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Rachel - Week 2 (HoH)


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How can someone who claims she is so smart not realize she's a huge target, no because people hate her, but because she has a strong alliance?! She's watched the show, why is she being so stupid?!

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I've seen no evidence supporting Rachel being, "smart." Needy comes to mind and I would throw some self-absorbed in there, as well. I've come to believe, however, that she and Brendon might be perfect for each other but a developing relationship between them (in particular) is not something I need to see.

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I am NOT a fan of Rachels... but listening to some of her conversations, she does have some book smarts ONLY in the realm of science... the girl has ZERO common sense and is completely oblivious as to how the game is played... she has mentioned more than once that she has watched the past shows but in my opinionly has zero retention of the plot, the stradegy, the deceit... I think the only retention that this girl has is water...

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If hear this girl say she cares more about the season than her game I'm going to puke. This idiot repeatedly said last night how they should keep Monet because it would be better for the season even though it would be worse for their game. What is wrong with this moron? She is a terrible strategic player.

At this point every time she speaks I just hear a vuvuzela.

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Ha ha ha XAL, vuvuzela, I'm so bummed the WC is over!!!! And honestly I would love to listen to several 90 minuite matches, blaring vuvuzela's and all, than to listen to one more slurp, laugh or "you're so wonderful"....

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Ha ha ha XAL, vuvuzela, I'm so bummed the WC is over!!!! And honestly I would love to listen to several 90 minuite matches, blaring vuvuzela's and all, than to listen to one more slurp, laugh or "you're so wonderful"....

WC was awesome...

Rachel claims to know so much of this game...man it would be nice if she actually played it

Backstabbing, plotting and scheming...do it or don't make it out alive


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Has her reign of HOH seem like the longest week in history....I am ready for Thursday to get here....and Im declaring here and now, if Brenda wins HOH, I am boycotting BB for one week, I cant watch those 2 in HOH for another week, I just cant

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I may have to take a mini BB vacation for as long as both of them stay in the house. They're like dogs in heat with only a human leg available. They will be dry humping each other even if they're on the block next week. Doesn't matter where they are. Only relief to us would be if one of them leaves.

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I may have to take a mini BB vacation for as long as both of them stay in the house. They're like dogs in heat with only a human leg available. They will be dry humping each other even if they're on the block next week. Doesn't matter where they are. Only relief to us would be if one of them leaves.



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Guest 6Borders

Perish da thought....I would go out of my mind if that happened!!!

Grodner would certainly have to be offering the fans money to stay if it did tho!!!

What would be more funny is to see the power shift from Brendon to Rachel each week and watch the other's lose their minds over it and kick themselves in the ass for keeping them in the first place.

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I really liked Rachel mostly because she won HOH. Now I can't stand her.....because she won HOH. OMG camermen, there are other houseguests and other rooms in the house! Why do we have to watch those two make out all the time on all four feeds?

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If hear this girl say she cares more about the season than her game I'm going to puke. This idiot repeatedly said last night how they should keep Monet because it would be better for the season even though it would be worse for their game. What is wrong with this moron? She is a terrible strategic player.

At this point every time she speaks I just hear a vuvuzela.

This air head also said (to Matt and Brit on BBAD) she just wants to make it to the jury house, with Brendon, so they can spend the summer together.

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Oh Barf

you know it's really sad that I can't get a good hate on for any of these people.... not even Rachel

They are all just to boring to love or hate

eta. the Oh barf was for shipp's post but a post got in there ahead of me

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I realized that "barf" wasn't for my post. LOL!

Rachel saying that alone would make it my life's mission to get her out as soon as possible. Her leaving first or Brenda leaving first, I don't know which would be worse for her. I don't care as long as they're broken up.

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I realized that "barf" wasn't for my post. LOL!

Rachel saying that alone would make it my life's mission to get her out as soon as possible. Her leaving first or Brenda leaving first, I don't know which would be worse for her. I don't care as long as they're broken up.

Either way, it'll be entertaining to watch whichever of them is left in the house waste away and bawl without their little playmate! :partytime:

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If hear this girl say she cares more about the season than her game I'm going to puke. This idiot repeatedly said last night how they should keep Monet because it would be better for the season even though it would be worse for their game. What is wrong with this moron? She is a terrible strategic player.

At this point every time she speaks I just hear a vuvuzela.

:animated_rotfl: :animated_rotfl: :animated_rotfl:

I literally laughed out loud at this post.

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Rachel is as you all know is not one of my favorites. Last night house meeting did me in, who does she think she is telling the house how they should play the game

Come on, one of the floaters evict her A.. out and we can laugh at you.

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