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Wednesday, 8/25 Show


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Hope I'm not setting myself up for a disappointment but, I think tonight's show will be the best so far this season. I'm sooo interested in seeing who's lying about how hard they tried (or didn't) to win PoV.

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Hope I'm not setting myself up for a disappointment but, I think tonight's show will be the best so far this season. I'm sooo interested in seeing who's lying about how hard they tried (or didn't) to win PoV.

I would absolutely LOVE it if we get to see another thumbs up signal from Matt tonight. I bet he thought he was safe!

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Hope I'm not setting myself up for a disappointment but, I think tonight's show will be the best so far this season. I'm sooo interested in seeing who's lying about how hard they tried (or didn't) to win PoV.

I feel the same - I have been looking forward to it for days!!

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jessie returns show and we get to see who took what in pov comp :animated_rotfl::animated_bouncy:

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Hope I'm not setting myself up for a disappointment but, I think tonight's show will be the best so far this season. I'm sooo interested in seeing who's lying about how hard they tried (or didn't) to win PoV.

Same here. It's going to be interesting to find out :animated_bouncy:

NOT looking forward to seeing Jessie :sleepy:

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See, I was thinking that tonight's show would be a downer. We know who won, we know who took some of the punishments. We know who Brit replaces with. I believe we know we took the prizes. So, what is there to be excited about? I'm not being rude, I just don't understand. Am I missing something? I'm really looking forward to tomorrow's show for the DE.

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the only reason I'll watch the show tonight is to see what prizes the players won. Other than that, tomorrow will be the best show of the season. I've never seen a double eviction and am curious how that will work out. I feel sorry for production because this has got to be the dullest season ever. It seems they are doing anything they can to lift it up to make it interesting. Boy were they wrong about Enzo. He's not that witty or amusing at all and I find his ever-present expression of pain painful to watch.

Anyway, looking forward to turning things in the house around after tomorrow's program.

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Well, it's just that it's kinda strange that the only 2 to get punishments were Brendon and Enzo. Most of it being Brendon.

And, we hear/see Britney, Matt and even Enzo go on and on about how they pushed the button immediately for all the punishments... but, it just doesn't ring true that Brendon is the only one that won them all. So, for me, seeing who is lying and how convincing they are on the feeds is going to be very telling. imo

But, I do agree that tomorrow's eppy will be even better... DE's are always exciting!

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Oh, okay CeCi, I see your point. The only bad thing about DE's...if a newbie wins HOH, they don't get the "goodies". But I would love to see Regan or Lane get it just to see what they would do. Make some kind of move...please!

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i dont get jessie is one of the most hated ppl in big brother hostory

and he keeps on coming back

Because he makes for amazing tv.

Think of it like this, if Jessie wasn't around would Jeff/Jordan or Dan become the fan favourites they were? You need that villain to create a hero and he does it really well.

the only reason I'll watch the show tonight is to see what prizes the players won. Other than that, tomorrow will be the best show of the season. I've never seen a double eviction and am curious how that will work out. I feel sorry for production because this has got to be the dullest season ever. It seems they are doing anything they can to lift it up to make it interesting. Boy were they wrong about Enzo. He's not that witty or amusing at all and I find his ever-present expression of pain painful to watch.

Anyway, looking forward to turning things in the house around after tomorrow's program.

You should watch BB10's Double Eviction. I'd say hands down that was one of the if not best double eviction episodes.

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It's the most boring season because BB didn't give them things to do. Last season they made tie dye t-shirts, they had cards, badmitton, etc.

People played chess also but Andrew took a king and I guess no one can play chess.

Give them some CARDS Allison- We are tired of the moaning and groaning of being bored, bored, bored and counting the days until they get out of "jail". Even jail has more than BB I heard.

Have not at the final 7? Yes, Allison you have made the most boring BB showtime after dark. Last time I ever pay to watch people complain, grip and yawn about being bored.

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Have not at the final 7?

They almost always have a "slop day of the week" competition when it comes down to final 7 where they each either win or don't win food for a day of the week. Then (if memory serves correctly) the whole slop/have nots are done shortly thereafter. As predictable as some of the comps are, I'm really surprised they didn't do the day of the week food comp this week, as it gets them all working together (at least for one comp) around the same time alliances start falling apart.

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Wow I haven't been on for a couple days and tonight I have to watch JESSIE???? UGH! Don't know if I can stomach it. He's such a douche.

Anywho, Brenda shaved his head? Was it part of a dare? Punishment? Enzo is a penguin, love it because I know it makes him miserable. Looks like Brit/Hayden/Lane are tight as of last nights BBAD, is this a real alliance or are Hayden/Lane snowing her?


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Well, it's just that it's kinda strange that the only 2 to get punishments were Brendon and Enzo. Most of it being Brendon.

And, we hear/see Britney, Matt and even Enzo go on and on about how they pushed the button immediately for all the punishments... but, it just doesn't ring true that Brendon is the only one that won them all. So, for me, seeing who is lying and how convincing they are on the feeds is going to be very telling. imo

But, I do agree that tomorrow's eppy will be even better... DE's are always exciting!

And the arrival of Kathy at the jury house with her tape...will that be tonite or tomorrow...a LOT to fit in tomorrow, maybe it'll be skipped this year? I liked that and after this BORING season that would be fun to watch...maybe not,. cause Rachel will be SUPER obnoxious that Brendon is STILL in the house.UGH!

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showtime :animated_bouncy:

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hayden really stacked up on the prizes :animated_rotfl::animated_bouncy:

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