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Friday, August 18th


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did anyone else catch on cam 2 the few second glimpse of the midgets in gnome costumes in the back yard?

oh, and i left the house for a few hours and all hell broke loose....they should keep up this pace all the time!

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Not that I think that George is going to win, but I have this picture of a pig who is taking a running leap off of a ramp into a pond. The pig is suspended in the air as if flying...but I'd rather apply it to Janelle than George. :P

Edit: Was it gnomes AND pigs?

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It seems as though Erika doesn't officially know about LOD. She may suspect.

I have a question. Why can't James vote the way he wants to secure a jury vote? What do they care as long as Howie goes?

You should have seen Danielle snap at James when he said he had to vote against Erika. She was mad at him and said, almost like a mother scolding a child, you will not! Who the heck does she think she is?

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What if Boogie used the power to take down Erika and Howie, put up Janelle and Will. Then James and Howie vote to evict Will (to show s6 loyalty), and Dani, Boogie and Erika vote out Janelle. Then Howie is James new pet?

Is this a possibility, can you see flaws in this?

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i saw danielle do that too...and then she immediately came back in the room to sit (sulk) with erika and told her they were trying to flipflop, but she set them straight.....she said 'like it my job' :P

that's the part that had me wondering why erika doesnt wonder to herself 'hey why is this woman telling MY boogiewoogie and co. what to do?'

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Guest StarBaby

Poor Howie. Gone and that pathetic skank begging scarecrow is still in the house. Janelle is crying, and James is being nice to her. I wonder if he kept his word and voted to keep Howie?

Say what you want about Janelle, but you can't ever say she doesn't love Howie. I think she is sad for him, not for herself.

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well, there goes all my entertainment..... :angry: boobie is hoh.. :angry: i dislike everyone in that house except for janelle... who is been crying :(

now i wish they blacked out the feeds till sunday. my weekend would be a lot better if i didnt know what i know now.

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Guest StarBaby

I hear ya Fizzle. Although not knowing, I would have driven myself batty trying to figure out what was going on. I hate watching Danielle gloat. I can't wait until somebody knocks that smirk off her face and boots her arse out the house (yeah, I'm dreaming).

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Quote: "Poor Howie. Gone and that pathetic skank begging scarecrow is still in the house. Janelle is crying, and James is being nice to her. I wonder if he kept his word and voted to keep Howie?

Say what you want about Janelle, but you can't ever say she doesn't love Howie. I think she is sad for him, not for herself.

Got to say it.......her stupidity got him ousted. Three times HOH and the dominant players are still in the house.

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Guest StarBaby

I know Ginger, you're right. She is way too trusting, especially when she has a crush on the master manipulator. And her determination to trust freaking James killed the SOV too. I blame some of that on Kaysar though, because she got suspicious of James way back and Kaysar talked her out of it.

But you didn't disagree with me about the pathetic skank begging scarecrow, did ya?

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Poor Howie. Gone and that pathetic skank begging scarecrow is still in the house. Janelle is crying, and James is being nice to her. I wonder if he kept his word and voted to keep Howie?

I think he did keep his word because he said to Janelle "well now you know who you can trust and who you can't". That must mean he did vote to keep Howie, because he must be the one she can trust :angry:

Janelle is so sad right now, it's awful. I may have to turn off the feeds. She's been balled up in a blanket on her bed, crying since basically the feeds have been back. :(:(:(

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I hate all of them now........actually Janelle pulled off what Howie pulled off last season----they trust the wrong people.

Kaysar and his floater theory--ha ha ha.

Eviction count please.........was it only one vote to keep Howie? Thanks in advance for replies. :)

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i dont think anyone knows the voting count ginger..

all i know is .....they all suck!

and boogie is a big piece of SH*T. he really has the "i am now hoh so i can openly be the ass i am and get away with it" attitude. i really despise him.

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