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Coaches playing


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Has there been any conformation that the coaches are actually going to play? That doesn't seem like the right thing to do, and I would agree with Willie if that was to happen. At this point though until that happens it seems like they should stick with their coaches, after all they want to win 100 grand, so it's hard to believe that the coaches would purposely sabotage their own players. I think Willie is just causing paranoia in the house. Maybe he is being fed info from BB to cause trouble. JMO.

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I just posted in Janelle thread that I can't imagine these people (exceot for Britney) leaving babies, etc to come in here and play for $100k. Especially Janelle and Boogie. Unless it's an image thing but even then it's kinda like grow up already - you are no longer relevant.

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Has there been any conformation that the coaches are actually going to play? That doesn't seem like the right thing to do, and I would agree with Willie if that was to happen. At this point though until that happens it seems like they should stick with their coaches, after all they want to win 100 grand, so it's hard to believe that the coaches would purposely sabotage their own players. I think Willie is just causing paranoia in the house. Maybe he is being fed info from BB to cause trouble. JMO.

Britney was the one who told Willie that the coaches think they may get to play. Willie won't tell anyone that Brit told him because he's protecting her.
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Letting the coaches get in the game is the most obvious and least creative thing that can be done, which is right up Grodner's alley. So this wouldn't be a surprise at all if it did happen.

I can kind of see things working out this way. Since Grodner has zero ideas on what to do with the show, I can totally see next season being an all-stars season, since she's already been talking about it the past few years. Doing all-star's right after this season would really bring the show down. So how does Allison's get to do it? When they announce the cast for this season, people all over the internet talked down about the season because of returning players, and since the coaches might eventually get into the game, even more people have threatened to stop watching the show. I can't remember exactly at what point in the season that CBS usually announces they renewed the show for another season. I think it's usually about half way through. I'm thinking once the show gets picked up for another season, is about the time the coaches might enter the game, since the backlash/decline of viewers wouldn't matter anymore for this season since they already renewed it. Then Allison can come back next season and deliver the death blow with her all-star season.

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It was a stupid idea and she needs to make them pack and have them steal away in the dead of night, never to be heard from again - PRAISE THE LORD - and get the game going the way it should be going with all new people battling it out.

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I just don't think it's going to happen, AG would lose what little credibility she has left. I assume(you know about assuming LOL) the coaches are getting a flat fee for just being there plus siphon so it's not just the 100 grand. Of course I would be more than happy with 100 grand but maybe not for these ultra rich coaches lol, or it could just be for the competition. I think Janelle is still upset she never won and this is a way to settle the score especially with Booger.

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I don't believe for a minute they get to "enter" the contest and play for the grand prize. Too many factors would work against CBS for them to go that route. Besides, the producers know it wouldn't be right to let them come into the game a few weeks down the road when they were never in a position for possible eviction.

It was simply a person blowing smoke into space and had absolutely no substance. Period.

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Someone once said, "After wars are ended no one can remember exactly why they started..."

Much ado about Nothing. Janelle, you are not Mother Nature. In fact you are a disgrace as a mother to leave a six month old infant to make an arse of herself on this show. It's only natural Janelle turns on Britt who is half her age!

PMS much, Janie?

Speaking of unfairness regarding the coaches, why is it they never become a have-not.

At this point, these are the last so-called all-stars I ever want to see.

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Letting the coaches get in the game is the most obvious and least creative thing that can be done, which is right up Grodner's alley. So this wouldn't be a surprise at all if it did happen.

I can kind of see things working out this way. Since Grodner has zero ideas on what to do with the show, I can totally see next season being an all-stars season, since she's already been talking about it the past few years. Doing all-star's right after this season would really bring the show down. So how does Allison's get to do it? When they announce the cast for this season, people all over the internet talked down about the season because of returning players, and since the coaches might eventually get into the game, even more people have threatened to stop watching the show. I can't remember exactly at what point in the season that CBS usually announces they renewed the show for another season. I think it's usually about half way through. I'm thinking once the show gets picked up for another season, is about the time the coaches might enter the game, since the backlash/decline of viewers wouldn't matter anymore for this season since they already renewed it. Then Allison can come back next season and deliver the death blow with her all-star season.

For the last few years, it hasn't been renewed for another season until around the finale. It's usually the date of the finale or the date after of the finale that it is announced.

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I have been saying for a while that I doubt the coaches are coming into the game at all. First of all they announced the winning coach gets $100,000, why would they announce this if the coaches are able to play for the $500,000? The other thing that makes it less likely is the coaches have been talking about it like it is a certainty, which to me would make it less likely to happen. In the end I think the coaches leave and go home when their last player leaves the game. The only thing I can think about is what happens if say the final three is from the same team, then the coach has like nothing to do and it will be a foregone conclusion she will win the $100,000.

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If a coach looses all three of his/her players what happens next. Does the coach leave the house? Why would they stick around if they didn't have anyone to coach? Maybe I missed this somewhere, but haven't seen an answer. Thanks.

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If by some chance the coaches enter the game as players for the 500k, I for one will be done with this show. I already hate the coach/mentor idea. All it did was insure the newbies would be instantly divided into competing teams and tnat the teams would likey split two against two.

Whatever happened to the social game and individual play with players developing their own alliances and partnerships. Since they started all these twists with teams and partners, they killed alot of the individual play aspects of the original game..

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If a coach looses all three of his/her players what happens next. Does the coach leave the house? Why would they stick around if they didn't have anyone to coach? Maybe I missed this somewhere, but haven't seen an answer. Thanks.

Welcome! Julie Chen didn't say word one about where the coaches would go, once his/her team is evicted. So we really don't know. I think they need to go back where they came from.

If by some chance the coaches enter the game as players for the 500k, I for one will be done with this show. I already hate the coach/mentor idea. All it did was insure the newbies would be instantly divided into competing teams and tnat the teams would likey split two against two.

Whatever happened to the social game and individual play with players developing their own alliances and partnerships. Since they started all these twists with teams and partners, they killed alot of the individual play aspects of the original game..

ITA with this statement. There are a lot of newbies who would be fun to watch if they didn't have to put up with these coaches.

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so we waited all hour to hear about a trade that so many already predicted :animated_bouncy:

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by far the most balance team :animated_bouncy:

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Maybe Dan won't throw it this week lol.

Hopefully the are more specific during the comp. Will the coach be able to save a player first? Will the coach be able to trade a player first? Will the coach be able to trade and then save the same player?

EDIT: or can the coach only do one or the other?

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i dont see anyone trading :animated_bouncy:

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on second thought britney could trade willie

he is a sinking ship :animated_bouncy:

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I really feel like this year it is all about the coaches and not real fair for the regular players. That being said maybe they drop the first two coaches back in the game when their players are gone. I bet their game would change real quick.

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on second thought britney could trade willie

he is a sinking ship :animated_bouncy:

I forgot about that, but yeah. But the question is, can Britney actually win a competition against Boogie, Janelle and Dan? Haha.

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