

The thing that I don't get when I come to these forums and read the posts. I can understand people being fans of D/D, that's cool, but when I see those that going to the point of showing loving adoration of them, I don't get it. I mean sure if you're a fan of their pull for them to win, but things like "my dear Dani" ??? I don't get that, are people that fell that way only watching the broadcast shows? Because watching the live feeds, Danielle very beautiful on the outside, but something completely different on the inside.

I'll watch the final episode, I hope they don't spend too much time on the crowning the winner part and more on talk about AP and how it influenced the game, that's what I'm most interested in seeing and the HG reaction.

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the finale being 1 hour we wont get too see much of anything harp one

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I agree with parts of your post and not other parts. I think Dick made a very true statement when he said last night in the hot tub that playing the game inside the house is very different than how we may be playing along on the outside, there is more for us to see and know. I think Daniele is young and very immanture, I do not think she has a black heart, and really I do not think Dick has one either, I do not agree with his language the spitting, yuk, and I do not think D & D lied about Eric and what Eric was doing or what he said, this is from what they know and not what we know, they do not know about the AP, or that there was a 3rd person in their alliance, America, and I also do not think that the people that voted for them every week were just people who watched the CBS show, but also live feed watchers and BBAD watchers, I think everyone has been pulling for this father and daughter to make ammends. I also think it is true what you said about Dick voting out Nick, he was wanting to take away the person consuming all of her time, good thing he did or she may not have stepped up to the level she did to win lots of comptitions.

This game of BB is not about being nice and not backstabbing or breaking promises, or not switching your alliances when you need to, the game is about getting to the end and if you have to lie, and break some promises, so be it. I also think that it is at this point incredably boring in that house with just the 2 of them, they do not talk or want to talk about their life outside the house, so they keep re-hashing and bashing the ones they sent out of there, I do not necessarily find it entertaining , I just don't know what else they have to talk about, Daniele is very defensive and it is very touchy between them, maybe Daniele is good at her job at hooters, alot of why you are a trainer has to do with how you treat your customers, your sales averages and such, she must be doing well in that dept or she would not be a trainer. I work in the restaurant industry and that is how they bring people up the ladder, how they interact with the guests and sales, No matter who you are as a person, when you walk into the work place you have to put on your game face. It is like being on stage,every table you interact with. just sayin I think they got to the end because they fought hard and they did have our help. It should be interesting to see how D&D take that. Dick made a statement last night that season 1 was phony because the housguests were playin to America cause America voted as to whether they stayed or went, little does he know,lol

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One point I want to clarify is that I accept the lying, backstabbing, etc, its what it takes to play the game. I think that the "only the good" people is a total illusion as far as the game itself is concerned. What I do have an issue with is when those types of actions take place when there is no need, primarily the making fun of people behind their backs so someone can make themselves feel good.

I agree that we were mostly privy to a view that no one in the house had, we knew when people were lying and when people were telling the truth, whereas the HG did not have that advantage. I find it one thing for someone to lie, and cover it up with other lies as part of the game. But when a person goes and lies to themselves the way that D/D are doing now with only the two of them in the house, that shows me they both have much deeper issues.

Maybe I take the adoration expressed here, maybe it is all being an enthusiastic fan and I'm missing that. Whereas I'm tending to take those comments at face value and just can't help think, you have to be kidding.

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Well I do like Daniele and Dick, but I see many flaws in both of them. I am hoping that both of them view the whole game, feeds, the cbs version, and take some notes. I believe Daniele is very sharp and when she sees how she is behaving surely she will make some changes, same of Dick when he see his mouth and language and how it really was not needed every other word as gameplay,and his spitting fests, if I saw myself on tape doing all that I know I would be horrified, I just think that the behavior has become second nature and he does not even ralize he is using an expletive every other word or spitting like that and how gross it looks form the cameras view. I think that Danieles immaturity and schoolgirlishness is why she bashes when there is no need to, people with low self-esteem do that to build themselves up and I think both D&D have that esteem problem, I know Daniel has huge abandoment issues and has not been able to reconcile those issues to date the way her brother has, that is why she is on the defense most of the time, and wants the spotlight on her. I think this whole experience is going to be very cathartic for both of them when they get back into the real job of living.

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Good post, stagehand, although I disagree with some of it.

One thing, what was it Daniele lied to Jameka about that makes you think she's just mean? I thought she told Jameka that she and her dad were in a secret alliance with Eric and Jessica, which is true. Is there more?

I'll be the first to say Daniele is too whiney, bratty and selfish. I simply have a soft spot for the estranged father/daughter team. :clap:

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Wildcat, me too, I see both sides of the coin for them. And by the way stagehand keep comin back alot of the same people post in other forums at this site. :animated_bouncy:

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Very nice post, well thought out, and presents your viewpoint nicely without taking shots.

I have to agree, myself, I was starting to pull for Dick and Daniele a bit for a while, but when they turned on their alliance with Jessica and Eric (which I understand from a strategy stand point) I didn't really like them anymore. That of course had to do somewhat with my bias, being an Eric and Jessica fan, but also because of all the talks and yelling that Dick did about him being honest, not lying and having integrity in the game.

That and they could have just told Eric, since he asked on a personal level. It wasn't like he could have done anything and he was bad enough at competitions as is, not like he could get anymore thrown off.

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My second 2 that I would have been for was Eric and Jessica, she is from around here where I live, I thought they were nice together, but Jessica was not very good at the game, very likable tho.

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