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Welcome to our new NOOBS... Please don't take that wrong... I mean it with the upmost respect... We were all once noobs ourselves, and we always try to make newbies feel welcome... So please wear the noob badge with honor!!!

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I've been posting for several weeks now and haven't introduced myself so here I am.

I started watching BB this year but have seen bits and pieces of it over the years because my daughter is a fan. Wish I had found this forum sooner but better late than never. I'm enjoying it so much here. I've been reluctant to jump into a few forums (especially off-topic) because everyone know each other so well and I don't want to push myself on anyone.

Look forward to being here for a long time.


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Join right in Joy, it wont be long and you wont feel that way.

Welcome to mortys!!

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Welcome, Joy! The more comments, the merrier...

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Hello everyone!! I joined Morty's last month when I seriously became hooked on Big Brother. I read the updates every day and finally got brave enough one morning to post! I also read the threads to find out about what the HGs are doing, pictures, links to websites, utube interviews, etc. I really appreciate those and it makes it easy for us newbies to the group! I have stated my opinion a few times but I'm still very nervous about doing it. Although I found Morty's because of BB8, I'm sticking around to read about my other favorite reality tv shows.
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Welcome BigMDGirl... Glad you are going to stick around with us during the BB off season... While you're hanging out, why not check off topics out too... :)

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Thanks LaLa and Yana!! I've been told that I'm a reality tv freak! I watch The Bachelor, Top Chef, DWTS, So You Think You Can Dance, TAR (only when Rob & Amber were on), Survivor (missed the last 2 weeks because of work and didn't have TIVO set yet), Project Runway, Idol, and many more. It's nice to know that there are other reality freakazoids out there like myself. But, I reaaaaaally got hooked on BB8 this year! I used to call it my Big Brother crack!!
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Well, we have a fourm for all you mention, in some way or another, they might not have their own forum... It could be mixed in with other reality shows, but I am sure you will find a thread (at least) about all those shows... You are new and might not know that we have interviews here too, and the way they work is the fans send in the questions they would like answers to, and I contact the "star" and do the interview... Check out the interviews forum to learn how to submit questions...

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi there everone, I am semi new I joined this summer for BB8 which I am an addict but became a total obsessed Morty's BB8 addict once I got on here, it totally changed how I watched the show. It didn't change my favorite but I couldn't wait to see what you all were saying. I haven't posted very often just mostly "lurked", I think is the right phrase but OMG what a let down when it ended. I am on Morty's Survivor Fantasy team and another one with people from Morty's and that is really fun and has changed Survivor for me, but the boards are not as exciting as they were for BB. Nevertheless, I am totally a Morty's fan now. When I have posted you all have made me feel very welcome and slowly I will get braver. Thank you to you all at Morty's for making tv more fun than ever.

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  • 1 month later...

Hello everyone! I first got into BB last year stumbling onto the BBAD premiere on Showtime. That 3 hour show got me interested and I wound up not only watching BBAD but the CBS show and after a couple weeks, bought the 24/7 feeds. By the time I heard about Mortys it was too late. I did find fun anyway but I figured I'd try to join Mortys again before the next season got going, and that's why I'm here now. Looking forward to a new season and game, not abandoning old roosts but looking for a second home. ;)



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