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Rachel - Week 2 (HoH)


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she knows putting Andrew up is a big mistake but she is obsessed with calling people out on who their alliances are, so Ragen wasn't telling her anything she already doesnt know. Its a dumb risk to put Andrew up simply to see if they'll vote him out, WTF is that about?

Oh yeah, real smart! And after she finds out who is in alliance with whom, what is she going to do then? Say, "I knew it"! on her way out to meet Julie next week?

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She wants to expose the other side...uhm...just look at who's not talking strategy in your Hoh room all night long...repeating the same scenarios over and over again. She is an idiot...

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Personally I have trashed Rachel here and I don't really like her but I am thinking that it's more Brenden pushing the Andrew thing. I do think that they are putting up Matt. I think that Ragan and Kristen finally got through to them. I am kinda hoping that Rachel and Brenden stick around because the "brigade" are the biggest floaters in this game. I think Rachel needs to realize that the line has already been drawn and the 2 people she needs to watch are Hayden and Kristen.

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Rachel is a total moron! Can't stand her, never have....never will.

Can't wait for her to fall flat on her face and have someone quote her the "Expect the Unexpected" phrase as she walks out the door :animated_rotfl:

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Personally I have trashed Rachel here and I don't really like her but I am thinking that it's more Brenden pushing the Andrew thing. I do think that they are putting up Matt. I think that Ragan and Kristen finally got through to them. I am kinda hoping that Rachel and Brenden stick around because the "brigade" are the biggest floaters in this game. I think Rachel needs to realize that the line has already been drawn and the 2 people she needs to watch are Hayden and Kristen.

I couldn't agree more. That's a great observation that the "brigade" is the biggest floating machine and should be put down to put us out of our misery. I think Rachel is very smart, even though I can't stand her because of Brenden. Brenden is not very smart at this game because his ego gets in the way. I think Rachel should do whatever she feels is going to get herself further in the game. She should take offense to all of the men thinking that Brenden controls her HOH and that she would be crippled without him, and maybe she does and it's smart that she's not showing it. Let them think that. But most importantly, she needs to remember that BB is not a team game and that everyone in her group telling her what is best, is doing what is best for their game.

I think she should go with her gut instinct. Her instinct tells her not to trust someone who volunteers himself as a pawn. Why play their game? Of course some people on her side want to keep Andrew because they think its good for their game because they think they can control him, but they can't. Her worst mistake would be to keep Andrew, because he's going to be her downfall. He can't be trusted to be loyal to any group or person and her base instincts tell her that.

It would be a big coup if she got everyone to vote Matt out, then the brigade is crippled. Another tell tell sign was Hayden's reluctance to get him on their alliance. That he said he would always vote to help himself in game. That should tell her that he could flip and that obviously they don't have common enemies. I think putting Andrew up will clue her in to a lot of goings on in the house. It will expose alliances and help her game. If she puts up Matt, things will stay the same and her HOH will have been useless if her goal is to win. If she's just playing for immediate goals and those goals being going after only people who are obviously after you, than she's not playing a long term game. Her long term goal should be to expose people who may be coming after her in the long run. Either way, no matter what, if their side does not win HOH, she's going on the block.

The only people who would aggressively play for HOH is Kristen on her side at this point. Brenden is not trying to win, Andrew is not trying, Ragan is not trying and Kathy certainly isn't trying. She's screwed.

I understand the numbers game, but it won't matter if no one is actively trying to get HOH but one person next week. Why are you trying to get rid of the house's weakest alliance, Brit and Monet. Get rid of the floaters. That would cut down on the chance that the floaters could be on the other side at any given point in the game.

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I think I'd like them better together if he were more like Will. But, he's to egotistical and narcissistic to be a gamer like Will. I liked the Janelle and Will showmance, because they were both smart and strategical. Rachel has the goods to go far in this game, in my opinion, but she's going to have to reel in this baboon she hooked up with.

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I think I'd like them better together if he were more like Will. But, he's to egotistical and narcissistic to be a gamer like Will. I liked the Janelle and Will showmance, because they were both smart and strategical. Rachel has the goods to go far in this game, in my opinion, but she's going to have to reel in this baboon she hooked up with.

Totally agree about Will and Janelle. They were awesome together. Rachel and Brendon so aren't.

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I would not want to be in Rachel, Brendan or Kristen's shoes. They will always be the target. Rachel and Kristen on the block and attempts to backdoor Brendan. These people do not want to make waves or enemies. Those three will always be the safest nominations until they're gone.

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