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Frankie Grande (Week 5) -HoH, Team America

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I am watching After Dark now because I recorded it, and Frankie is acting like a tough white guy named Frank, from a city with an accent and he keeps swearing and flirting with the girls. He told the guys he was going to tell Brittany (as Frank) that he would give her his vote if he got some action tonight! Lol

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Guest 6Borders

I guess Frankie is just there to promote his sister then, to the over 14 audience!

It could always be worse...we could have a Bieber Bopper relative in there!!!

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In regards to Frankie's grandfather dying. How does that work? Do they tell them? Doesn't seem right to not tell someone and give them the option to pay their respects, not that I believe he will leave.

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I think I read that BB allows that person's family to make the decision. His sister tweeted that the grandfather did not want Frankie pulled from the show.

Yeah right, I bet grandpa had a say in that one.

The longer he stays on the show the more he talks about his "famous" sister and the closer he gets to the Oscar.

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Yeah right, I bet grandpa had a say in that one.

The longer he stays on the show the more he talks about his "famous" sister and the closer he gets to the Oscar.

Sorry to hear about his grandps but....

the only 'Oscar' he has any hope of getting will be a latino top in Brooklyn named Oscar..

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Taken from one of our LFU.....posted yesterday afternoon....

#BB16 4:59PM BBT We return and Frankie is crying and being comforted. The HG are supporting him. They have told him about his Grandfather passing.

#BB16 5:01PM BBT Frankie is holding a note and re-reading it. He tells the HG he loves them and they comfort him. He says the funeral is on Saturday. He says he will have his own little service.

#BB16 5:02PM BBT The note seems to be from his family. It says that specifically Grandpa wanted him to stay. They will be waiting until Frankie returns to have a Celebration of Life.

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Guest 6Borders

Sorry his grampa passed away but no need to make a Broadway production out

of it...that was a little tacky even for Frankie!

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Wow...you guys are HARSH!

I like him. He definitely has the best social game, it seems like he can get away with anything. Whatever he is doing seems to be working for him.

I'm totally rooting for him. I think he's playing a great game.

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It is sad for Frankie that his grandfather died while he is in the house. But he chose to stay and play the game. To me, that means that the game should be played just the same. No giving up a comp so he can be HoH and get pictures or any other special treatment like avoiding being a have-not (no health exclusions either).

But since the ones saying they would let him take the HoH are in no danger if he becomes HoH, it really doesn't do their game any harm.

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It is sad for Frankie that his grandfather died while he is in the house. But he chose to stay and play the game. To me, that means that the game should be played just the same. No giving up a comp so he can be HoH and get pictures or any other special treatment like avoiding being a have-not (no health exclusions either).

But since the ones saying they would let him take the HoH are in no danger if he becomes HoH, it really doesn't do their game any harm.

Agreed. No special treatment for him. He left a sick grandfather behind and now he is choosing to stay, so whatever.

If people give him special priviledges, they are dumb.

Oh wait.... :lol2:

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Sorry his grampa passed away but no need to make a Broadway production out

of it...that was a little tacky even for Frankie!

Everything is a show for him, every word is an audition.. He's just another BB douche and should take his place next to Caleb.

The last thing he should be concerned about is getting HOH and having to make decisions (in his time of grief), but like his circulation problem this just adds to his entitlement list.

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Lamasquerade . . . I think I love you. Couldn't have said it better myself.

Honestly, I don't know how I sat through that whole spectacle, but my favorite part was when he forced those tears for his audience.

Frankie, they love you, they really love you.

I can't stand him even more now.

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Wow...you guys are HARSH!

I like him. He definitely has the best social game, it seems like he can get away with anything. Whatever he is doing seems to be working for him.

I'm totally rooting for him. I think he's playing a great game.

I agree with you. People know what kind of game he is playing but they love him so much they aren't going to target him. That is good game play!

I have to wonder if we have become so desentivized that we can't realize that Frankie's personality is over the top.... So his grief will be over the top too. His eulogy was for his FAMILY, not the viewers. Give the guy a break!! Hate on him for his game play if you want, but I think questioning his motives regarding his grandfathers passing is just ridiculous and heartless.

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I have to wonder if we have become so desentivized that we can't realize that Frankie's personality is over the top.... So his grief will be over the top too. His eulogy was for his FAMILY, not the viewers. Give the guy a break!! Hate on him for his game play if you want, but I think questioning his motives regarding his grandfathers passing is just ridiculous and heartless.

Call me heartless. :smoke: He went in the house knowing his 90 year old Grandfather was dying of cancer. I believe he loved his grandfather very much but his eulogy was for the cameras and the fans.

If he wanted to record something privately for his family I am sure he could have gone in the DR and they would have let him do that. They would forward that to his family.

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I agree with you Misha. Frankie was extremely close to his grandfather. Heck, his grandfather was the first family member to accept him when he came out to his family. The eulogy was for his family's benefit and had nothing to do with game play. He does want to be there with them right now but they told him in his letter to stay in the house and not worry about them. I find it disappointing when people say this was all a show to get ahead in the game. What a load of crap.

What got to me was how this information affected some of the other HG. Even the guys were crying. Being in that environment will make them more sensitive due to not being able to contact loved ones or have an outlet for the sadness.

I don't get to watch the feeds live due to issues but from what I've read and tweets I've seen posted Frankie does a lot of crazy stuff but I don't see that as a bad thing. If I was locked in that house I'd welcome someone like Frankie or Wil to keep me laughing and in a good mood. It can't be all anger and fighting 24/7. They'd all go nuts.

My heart goes out to Frankie and his family. Access Hollywood is coming on right now and they have a piece on there about Frankie and Ari sharing their grief over their loss.

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I agree with you. People know what kind of game he is playing but they love him so much they aren't going to target him. That is good game play!

I have to wonder if we have become so desentivized that we can't realize that Frankie's personality is over the top.... So his grief will be over the top too. His eulogy was for his FAMILY, not the viewers. Give the guy a break!! Hate on him for his game play if you want, but I think questioning his motives regarding his grandfathers passing is just ridiculous and heartless.

I call it as I see it whether you agree with me or not. As I see it, that speech was as phony as he is.

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If he wanted to record something privately for his family I am sure he could have gone in the DR and they would have let him do that. They would forward that to his family.

That is an assumption. Maybe yes, maybe no. I would bet money that production would NOT do that because they wanted it to go out on the live feeds. Grodner isn't stupid. SHE will milk it for the publicity.

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For those of you who think some of here are "heartless" you should read the comments on the link:


That is an assumption. Maybe yes, maybe no. I would bet money that production would NOT do that because they wanted it to go out on the live feeds. Grodner isn't stupid. SHE will milk it for the publicity.

He's milking it too because he could have chosen not to do it. After his speech, he ate a nice big bowl of pasta. Atta boy, Frankie!

Ariana tweeted about grandpa. Who was that for? They're a family of fame whores.

It sounds like the sister is washed up already.

Ariana tweeted about grandpa. Who was that for? They're a family of fame whores.

Does this sound familiar:

Ariana "Thaaaanks to my best friends who stayed up with me all night talking and helped me pull myself together temporarily this am," she wrote. "Only reason I made this twelve hour trip is grandps told me he wanted me to always be professional & fulfill my business commitments."


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