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Jeff - Week 5


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Kalia wants to put up Adam -

veryyyy risky move :animated_bouncy:

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If she wants to get rid of Rachel, she should put up Shelly. Rachel would only have J & J's votes to stay, the others would all vote in favor of Shelly and Rachel would be out - for a minute.

I have no doubt that if she gets evicted, she will be the one coming back.

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:animated_rotfl: :animated_rotfl: :animated_rotfl: :animated_rotfl: :animated_rotfl:

That's hilarious because she is totally backing down!

I hope she puts him up, anyone but Jordan!

Pretty sure Cow Pie has a deal with Jordan not to put her up this week. Tho she'll have Dani in her ear telling her what to do.

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Oh make no mistake Dani is in her ear and does not want her to put up Adam, says there is just something she TRUSTS in him and then she aske Kalia if she could talk to him before she put him up and Kalia wanted to know "why would you want to talk to him?" Dani said well because I think I am closer to him then you and maybe can soften the blow, Dani giving her all kinds of advice, let me tell ya, it should be interesting

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No. Jordan is our registered and certified Golden Girl. Even Danielle knows better than to mess with that. :party_smilie:

She put her up last week.

Jeff and Jordan will kick Danielle's skinny ass given the chance - as they should.

Sooo looking forward to it!!

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"She put her up last week." Exactly. A pawn. Pawn twice? Even our Jordan wouldn't stand for that.

Yep, Jordan will be pissed. And I think Jeff will be even more pissed. Maybe that's what they need to fire them up to win HOH this week!

Jordan just said "I'm not even going up there (HOH room) because I will flip out, lose my cool and embarrass myself". LOL!

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Jeff and Jordan talking and Jeff said he NEVER would have won without her help. She kept him on track during the comp.

That Jeff is just such a bully to Jordan.... I swear. ;)

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Jeff and Jordan talking and Jeff said he NEVER would have won without her help. She kept him on track during the comp.

That Jeff is just such a bully to Jordan.... I swear. ;)

I know right? I just want to kiss bash him right in the mouth! :animated_rotfl:

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Nice to see Jeff stepped up to the plate.

I agree Shelly should be the one up on the block to get Rachel out.

We need the HG to talk more about who they are going to vote back in....

The HG's don't know that we are voting for someone to compete against this week's evictee. All they know is that whoever is voted out has a chance to come back.

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