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Diane - Evicted Week 4


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she is sitting good now. but i see her getting into the fire soon. males are her downfall

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Janelle has already commented on how Diane seems charmed by Dr Will. And that she seems to be holding back so far. I agree. Diane is way too quiet. I think she's trying to lay low for now. Interesting comments by Marcellas when he and Janelle were doing a run-down early this morning in the HOH room on everybody. They both think Diane is someone to watch out for in competitions and she could prove unpredictable in her nominations if she becomes HOH. I believe Marcellas called her "tenacious." LOL Janelle had to ask what it meant. Love ya, Janie. :P

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uvpnolimits Posted Today, 01:50 AM

she is sitting good now. but i see her getting into the fire soon. males are her downfall


imo... Your exactly right uvpnolimits. It seemed to me, that she is already eyeing some of the guys in the house, and that will lead to her downfall. Can't take your eye off the ball in this game. ;)

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:o not another twins switching in and out. so maybe it is her twin that is hot for WILL
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now that some one mentioned it i could really see BB doing this and diane does seem different at times... it could also be our active imaginations.... sometimes we out think BB

if they do have a twin twist again i don't think the other house guests would have a clue... heck i bet half of them forgot she was a twin and come to think of it i don't rmember her talking about her twin at all yet this year

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I did notice that Diane has since dyed her hair to match her sis's. Could be one of the twists that BB is playing out. Just like towards the end of the Survivor they have an immunity competion with flavors of all the previous comps that season.

What else could be part of it? Who hooked up and is now an ex to each other? Who is secretly related? :P

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I would agree with you, except pictures of myself .. my face looks different. It's all how you tilt your head, and lighting makes a big difference.

If I remember correctly, her sister doesn't look THAT much like her. They are obviously twins, but it's a noticible difference.

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these comparison has got to the worst ever. i'll just wait till the tuesday show

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Her sis certainly did not resemble her closely when Diane's hair had the blond streaks in it. I remember thinking when I saw Diane on the first show this year that her hair was the same color that her sis's had been back then.

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I really dont think there is a twin twist this year.. ( but how funny would it be if Diane's twin walked into the back yard with Drew's twin. .LOL )

Seriously, I like Diane , I think her game plan is to play it quite at first, stay under the radar, let others open there mouthes and piss every one off. Is a smart move. Flirting with the guys would also be smart, they all know what happened with Drew, so they might think, take this girl to the end.. but thats when she gets revenge and , this time, she gets first!

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Before she went into the house, Diane was saying there was no way she would be interested or influenced by a man on a reality show. :lol:

The question.....is she acting with Will or are we seeing a repeat?

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