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Judd - Week 10


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At least he and Spencer could of beat Amanda and McCrea! Now that would be interesting to see them two in the chicken suits. and SMELLY! Whew. LOL

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i give dan this he made the made the right moves to survive being a returnee even thou it was purely luck that the right person won hoh or he would be back out again

usually the returnees go right back out

it would be interesting if he made it to the end would the hg's penalize him since he was once evicted already :animated_bouncy:

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I think Judd is pretty funny in his DR sessions. Surprised he is not getting more comments on his thread. He has made a smart move with the new alliance and I hope he goes further than Spencer and Andy at least.

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I think Judd is pretty funny in his DR sessions. Surprised he is not getting more comments on his thread. He has made a smart move with the new alliance and I hope he goes further than Spencer and Andy at least.

Me too! I wouldn't mind it being Elissa, GM and Judd in F3

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I think Judd is pretty funny in his DR sessions. Surprised he is not getting more comments on his thread. He has made a smart move with the new alliance and I hope he goes further than Spencer and Andy at least.

Wait..... you can understand Mumbledore?

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I have to give Judd kudos for telling GM to not talk about Elissa's son. I like him and Elissa now. And probably as always (except with Dan) the people I like will probably go home soon.

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I have to give Judd kudos for telling GM to not talk about Elissa's son. I like him and Elissa now. And probably as always (except with Dan) the people I like will probably go home soon.

All of them have heard by now via the DR to xnayy of the racial remarks. Was Judd reminding her to keep her from getting in trouble or was he really that concerned about GM dissing on Ellisa's kid?

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Judd had been so angry the past couple days at "production" and saying he has just had enough. The camera taunted him a bit and he gave them the finger and at one point went to bed he was so mad. He also said he was up all night thinking about everything and has told Elissa just don't say anything cause I don't want you to get in trouble with "them".. My theory is DR is trying to put things into his head and do things vote wise he doesn't want to do, and that he knows they did that to Elissa as well and he is angry at the whole "unfairness" of the game. I know he came back, but that was not predetermined who would come back and he fought for it and won the right. Anyone else have any thoughts?

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Judd had been so angry the past couple days at "production" and saying he has just had enough. The camera taunted him a bit and he gave them the finger and at one point went to bed he was so mad. He also said he was up all night thinking about everything and has told Elissa just don't say anything cause I don't want you to get in trouble with "them".. My theory is DR is trying to put things into his head and do things vote wise he doesn't want to do, and that he knows they did that to Elissa as well and he is angry at the whole "unfairness" of the game. I know he came back, but that was not predetermined who would come back and he fought for it and won the right. Anyone else have any thoughts?

Them ghosts are haunting Judd double D. :D

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