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James - Evicted Week 7.5


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What are you guys watching? James already has secured Erika, Marcellas and George and he only needs three to stay. Am I missing something?

That was my thought...im watching the feeds,not sure what feeds others are watching.

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I was just hoping! I haven't seen CG promise his vote, but then I try not to watch cameras that have James. I do know CG & Kayser have bonded & was hoping that bond would be a dealbreaker. Also, I've seen plenty of feeds that seem like things are going one way (ie: Jase) & then the tide turns. Anyway, I'm just hoping, not saying anything specific makes me think that way.


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For those of you who missed it, Danielle had a pow-wow tonight in the HOH room with Erika, CG and Marcy...She has the votes to keep James.....oh yeah did I mention James has an eviction pass that would nullify a vote against him.

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I don't understand why James turned on his alliance, but that's not why I hate him. Calling people names for no reason is just venomous. That's why I hate him.

I hate his self righteousness. Like when he was telling the Sovs to keep their mouths shut, when he's the one who hot foots it over to Dani with new info constantly.

also understand him being mad at Janie for lying to him, but I don't understand how her nominations "fucked" him as he would say.

Dani's the one who put him on the block. Geez.

I hate his lisp.

I hate his metrosexuality.

I hate how he tells Sara what to eat.

I hate his twitchiness.

I hate his cockiness.

I hate how he blames everyone but himself for everything.

I hate how he carries grudges from last year.

I hate how he whines incessantly.

I hate how he is ALWAYS feeling sorry for himself.

I hate how he is a Will wannabe.

I hate how he says "You know what I mean" ALL of the time. (like it's homage to Ivette)

I hate I hate how he degrades women.

Furthermore, he is so NOT attractive. Do yall see the way he wears a towel??? Yuck!!

Hey James, in the words of Will, "Denial is not just a river in Egypt!!"

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Auntjulie, I so agree with you on why James is so disliked by you. Count me in as well.

Also, I found it disturbing when James seemed to have such contempt for the people on the Gulf Coast who didn't evacuate before Katrina hit (this was a conversation from earlier this week). He couldn't understand and had no sympathy for those who stayed behind and didn't get out in time. It was Boogie who pointed out that maybe some people didn't have the resources to leave (like money, transportation, etc.).

Yeah, James is a real piece of work.

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OMG -- since I'm 'forced' to watch James on all 4 feeds I just had to endure listening to him whine about how BB's going to 'spin' the tv segments to make him 'look' like a bad guy!! Where will they find the footage to do that?? Oh yeah, EVERY freakin' time the camera's on him. This guy has so much double-talk he doesn't even recognize the truth anymore. Reminds me of an old joke: How can you tell when James is lying? His lips are moving!


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I bet a therpaist would diagnose James as a sociopath. He acts EXACTLY like one.

Like I said in another thread, unfortunately james will probably stay because even if ct votes kay to stay, james has the three floaters votes, and four from sov and ct, BUT he can use his vote nullify to make it a three to three vote tie. dani breaks the tie by voting to evict kaysar. it's a done deal :( .

I loved your ideas up there about how james could threaten dani to put up ct and then sov would 'include' her, but she's right, she'd be the first to go out of that group and she's too loyal to erika and cg to put them up anyway. so i guess it wouldn't work. PLUS if james threatened her, she could always go to ct and tell them that, they'd get mad and vote to evict him. james already knows he's safe so why should he try to keep kaysar in the game?? that wouldn't be like james to do that. he's a piece of devil poop.

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I seriously think James has big issues with women. He has an inferiority complex bigtime.

These are my guesses IRT his childhood:

He was a bed wetter

He liked to kick kittens

He liked to start fires

He was teased by girls about his lisp.

He bit his nails to the quick (and still does)

He has all the makings of a serial killer.

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It makes me sick to think that James came into the house with the sole purpose to get revenge on the S6..

I hate the way he runs back and forth giving it all up. telling the S'ers he will be loyal to them and 2 seconds later slamming them to dani and CT.

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I don't understand why James is trying to get a person who would prob vote for him to win, kicked out before sequester...

Why is he not rallying Dani to put up a floater??? or CT?? Why is he burning bridges so soon???

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Here's an idea mods -- why can't there be a 'pro' & 'con' topic area for each HG. That way the people who don't want to see the other side of the coin can stick together & share like opinions of how they feel. It would also eliminate the ridiculous # of posts back & forth w/different 'sides' baiting each other. I know without a shadow of doubt I hate James, but I don't want to argue that point w/someone else who loves him. It seems rather unfair to co-mingle these 2 extremes any more than needed.


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I think i like james a whole lot more now that he broke away from the Sovs. But he will eventually get burned in the end. He will be like Jas and start playing both sides and eventually be caught.

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I cannot wait until James gets kicked to the curb. The only thing he did for himself by turning on Howie, Kaysar, and Janelle is prove to the rest of the house that he is not capable of being loyal and he's nothing but a liar who can never be trusted. Nice game, James... you really screwed yourself from ever making it the final two.

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Looks like Kaysar is definitely going home this week. :-( Kaysar rold Dani to her face that he cannot alligh with her . He refused to cut a deal with her an go against his alliance. NOW, that's class! Way to go Kaysar!

James is just a piece of crap! Atleast Kaysar will be leaving with his morals and integrity. Not to mention,

most of America still adoring him!

James may make it a few more weeks, but eventually everyone will see what that piece of crap is all about!

Watch out for Hurricane Howie and Jedi Janey when they find out........................

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James is the ultimate piece of garbage. He's trying to play like Marvin but he doesnt have the brains or the charisma that Marvin had. He needs to go back to his mall security job and flaunt his power by breaking up big groups of teenagers lobbying in the food court.

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A few times already this season I (and others) have compared James to April. (In fact, I'm trying to get James' new nickname, "Jampril", officially adopted. Please help in that regard.)

Having said that, I'm wanting to see if anyone else caught James catch himself in the middle of a "Fuck America" comment in a discussion with Danielle last night? He started to say it and then quickly threw a "No don't" in there.

I am not that forgiving, James! I know what you really wanted to say and stopping yourself just short is no redemption. You ARE April, LOL. And I love that of all things, you will hate that the most.

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if anyone else caught James catch himself in the middle of a "Fuck America" comment in a discussion with Danielle last night? He started to say it and then quickly threw a "No don't" in there.

Oh, don't worry...I noticed Jampril's almost slip!

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