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Tuesday, July 21st

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I feel bad for Laura having to sit through Ronnies crap....Fortunately she's not buying his shit Laura's way too smart for that...she's just doing it to stay in the house....He doesn't realize he's shit in her alliance....

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She's playing Ronnie. About the only one in there capable of it. I think she's the only one in there that really understands the other side's actions. She always has to explain everything to the others, but they never take her seriously because of the way she looks.

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What is Laura making..it looks like runny potato salad left out at a picnic all day in 100 degree heat.

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Tried to post this in the other forum as a reply, but it closed while I was typing my novel. LOL Sorry I am so long winded.

I don't know how you do it, Misha. You can see a rose growing out of a pile of dung. :) It's hard to ignore the personality aspect of the game when you have deviants, egotistical bullies and totally bitchy women with all the power in the house. I think the twist set the tone for the house. They all went back to a high school mentality, splitting into groups and warring with each other. I don't like the cruelty I've seen some of these HGs exhibit.

I'm a very practical person. I never like seeing cruelty either. But to say it bluntly... I was too busy to watch the feeds the first day or two. :animated_rotfl: Who knows if I might feel the same as others if I had. Then again, I don't think anybody should watch the first few days and take anything too seriously. I HATED Renny in the first two weeks from last season... loved and adored her at the end once I got to know her better. I LOVED Evil Dick in the beginning on his season... realized why he was named Evil Dick by the end of the season. I thought Dan was worthless last season... loved and adored him at the end (with the exception of his stupid POV ceremony blunder).

I have been surprised to find myself liking people I hated and hating people I liked throughout the show only to thinking kindly of them after the show finished and realizing that they are imperfect people, just like we are, but who were put in extraordinary circumstances that require a change of character.

So I look at this uber geek Ronnie and see that he's lying (no really... in the BB house??) and manipulating and trying to win the game. I think back to Whamber (ouch)... and I have no problem with Ronnie personally yet. I see that he is a happily married man who dotes on his cats and nearly cried reading the letter from his wife. So I find it is a serious stretch to suddenly say that this is a guy who simply MUST be a psychopath who is capable of the kind of atrocities mentions in some areas of this board.

I see Russell is lying and manipulating and trying to win the game.

I see everybody in the house lying and manipulating trying to win the game. For those who say... Jordan isn't lying!! Really? I recall seeing her saying "Don't tell Ronnie the truth. Tell him what you have to. Promise him that you won't put him up and then put him up." I'm pretty sure she was on the couch while Ronnie was strutting (like most idiots do when they win HOH and get power happy) and lying to him saying that she knew he wasn't the one that lied and then turning around when he left and saying "I know it was him".

Everybody lies in that house. Everybody is being manipulative. They do it every season. Always have. Always will. When I first started watching the show, I took it personally. But I have too good a life outside of this show to waste my emotions getting all pissed off at these people who are trying to win a lot of money at the expense of other people. So it is entertainment for me. I watch the feeds when I can. I am enjoying the roller coaster. And I take pleasure in watching people screw up and make mistakes and manipulate and somehow save themselves and can't wait to see what comes next.

They might have to be playing "high school cliques" for their game, but I don't have to return to MY high school times and react that way. So I am going to be practical and see the roses growing out of the manure and appreciate the view while ignoring the smell.

By the way.. I am soooo glad that BB is back on the air. I had to wait 3/4 of a year for it to come back since the end of last season!!! :animated_bouncy:

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Good post Misha. In reading some of the posts I just hope Ronnie especially doesn't visit the boards after he gets out of the house. I see a man with a fragile ego and I know he will probably be hurt by the comments made by fans of the show.

I hope his wife is strong enough for both of them to help him deal with this extremely negative public perception. I honestly think he might try to hurt himself if he takes one iota of these comments to heart.

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Most "geeks" have a fragile ego. They do advise that people do not visit message boards, but not everyone listens.

In defense for geeks... I should say that I am married to a self-admitted geek. I highly recommend it because he is truly capable of loving others more than himself. In my experience with "popular people", they have a tendency to love themselves first and foremost. I always feel loved and cherished by my less than perfect geek. He is loved and cherished for this by me.

I always recommend marrying geeks. They make terrific husbands.

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So here we go..the flip begins. This could blow up in Ronnie's face...He's actually making himself look like AP with these random switches... Now its blowing up Jesse and ratalie's face..."we shouldn't of listen".........Chima saying they should have got Russell out..and Lydia acting all bad and tough...She's a grotesque pig.

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I loved Lydia's comment about how Russell isn't like "My Pet Monster... you can't just put handcuffs on him and make him stop" or whatever she ended it with. I thought I was the only person who watched that show... apparently she was the other one. What does that say about me???

I do hope they vote out Jordan though. Only, I hope Laura and Russell team up to take them down. That would be amazing!!

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Lydia's way off base with her theory. "my bond between me and Jordan" is strong. Boy what a clueless moron. Chima still complaining about Russel and telling Nat "that's bullshit Natalie"...Chima's mad, but then again when is this mess not. I dislike people who can't win anything trying to call the shots. Chima wants Russell out then she should win HOH and put him out herself....

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Poor Ratalie..running to Jesse because she's getting if from the flock...

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That was funny...Now the sheep are going to pull the wool over Ronnie's eyes and pretend they are considering Laura...Chima still bitching about Ratalie and her "star struck" of Jesse....Now they are pycho analyzing Jesse and Natalie...Hmmm Psycho analysis by a bunch of psychos...

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I really hope that Jeff sees the opportunity Natalie is presenting him with.

Jeff, the two people who hate you the most (Natalie and Jessie) are upset that the others are considering keeping Laura. Jeff, let go of your like for Jordan and play the damn game and keep Laura. If for no other reason, to spite them!!!

If he doesn't keep Laura after their little conversation right now, then he's an idiot. It disappoints me that he's possibly siding with them and will keep Jordan anyway. He'll go down in my books if he does.

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Jesse and his pet rat are ratting out Laura's plea to Ronnie....What's the big deal..she wants to stay...they make a big case over the dumbest things..Jesse is such a POS.

Now Russel telling Jesse not to tell him "hold on" when he's walking to do something....and now Jesse telling him the flock giving them shit for saving him....Ratalie blames Ronnie LOL

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Ha Ha Ronnie getting lectured by Russell...LOL..and of course he lies....he might be crapping in his pants right now.....basically telling Ronnie to keep his mouth shut..

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12:16 BBT

Now Russell lecturing the flock and getting a little loud...about Laura..I think Natalie may get a lot of shit from this behind her back....Oh my hind sight is always 20/20 what must be going through their feeble minds...

I'm kinda liking Russell calling them out on their shit..and no one is saying anything except Ronnie who is trying to backpedal.....

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