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Chris "Swaggy C" Williams


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Chris "Swaggy C" Williams




Chris "Swaggy C" Williams

Age: 23
Hometown: Bridgeport, Conn.
Current city: Bridgeport, Conn.
Occupation: Day Trader

Three adjectives that describe you: Outspoken, rebellious, and analytical.

Favorite activities: Playing basketball, working out, traveling, and entertaining people on my Snapchat.

What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house?
No connection to the outside world for three months. Being on technology and getting information every single second to being in a house with a million cameras and no connection to the outside world is a big difference.... but I'm prepared for it and that will be the only difficult part. Whatever happens INSIDE the house won't be difficult.

Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most?
Paul, Paul, Paul. That man got robbed of a million dollars. He is a Top 5 Big Brother player of all time and he didn't even WIN. He's better than EVERY SINGLE winner over the last 12 years aside from Derrick, Evel Dick, Dan, and Rachel, and I didn't even like Derrick's game.

Do you have a strategy for winning the game?
Of course.

My life's motto is... Be yourself and things will fall right into place. Be somebody else and things will fall right on your face. Yes, I made that up myself. But it's a real life motto for me. At the end of the day, I tend to be SWAGGY and never try to imitate someone else.

What would you take into the house and why?
- A basketball so I can dribble even though there isn't a hoop.
- Books to read. I don't care if I read them already, I'm addicted to reading self-help, life, finance, and business books. They help me stay educated and keep my mind working.
- A notebook so I can write down how long I've been in the Big Brother house, and also how long certain competitions are, who got evicted on what day it was (Day 11, for example). I have a photographic memory so you really don't want to ask me: "How many seconds did the OTEV competition last for?" If I knew it lasted for 45 minutes, I'd just multiply 45 and 60 in my head which is obviously 2700 seconds. Don't ask someone with a photographic memory who excels at math (finance) those kind of questions. HOH tiebreakers would be too easy!

Fun facts about yourself:
- I have a photographic memory.
- I'm taking swimming lessons.
- I hate spending any time at the beach.

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If I hear him refer to himself in the third person about one more time, I'm going to scream.  Very obnoxious and as was pointed out above ^ I also feel that he just wants to use BB to brand himself and get some notoriety. 

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This dude and his ego needs to be booted out!!! It was enough listening to him blab about how he's running the game, oh and how he blew Angela out of that comp when she clearly lasted as long as him (not like she fell off as soon as the comp started) but now to hear him tonight so sure of hisself that he was the most trending house guest and only to find out he wasn't :clap:, then to say, "America, you got it wrong, what were you thinking? It's alright though, your BOY :furious3:ain't mad, just get it right next week"!!!   OMG, what an arrogant swagless A$$!!! Him and his arrogant ego needs to be evicted now, before his ego gets to big and can't fit through the door (probably to late for that and they will have to remove him through the backyard)!!! Sorry for such a long post but, just haven't seen such arrogance before. 

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On ‎6‎/‎28‎/‎2018 at 11:05 AM, russellb said:

If I hear him refer to himself in the third person about one more time, I'm going to scream.  Very obnoxious and as was pointed out above ^ I also feel that he just wants to use BB to brand himself and get some notoriety. 


In agreeance. 

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17 hours ago, Tammy49 said:

This dude and his ego needs to be booted out!!! It was enough listening to him blab about how he's running the game, oh and how he blew Angela out of that comp when she clearly lasted as long as him (not like she fell off as soon as the comp started) but now to hear him tonight so sure of hisself that he was the most trending house guest and only to find out he wasn't :clap:, then to say, "America, you got it wrong, what were you thinking? It's alright though, your BOY :furious3:ain't mad, just get it right next week"!!!   OMG, what an arrogant swagless A$$!!! Him and his arrogant ego needs to be evicted now, before his ego gets to big and can't fit through the door (probably to late for that and they will have to remove him through the backyard)!!! Sorry for such a long post but, just haven't seen such arrogance before. 

ROFL!!!  :clap: Great post.  Now  tell us what you really think...

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 So Swaggy and Bayleigh (sp?) are on the hammock kissing and discussing how they could be a power couple. Maybe even planning an after show cruise (thanks Kelly). Seriously? How long have they been in the house? 

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This guy is a complete tool.  Thankfully, several of the other houseguests are on to him.  Unless his side wins the next HOH, he’ll probably go on the block.  Can only hope his “girlfriend” will be sitting next to him.  


As as a side note it’s annoying the way B.B. casts stereotypical black people every year.  Loud, obnoxious and full of themselves. I don’t know ANY black people that conduct themselves like this in real life.

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On 7/2/2018 at 2:41 AM, Tammy49 said:

This dude and his ego needs to be booted out!!! It was enough listening to him blab about how he's running the game, oh and how he blew Angela out of that comp when she clearly lasted as long as him (not like she fell off as soon as the comp started) but now to hear him tonight so sure of hisself that he was the most trending house guest and only to find out he wasn't :clap:, then to say, "America, you got it wrong, what were you thinking? It's alright though, your BOY :furious3:ain't mad, just get it right next week"!!!   OMG, what an arrogant swagless A$$!!! Him and his arrogant ego needs to be evicted now, before his ego gets to big and can't fit through the door (probably to late for that and they will have to remove him through the backyard)!!! Sorry for such a long post but, just haven't seen such arrogance before. 

You took the words right out of my mouth.  I really hope his arrogant behind needs to be voted out SOON!!

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3 hours ago, graceomalley said:

he used the phrase "your boy"  - I HATE that phrase - every time I hear it I see Paul's face - eww - watching him NOT get most trending was soooo delicious!! - he needs to watch himself or his ego will get him booted out -

I loved that also.  He just couldn't believe he wasn't trending the most.

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On 7/5/2018 at 4:20 PM, graceomalley said:

he used the phrase "your boy"  - I HATE that phrase - every time I hear it I see Paul's face - eww - watching him NOT get most trending was soooo delicious!! - he needs to watch himself or his ego will get him booted out -

I feel the same way every time he says it, and to hear Bayliegh call herself "Your Girl",  :omg:, just irritates me just as much!!!  You know that if they are true fans of the show that, they had to see all of the backlash that people were throwing out there about it and yet, here they are, just following/copying Paul (makes me cringe)!!!

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:omg: he is really full of himself, he truely believes that he is all that!! He's pouting because he wasn't choosen as the most trending houseguest so, he then says, "F You America"!!! WTF does he think he Is? Other than the King? He is king of something, just not what he thinks he is!!! Dumb D!©_!!!!! SWAGLESS needs to check himself and while he's at it, get his dimwitted in house chic to do the same!!!  Them 2 are made for each other, it's a wonder, with those 2 big as$ egos, that anyone can be (fit) in the same room as them!! (Dumb & Dumber)!  ---------- I'm sorry, I'm normally not like this, to be this judge mental but, with these 2, I can't help it, it's so easy and for him to say "F you America" just pisses me off! Rant Now Over!! LOL

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I am so tired of hearing that everyones issue with him is racism! It has NOTHING to do with his skin color!!!! It has everything to do with him feeling entitled, as well as his arrogance, his cockyness, and his ego!! On top of all those wonderful (NOT) traits, he then wants to curse America by saying "F You America" cause he didn't win the power app!! He needs to come down off that pedistal he is on and stop acting like everyone is beneath him, but to realize that they are his equals!! 

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