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Live Feed and BB AfterDark - 9/4 & 9/5


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Big Brother keeps saying "That's what She Said" over the speaker. What is that about? Anyone? I know that was what Lane, Hayden and Enzo kept saying last season but is it possible it has something to do with the Fortune Teller? Should they go in and look when he says that?

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oh how gross. Porsche was just smelling her clothes to see if they stank or if she could wear them. She is wearing them - wonder if she has ever heard of doing laundry!

When Pork was on Have Not she never washed her hair or took a shower. ewww

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So I read that Kalia has offered up a "secret" to Adam but will only tell him when everyone's in bed. So I go to look for the secret (thanks live feeders) and this is what I found....

Kal so u want to know my surprise secret? adam, yes. Kal I am inclined to show u something after you know this u will no every aspect of my game and u will understand why I want you to know the reason I want u to use the veto on me. I took the chess pieces to throw off people. we also hid the grill behind the palm tree and then they took it. the chess pieces have been in the storage room so she is saying shelly lied about where she found them

Seriously?? I would be super pissed if I had stayed up to hear this crap....LOL!

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So I read that Kalia has offered up a "secret" to Adam but will only tell him when everyone's in bed. So I go to look for the secret (thanks live feeders) and this is what I found....

Kal so u want to know my surprise secret? adam, yes. Kal I am inclined to show u something after you know this u will no every aspect of my game and u will understand why I want you to know the reason I want u to use the veto on me. I took the chess pieces to throw off people. we also hid the grill behind the palm tree and then they took it. the chess pieces have been in the storage room so she is saying shelly lied about where she found them

Seriously?? I would be super pissed if I had stayed up to hear this crap....LOL!

I know!! I read this same thing this morning and I thought...am I stupid or is she? What the heck did she even mean? Why was that a big deal to her? She screwed everyone out of playing chess all season?

I can't wait until that useless POS is gone. All she does is lie and go on and on about how she never lies. She keeps insinuating to Adam that the fans will be mad at him if he helps Rachel. After Porsche's PB which saved R/J and Rachel's PB which basically awarded Adam, If K doesn't get that she IS NOT a fan fave, then she's completely clueless. No one likes puppy abusers, Kalia!!

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OK this info is from another site. It's about Adam's monologue to the camera:

He had a good observation about kalia that I hadn't thought about. he was talking about how in the beginning of the game, she latched onto the vets because she was scared that Lawon was more popular than her so she might get voted out.

Then once the golden keys were over, she flipped to Dani thinking that was her best bet to get far.

He was NOT impressed about her admission to hiding the chess pieces.

He also called her bluff about saying R/J lied to her about the eviction vote and who they were voting out. Said something about she didn't have his back if she was just planning on voting with the house.

I thought it was good info for anyone who missed it and was worried he would save Kalia.

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More plagarism for info sake

I recapped Adam's monologue as carefully as I could (considering how late it is) here:


The red font is him quoting kalia, the rest are his words, and anything in parenthesis is me trying to make things more clear. This is worthy of flashback if you have the feeds because you can really capture how fed up he is with Kalia. He really loathes her and her game play. Feed 1, 3:20 AM bb time 9/5/2011

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More plagarism for info sake

I recapped Adam's monologue as carefully as I could (considering how late it is) here:


The red font is him quoting kalia, the rest are his words, and anything in parenthesis is me trying to make things more clear. This is worthy of flashback if you have the feeds because you can really capture how fed up he is with Kalia. He really loathes her and her game play. Feed 1, 3:20 AM bb time 9/5/2011

That link isn't working for me. It is on this page:

Adam's Monologue

Scroll down to post #915...

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When Rachel, Jordo and Adam where up in HOH it sounded like Rachel was encouraging Jordon to give Kalia a vote and said she doesn't mind doing the tie breaker.

also Rachel talked to Porch and it sounds like Rach is defiantly keeping Pork.

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