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Monday, July 20th


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I just got up for the day. (alarm goes off at 4:30 am) and Jessie and Lydia are up on the couch and having romantic time on the couch. They are snuggling and sharing stuff about their lives.


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I'm not sure where to put this but I was reading the official CBS BB boards and the number one hot topic on the main page is "NEVER HATED SO MANY HGS".

The boards are just filled with this sentiment.

CBS...get a clue! This isn't just Sucks, Jokers and Morty's...this is your OWN boards. Get a clue!

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I am only now watching BBAD on my DVR and I notice Russel is back in with the gang bashing the other side!!!! Oh Well !!!

Russ all day yesterday did damage control talking to everyone in the asshole alliance and acting sweet and loyal. He ever spent a couple hours in the hammock talking to Kevin. Russell was acting like Mr. sensitivity.


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I'm not sure where to put this but I was reading the official CBS BB boards and the number one hot topic on the main page is "NEVER HATED SO MANY HGS".

The boards are just filled with this sentiment.

CBS...get a clue! This isn't just Sucks, Jokers and Morty's...this is your OWN boards. Get a clue!

haha...i noticed the same thing. i'm hoping that they decide to make jordan/laura whichever one is left automatic hoh since they're the only one on that team left. that indeed will answer the question "what happens when all my teammates are gone?" switch it up cbs!

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LOL make it 2 teams and put Jordon and Casey on the athletes team and the other dysfunctionals on another team. Then the athletes team can wipe out the other team then Jeff can be the breakout player and start winning all the comps and get rid of the rest.

I can dream

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Anyone know why the woke up the HG so early. Are they having POV ceremony this early?

I think something else is going on.

Please tell us! *sits eagerly staring at Marty's name* They need to do something! And quickly before this season flops. :animated_rotfl:

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Anyone know why the woke up the HG so early. Are they having POV ceremony this early?

I think something else is going on. :animated_scratchchin:

Wouldn't it be great if they tossed Ronnie out for trying to cheat. :animated_scratchchin:

Ahhhhhh, I can dream can't I? :pray2:

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I despise Ronnie. He has worked to hard to start a fight with SOMEONE so he could use it as an excuse to put that person on the block when Jeff comes down.

Jeff is right. Ronnie is a p*ssy. (Can I say that here?)

Oh.. and I never want to touch another quarter again after finding out he had a couple stuck in his butt crack. My luck I'd get the quarters with Ronnie's butt juice on them.

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Yeah the houseguests actually could fit into 2 cliques, so BB can separate them now.

Jesse and Jordan are now the Airheads. Chima and Kevin are the Mean Grrrrrls. Jeff and Casey are the Wannabes. Michelle and Laura are the Nice Girls (who aren't always so Nice.) Natalie and Russell are the Grade-School Bullies. And Ronnie is a Weasel.

ETA: I forgot skank Lydia.

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I know something has to change unless we want a boring steamroll by the athletes.

I went to the CBS site and told my opinion under "I've never hated so many houseguests"

IMHO I think this is the best way to express our opinion without trying to actually get the series cancelled or something

I love BB even if the first few weeks didn't go my way personally

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hi every one, I crashed hard last nite after work so have not even seen the After Dark, but I did read the update page here, which is always very informative. God, I hate Ronnie, I want to beat him bloody, seriously. AND, I do not like the way this season is unfolding. Why the hell is Ronnie putting up Jordan?? Well, the man obviously has no balls, and it just irks me to no end that Jesse is pulling the damn strings right now. I f-ing hate him too.

I am still packing and getin ready to move, so between work and moving it has been hard to keep up. When I left for work yesterday, Russell was gonna ge backdoored, then this am Jordan is going up just because she dared to speak her mind to that Puss Ronnie??? OMG, what more can I say,lololol

There will be a few days after the move that I will not have internet or tv, I move the big stuff on the 31st, and my cable/ internet is hooked up on the 3rd, best they could do, so from the 30th to the 3rd, I got nothin, I will have to go to the library,lol, and get on a computer.

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i missed it [thank god!] but i did read jessie's also been professing his love for nat to chima?!

Really, is that what the whispering under the towel was all about?

What is going on? He was seen snuggling with Lydia but now professing love for GNat? What could he possibly see in either of them. Wait...what do they see in his tiny head? Maybe they should all three just have a group session. :animated_shocking:

Chima just basically said that if a woman has a high paying job she is working with a$$holes all day, might as well have a good man to come home too. Oh yea she is a real charmer. :fish:

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Usually I know what is going to happen before it happens on this show. This is the first year I haven't known EXACTLY what someone was going to do or how they were going to vote. I am going to enjoy the rollercoaster ride.

We've only "known" these people for a week or two. I think its way too early to "hate" someone that we will never likely meet. I enjoy the drama and even the divas.

And once a cast is selected, it is up to them to win the competitions and align with the right people necessary to win. So those who lose aligned with the wrong people. Jordan and Jeff would be safe if they had worked WITH Russell and Jessie last week rather than using personalities instead of strategies to choose who they aligned with. For all of those who are cursing Jessie or Ronnie or Russell for what has happened, they obviously picked the right people to align with in the beginning of the game. Will it change? It probably will.

Enjoy the ride and maybe get a little less caught up in the "personality" aspect of the game. Otherwise its just a popularity contest and they might as well change it back to how it was the first season of BB.

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I just think the others in the house don't know how this game is played. In a normal season, Russell and Ronnie would be up on the block right now. Obviously Ronnie can't go up cause he's HOH but Russell should. There are usually consequences for playing too hard the first week.

Those guys are all really not that bright.

Problem is that there are too many people in this house that are just along for the ride. Not to mention the producers decision to give away the first HOH. It's completely screwed the whole thing up.

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Right, but thats what I like about this season. Its not like the past few seasons. I was getting bored with the sheep mentality of the past few years and the way everyone was trying to impersonate the people from the previous years, etc. I loved the Renegades last year because it was different and not personal but strategic.

I do believe there will be consequences for the initial hard playing. Its going to be amusing to watch it coming down later. But it all comes down to, win the HOH and POV, get aligned with the winners, or go home. Its not the producers fault that Jordan went off on Ronnie. Even her own teammates told her she needed to shut up and stop fighting. They KNOW she screwed up. I guarantee you that Casey is tickled pink that Jordan screwed up. Braden would NOT have gone home last week if Russell hadn't put a bug in his ear about Lydia. Braden allowed himself to get provoked and he reacted exactly as Russell wanted him to. Russell didn't have to "bully" Braden into screwing up. He did that on his own by letting Russell get into his head.

Thats all I'm saying. I think its fun to watch the ups and downs and I'm glad that its different this year.

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