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Friday, August 18th


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Erika is doing her best to get CG to put up Janelle.

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She would have a strong shot at it... that's for sure. But, she is going home this week, nothing can change that now... not that I can think of anyways.

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I guess they all think if they have a common enemy they are all safe. Does Chilltown not know that Danielle and James need to be split up? duhhhhh.

Please please please George don't let these people manipulate you. Go with our original gut feeling and put up Daniele. Or put up Chill Town and make Boogie use his power.

Looks like Mike Boogie or Dr. Will will be the winner of BB AllStars.

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as much as CT gets under my skin, i must admit that they are good players. i have never seen two people so able to manipulate an entire group of people the way they do.

the thing that really has me in awe is that NO ONE KNOWS THEY ARE DOING IT! kudos boys

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This would be the first REAL backdoor of the season...Jase was NOT backdoored because he actually competed in the veto and Kaysar had the chance to play for veto but told Janelle he didn't want to, so that was his own mistake! I've never been a fan of backdooring I think if u are a strong player u should be taken out the right way or not at all...

I also think its funny that Dani kept telling other people she wasnt going to do the Sov's "dirty work" yet she wants everyone else to do hers...

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I haven't seen will discuss with Booger about him going up, though I may have missed it. This could be a crack in CT, though. Maybe this is Will's little way of getting out Bogger's girlfriend and his biggest threat. I don't think Will feels safe with Erika in the house. I don't think Will trusts Booger to vote to keep Janelle over Erika...could Booger have an alliance outside of CT? Could Janelle be Will's parachute???

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BB asked Danielle, and then later James, to put on their mics... they complained that BB was 'calling them out' to the other HGs, because their mics were on... now we have FOTH... maybe BB is waking the others...

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on Jokers...

"Janelle (and now Howie) in HoH with CG

CG: ok Janie, the whole house wants you out, James too "

looks like CG is staying tru to How and Jan even spillin g the beans about James!!!

again Jokers:

George says he will NOT put Janelle up!! He wants to join Janie and Howie

Hi George!

George: Relax.

Dani can be heard downstairs saying" why is he telling her".

George: let me explain to you everythign thathappened

(damn, i lost a lot of text here..... howie is in there with janelle and howie, "washing down his ass". Geroge is going to "give it to her straight. George wants to do thsi before everybody gets up. He is in the shower. George has been up all night thinkign about what he is goign to do.)

George: id never want to be president, being in that situation.

George (to howie): just throw the towel on you, then you can do whatever you got to do, because im probalby gonna need you to split.

Goerge: all right janelle, basically the whole house wants you out.

How: says who? the whole house wants dani out.

Geo: just sit down howie.

Jan and How: james too?

geo james too. they want me to throw you under the bus. tehy want it bad. for me to do that to you, would be to go against every principle i stand for. and that snot fair. (Repeasts that a lot). im not going to do it. but i do want something in return. ok. ill need it from you and howie. im gonna need some help. i remember you down in teh kitchen syai gyou nneed somebody who will be there for you, im wavign my flag, i want to join up with guys. you guys think it over. id otn need an answer right away.

goe: that aint my question. i want to join up with you ugys.

jan: can you give us a min.

how: we be right back. youll be good georgie.

they run into the hall to talk.

You're a good player, Janie - spazkitten

and to take you out like that is unfair and goes against everything I stand for and I won't do that to you. they want me too but I can't do it, but I need something from you.. and howie I need you guys, I'm going to need some help, I remember you said in the kitchen that you said that you need someone that can be there for you like howie, I'm doing it now and and I'mwaving my flag like crazy, because I can really get burned bad, I want to join up with you guys, I want you to think about it, but you got to tell me quick


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george is cutting a deal with howie and janelle.. he wont put janelle up like everyone wants... but he wants to be teamed up with them.. and they cant vote erika out this week..just this week.


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george best bet is to team up with howie and janelle sadly.

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Guest StarBaby

Fizzle, who is he going to put up then? Unless he puts up Danielle, it is still a disaster for Janelle, because if Booger or Will goes up, the coup will get played. But at least if that DOES happen, the blame will go squarely where it belongs -- on CT not on CG. Keep me posted, cause I don't have the feeds on at work yet. ( I need to close and lock my door and pretend like I'm not in here -- LOL)

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