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Sunday August 30th


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OK, even as a loyal Jeff supporter, I would think it extremely insane for Michele to use the veto on Jeff..........................on the other hand, IF she really wants to, what the heck! :animated_rotfl:

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They should have Michelle use the veto on Jeff replace him with Natalie then J/J vote Natalie out. I don't know why Kevin is being so loyal to Natalie when she will try to get him out when the timing is right.

Kevin would *again* LIE to M/J/and J and make them *believe* he'll put up Gnat as a replacement BUT HE WON'T! He'll put up Jordan instead and Mich would be evicted even if Jeff would vote to keep Mich because Gnat would vote to evict Mich causing a tie and who breaks the tie.....KEVIN! Result? >>>> Mich would go out the door.

Oh heck no, Mich needs to use the veto on herself!

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I think a few have clued in. I think they're just afraid to call her on it. Kevin did, but let it go. Lame.

ETA: I can't fault Natalie for lying though. If others choose to believe her despite all the "clues" then you really can't hold that against her.

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Why must we call someone STUPID because of their lack of game skills. Are my elder cousins STUPID because yesterday they did not know how to play Crocket, one of the easiest of lawn games, and even after explaining the rules, some had further questions?

Ummm :unsure: I'm 45 and I don't know how to play crocket. BUT I have no interest in learning either. However I THINK I could catch on if it was explained. Possibly anyway. :huh:

Are we gonna see a Marcellas move out of Michelle. Nat has me SO confused my heading is spinning. :stars:

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