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Rachel - Week 2 (HoH)


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HAHAHA. Oh my gosh no.

Did you see her other pictures? Someone else said it but it literally every single one, she's doing a little kissy face. Like seriously?

OMG :animated_rotfl: it's so true. Most of the pics are of her doing the kissy face and like the last ten frames of her alone in the HOH.

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Let me see if I got this right. She took 52 pics. Not counting the group photos, Rachel is in 28 of them, that is 54%. There is 1 pic of Brendon alone. 8 pics of the Gruesome Twosome (Brendon & Rachel). Rachel is alone in 15 photos. Her lips are puckered in 12 of them. Can you say self-centered? But of course, I'm pathetic because I sat here and figured this crap out. LoL

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Let me see if I got this right. She took 52 pics. Not counting the group photos, Rachel is in 28 of them, that is 54%. There is 1 pic of Brendon alone. 8 pics of the Gruesome Twosome (Brendon & Rachel). Rachel is alone in 15 photos. Her lips are puckered in 12 of them. Can you say self-centered? But of course, I'm pathetic because I sat here and figured this crap out. LoL

I was envisioning how it went down when she got the camera. She was all excited and took a couple with Brendon. Then she finally got the house together for a couple of group shots...she took a few more of her and Brendon and the other HGs were like "whatever" and quit participating. So she went back to taking photos of just her and Brendon until he told her they had enough of the two of them. She sadly looks down to see she has half a roll of film left, locks herself in the HOH and goes crazy with the self-portraits. Couldn't even get Brendon to take them for her. :animated_rotfl:

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no doubt, she drives me bats with that "expect the unexpected", she acts like this is like the 1st season of BB and none of us get what is goin on.animated_bouncy.gif

I meant to put this is the other thread about the saying we hate the most,lol but I am extreamly happy her reign is o-v-e-r, plus she does pooch her lips alot, what a hot mess,lol

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at least her reign is done today. Hopefully brendon doesn't win...

You of course are referring to her "RAIN"? She's just horrible. I couldn't read past the 3rd paragraph of her blog, and the photos were totally annoying. I'm not sure I can take much more of her :(

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and up on the block.....

and out the door......

and never to be seen again by us viewers.......

and Brenda will follow.....

and we could care less whether they lived happily ever after or not. The End.

Heck yes!

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