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Rachel - Week 8/DE - PoV Winner (Part 2 Off Block)


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Poor Rachel. She not only has to win all the competitions she can, but she has to drag Jordan and Adam along with her. Jordan keeps pushing that they should stay aligned with Adam even though he hasn't proven he can win anything without an assist from Jeff throwing that POV.

If Rachel makes it to F2 I think she'll have earned the first place win.


Why in the world would Dani vote for Rachel? She has been her number 1 enemy most of the game and did you not see that goodbye video Rachel left her?

Dani has been stating that she would vote for who played the game and won comps, that is my thought process. Goodbye messages don't always mean anything, she also stated that week after week in the jury house the votes would keep changing.


I really hope that Rachel's wrong about the math and she's not pregnant. It would be kind of sad for half of america to know before the father! Have y'all noticed if she's continuing to drink alcohol these days?

On another note, I agree with the recent comments about Rachel's kindness. I think she's so passionate and competitive that you don't always see it in the house, but I really believe she has a compassionate heart.

Houseguests were commenting last night that they "aren't getting alcohol anymore". Since R said they wouldn't give her a pregnancy test, wonder if they are covering their butts by making sure she doesn't drink again. Just saying.... :cheers:


i may have been wrong about Rachel, shes a different person without Brendon in the house. Although she does have a vulgar side to her at times


I haven't ever hated or dis-liked Rachel(I was one of the verrrrry few who was rooting for Brenchel last season), but I definitely like her 100 times better with Brendon OUT of the house.


After Brendon left the second time (though I have always enjoyed the entertainment/competitive factor of Rachel) I really have to say that Rachel is turning out to be quite different than people think. Yes, she is melodramatic... duh. But she has been striving to play the game, be nice to people, stay true to her alliance, and win competitions. I also was super impressed that how she stopped Jordan from imploding too much on Shelly, especially when Shelly is the one who started it because Shelly can't stand the thought that maybe she is the bad guy/villain here. Shelly lied. Shelly played both sides. Shelly was flipping. But what did she do when confronted? Tried to turn it on Adam rather than admit that she flipped. Totally looking forward to seeing Shelly evicted on Thursday. Go team RoJo!!


Houseguests were commenting last night that they "aren't getting alcohol anymore". Since R said they wouldn't give her a pregnancy test, wonder if they are covering their butts by making sure she doesn't drink again. Just saying.... :cheers:

They got wine (and Rachel drank it) the same day she said BB wouldn't give her a pregnancy test kit. Hopefully that is true that they are going to stop the alcohol while Rachel's in the house. Either she's very irresponsible or she doesn't plan to keep it if in fact she is pregnant.


They got wine (and Rachel drank it) the same day she said BB wouldn't give her a pregnancy test kit. Hopefully that is true that they are going to stop the alcohol while Rachel's in the house. Either she's very irresponsible or she doesn't plan to keep it if in fact she is pregnant.

When I was pregnant and had some headaches. My OBGYN told me I could drink a glass of wine at night. I never did because I had heartburn. Of course that was 34 years ago....


A glass of wine is still OK in pregnancy. In all of the literature I got (with all 3 pregnancies) it said studies have shown a glass of wine will not harm a fetus. Does this mean you can drink of bottle of it? No, but it is fine in moderation.

I don't know of R is preggers or not, but I agree that it's a bummer that America knows she could be before the daddy does. This could also be much ado about nothing. Time will tell =)


Either she's very irresponsible or she doesn't plan to keep it if in fact she is pregnant.

Wow. What an assumption. Having some wine doesn't mean she is either one of those things. First off, SHE doesn't even know if she is pregnant. Second, this IS Rachael we are talking about - who likes to keep attention on herself and she made the statement while the focus was on the other HG's. It could have been nothing more than an attention ploy. Third, many women still have a few drinks at this stage because they don't even know they are pregnant yet. Fourth, she asked for a pregnancy test and was refused. Someone said she had unprotected sex in the BB house. When? Where? Was it not "seen" (even if discreet) on the live feeds? I have not seen anyone talk about it. If BB knows she didn't have sex in the house, they know she won't be pregnant, thus resulting in not giving her a test, thus also resulting in Rachael knowing she really isn't pregnant and drinking the wine.

Regardless of if she is or isn't, saying she either/or doesn't want to "keep it" is a little presumptive imo.


Either she's very irresponsible or she doesn't plan to keep it if in fact she is pregnant.

Someone said she had unprotected sex in the BB house. When? Where? Was it not "seen" (even if discreet) on the live feeds? I have not seen anyone talk about it. If BB knows she didn't have sex in the house, they know she won't be pregnant, thus resulting in not giving her a test, thus also resulting in Rachael knowing she really isn't pregnant and drinking the wine.

BB doesn't have cameras under bed covers and there could have been plenty going on under there on many occasions. I unfortunately witnessed one of these occasions myself when Brenchel was in the HOH room in the dark doing a whole lot of wiggling around under the covers along with heavy breathing. There was a lot more than just spooning going on under there.

Regardless of if she is or isn't, saying she either/or doesn't want to "keep it" is a little presumptive imo.

I agree. Given how much she wants a baby there is no way she is intentionally trying to bring harm to it if she is pregnant. It would be more likely that she is in denial or isn't aware what harm lots of alcohol can do.


Either she's very irresponsible or she doesn't plan to keep it if in fact she is pregnant.

Wow. What an assumption. Having some wine doesn't mean she is either one of those things. First off, SHE doesn't even know if she is pregnant. Second, this IS Rachael we are talking about - who likes to keep attention on herself and she made the statement while the focus was on the other HG's. It could have been nothing more than an attention ploy. Third, many women still have a few drinks at this stage because they don't even know they are pregnant yet. Fourth, she asked for a pregnancy test and was refused. Someone said she had unprotected sex in the BB house. When? Where? Was it not "seen" (even if discreet) on the live feeds? I have not seen anyone talk about it. If BB knows she didn't have sex in the house, they know she won't be pregnant, thus resulting in not giving her a test, thus also resulting in Rachael knowing she really isn't pregnant and drinking the wine.

Regardless of if she is or isn't, saying she either/or doesn't want to "keep it" is a little presumptive imo.

First of all I like Rachel, but I'm not a blind fan who thinks whatever the HGs I like is okay and I'm a realist. Second of all, she and Brendon HAVE had sex in the house, Rachel has admitted it several times (including recently). Third of all, she is worried about being pregnant, she is 2-3 weeks late, she asked BB for a pregnancy test, she has been nauseous and feels "weird" so maybe she doesn't "know" but she highly suspects. Fourth of all, a glass of wine or two might be okay but I personally wouldn't risk it. The first trimester is the most sensitive time of pregnancy. I personally think drinking when you think you may be pregnant is not a good idea. If you think it's okay, fine. We can agree to disagree.


I agree that we can agree to disagree on this, but that has nothing to do with your comment about "she must not want to keep it".

My comment was not "she must not want to keep it", it was:

They got wine (and Rachel drank it) the same day she said BB wouldn't give her a pregnancy test kit. Hopefully that is true that they are going to stop the alcohol while Rachel's in the house. Either she's very irresponsible or she doesn't plan to keep it if in fact she is pregnant.

I understand your comment that it's presumptive, and it is. That's my opinion - I think if she does want to keep it, she's being irresponsible.


I came here too to find out more on the possibility of Rachel being pregnant...not sure we have had this particular scenario in past.

Really think it has interesting implications to gameplay.

I find this more intriguing then whether Adam or Shelly go this week.

So anyone know when she had her last cycle or how many days she feels she is overdue?

I know I heard or read sometime last week that she said her cycle is like clockwork...she does not run late and today we continue to see possible related symptoms.

I am sure there is lots going on behind the scenes to address this including the fact that Rachel may have been given a test.

anyone know the last time that Rachel mentioned not being given a test? Does her most recent actions give any indications she knows?

As a HG in this situation I may not want the other HG's to know especially when getting down in the numbers and the many ways this could be used against her.

Even removing the alcohol factor socially I think this presents an interesting paradigm on Rachel's rights/options in the game.

Also find it fascinating that if pregnant the sperm donor, by being in seclusion for BB jury, would be the only way he might not be made aware of this specific, possible pregnancy.


The other HGs have all been speculating about this since last week. Daniele even said she was going to tell Brendon when she went into the jury house. If she is pregnant, hopefully that isn't the way Brendon finds out.

Porsche/Kalia/Shelly and Adam have also been talking behind Rachel's back about it this week. They were talking about the POV maybe being something a pregnant Rachel wouldn't be able to compete in. Adam even going so far as to say something about a medicine ball to the stomach as a possibility in the POV. I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt and hoping he meant they wouldn't let her compete in something like that in case she could be hit in the stomach. Jordan also knows as Rachel told her.


I'm kind of bummed about the duo twist. I was hoping Rachel would win the POV, take herself off the block and Jorden would be evicted without any blood on her hands.

If Rachel goes to the F2 with Jorden, does Rachel stand a chance of winning the game?

Brendon and Jeff would cancel out each other's votes.

I think Daniel will vote for a player, but shelly will vote for Jorden...canceling out their votes.

Porche and Kalia seem to hate Rachel...not really sure why...but would they vote for Rachel? She never lied to either one of them....however, Kalia seems to desperately want Jorden to love her and will therefore probably vote for her. Porshe on the hand used to be friends with Rachel and is a competitor..I could see her voting for Rachel...however, their votes would, again, cancel each other out.

Adam has said that if Rachel wins a bunch of comps he will vote for her if in F2, but will he keep that promise if it's Jorden she is up again...considering his love affair with Jeff he may not risk it and vote for Jorden.

I really don't want to see Jorden win again. She is a coaster. I want to see a competitor win.

Rachel FTW!

I hope she wins the next HOH....puts up Porshe and Kalia....maybe Adam will win the POV, take Porshe down and Porshe and Adam vote out Jorden because she is so loved by the Jury...? Then Rachel has to win the next POV so she gets to decide who to evict.

Doubt it will happen that way, but a girl can dream.


At this point anyone left in that house has a chance to win - inlcuding Adam.

Rachel can win over Jordan - all depends on how it is positioned...it may be as easy as saying Jordan already won $500K.

I can almost hear Kalia saying: Jordan I promised I would never vote for ya, why start that now.

People on the Jury need to pick someone. Everything flip flops and if this softer, dare I say more maternal side of Rachel prevails, then she could present a convicing reason to vote for her.


As I've mentioned previously, I don't think that Rachel verbalizes very well. She becomes very dramatic when she has to speak and/or defend herself or a position. Jordan, on the other hand, is usually very soft-spoken and humble when she speaks to a group. I like them both very much right now.


Rachel is not pregnant, she just told Jordan the test came back negative.

Thank goodness! Those two definitely need some time away from BB and to stabalize their lives before they go down that road.


My girl is in a position to potentially win this whole shabang. So long as Kalia doesn't win next week. My question is, who does she stand the best chance against.. and do you think people will vote strategically or personally?

I really want her to win, she's been a high threat target her whole season, had the whole house against her several times, AND managed to hang in there long enough for Jordan to realize that Rachel WASN'T lying that it WAS Shelly ..

Hoping she wins this.. much as I think Jordan is a sweet girl, Jordan hasn't done much this year. I honestly .. much as I detest Kalia think that Kalia and Rachel are the only two who really deserve to win at this point. But Kalia loses points for me for nominating and evicting her own alliance.


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