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Films: Pretty Woman

TV shows: The L Word, Will & Grace, The Inferno

Actors: Sean Penn, Johnny Depp, Denzel Washington

Actresses: Brittany Murphy, Angelina Jolie, Julia Roberts

Bands: The Killers, The Neptunes

Hobbies: Riding my scooter, shopping, watching TV

Sports to Play: Softball, volleyball

Sports Teams: Anything Miami

Outdoor Activities: Riding a bike

Music: Hip-hop, R&B

Cereals: Frosted Flakes, Froot Loops, Corn Pops

Snacks: Cookie dough ice cream

Cookies: Oreo, chocolate chip, Milano

Candy Bars: Reese's Pieces

Alcoholic Drinks: Malibu Baybreeze

Non-Alcoholic: Orangina

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I was watching a video on You Tube and I really HOPE that Ivette is NOT on BB7, her voice just annoys me. I just can NOT stand her.

Would you all want her to be on BB7 if she was asked?

Here's the video if any of you want to watch, it's when Jennifer won HOH and put up Kaysar, and Janelle and Beau are drunk and fighting, that's the funny part, then at the end is where Ivette won't shut up.

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The only chance of Ivette getting on BB7 if she's one of the "producer's pick" to create a so called fair and balanced house. Even if she is a producer's pick I can't imagine anyone wanting to align themeselves with her and her sophomoric game play. Everything about her sucks imo.

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haha I love janelle in that video, I just couldn't stand Ivette, and April got on my nerves in that video, too.

Evilvette and Asspril, a match made in heaven. You know, I have said in the past Maggot had strong game, the way she manipulated all around her and protected herself to the end, but now I'm thinking that these two were such clueless dupes that a dolt with an IQ of 60 could have led them around by the nose.

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She obviously wasn't THAT bad of a player because she made it to the end. In the end she chose to honor her word to maggie vs choosing Janelle .. and some say that had she not chosen maggie she would have won .. but the sheep might have all felt betrayed and voted for Janelle .. so whose to say if she would have really won or not.

I don't care what anyone says .. if you get to the end, you deserve to be there.

I'm sorry that she had a rough time when she came out of the house .. but I think it gave her the chance to grow and change as a person.

I wish her well .. and I wouldn't mind her being back in the house so long as she doesn't utter the phrase 'you know what I am saying..'

I wanted to tear my hair out she said it so often.

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Although I was not down with Ivette (Evilette reminds me of a bad smurf :D ), I would like to see how she would play this time around. Although I don't think she really has changed her toon, as far as sexist, racists zenophobic attitude goes, it would be interesting to see what company she keeps. She was fiercely loyal...to a $500,000 fault. Had she bonded with James like she did Eric, how different would the game of turned out. Once she decided to like someone, she could not be swayed. Smae can be said if she found someone unworthy of her friendship.

Speaking (er...typing) as someone who cold not stand her last season, Ivette was smart, athletic and loyal...a perfect "secret" partner for someone like Dr. Will or Diane. Now that she's seen herself as America sees her...and realizes that in the BB house, friendship comes second, I think she would be a worthy houseguest. I wouldn't mind seeing her compete again. But then again, I didn't get to see her evicted last year. :D

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NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! NEVER EVER WOULD I WANT TO SEE IVETTE IN THAT HOSUE EVER AGAIN!!!! the only way i'd wanna see her in there is to hear her admit to the sovereighn 6 that she was an idiot and that she was wrong about every single thing she said in the house last year. and i want to hear her tell janell n howie that they were really the stars of the show and that America LOVES them. and then if she does that and goes into the house i'd still want her kicked out ASAP. LOL. so yea all of thats unlikely anyway but that just goes to show you how much i DO NOT like Ivette.

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I thought Janelle had a mouth on her like a trucker! Sorry all you janelle fans I cannot stomach her and hope and pray she is not on this season! All that cursing at Beau, was that really necessary? I think she is a phoney and a show off.

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I thought Janelle had a mouth on her like a trucker! Sorry all you janelle fans I cannot stomach her and hope and pray she is not on this season! All that cursing at Beau, was that really necessary? I think she is a phoney and a show off.

Well, get ready to watch another season of it because she WILL be back...and that stanky biotch Ivette won't be...

Oh well...

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I thought Janelle had a mouth on her like a trucker! Sorry all you janelle fans I cannot stomach her and hope and pray she is not on this season! All that cursing at Beau, was that really necessary? I think she is a phoney and a show off.

Ok, Janelle was the ONLY one who cursed the whole time . . . . did you SEE the live feeds??

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