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Memphis - Week 9


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You're right, Marty. Memphis' only play in the game was a good one, I'll give him that.

If by some chance Jerry wins hoh, Dan's only hope then is to convince jerry that he (dan) is most hated by the jury, and that dan won't give jerry the vote to win if jerry votes him out. Also, tell him that keesha will not forgive him for keeping memphis in the game and she'd rather give memphis the vote to win over jerry. (Lie, Lie, Lie...or not). Maybe he can also convince jerry that he, dan, can sway jury votes since jerry seems to think that's so easily done. He should then tell him about the trip with Michelle, ("you're so smart jerry, you had me pegged all along") and tell him michelle was hatin on dan and lovin on mempis during their secret meeting.

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memphis is cold not even looking at keesha in hoh locked down i love it


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They're still playing it to cover the renegades alliance, as if the renegades will amount to a hill of beans when it gets to F3

That is what I have been sayin at this point the Renegades does not amount to a hill of beans, it is all out every man for himself and Dan should be taking care of himself, forget Memphis

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memphis is just giving the future bb woman contestant a lesson on not hitching all your eggs on the guys basket

drew gave same lesson

the woman never learned

the guys always stick together


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I wish someone could change Dans mind because I do think he can beat both Memphis and Jeritol.

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I have loved Memphis from day one, but he can go to hell for this move for all I care. In fact wait a minute if not for Keesha organizing the alliance Memphis would of been gone weeks ago. If anything he goes Keesha a favor. This just ticks me off thanks to Jerry winning an HOH it not only tarnished my final 4, but now my final 3.

Memphis can get bent for all I care keeping the man who called him a womanizer and all that crap.

I also have a huge news flash for Memphis your not going to win the game no matter who you face in fact the only person who you could of beat was probably Keesha. So enjoy playing for second at best.

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Memphis is a sociopath - no feelings for anything or anyone but himself. That probably makes a good game player, but a terrible human being. Dan can kiss his own butt goodby if he, Dan, doesn't win comps.

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Shipp, right on, I totally agree I wanted to use that word but held back but I so believe it,lololol

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:bigcry::cry: this is a sad sad day in the BBH...Greed has turned Memphis into a money grubbing skank...Dan better be glad he won HOH because with this move Memphis is planning, Dan would have been the one to go instead of Keesha...I cannot stand the idea of Jerry going to the final 3...BIG! HUGE!! MISTAKE!!! Memphis is in a very good position now, Dan needs to not trust him with anything and win HOH!!!
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All season long Keesha has been my least favorite hg...so I really don't mind her going....I've been waiting for this day!!! :animated_bouncy:

I'm a bit bothered by Memphis (only a bit though...;) ) that he's evicting her despite his and Dan's previous promises that they and Keesha would go F3...kind of a scumbag move to dupe someone you've been closely aligned with. Keeping Jerry in the house...ugh!...I'll have to tolerate him for a few more days now too....as long as they are duping hg's...go ahead...get the money out of Jerry! :naughty:

In the long run though...I think it's a good move for Memphis...from his point of view. He's thinking jury votes...getting her out he'll lose Keesha and Renny's votes...but probably hopes to get April, Ollie, Michelle and either Jerry or Dan (whichever is evicted after Keesha.) Only problem with Memphis' plan is that he doesn't know that Dan has influenced Michelle's vote...and she may very well vote for Dan to win in the end. If Dan and Memphis are F2...Michelle will be the deciding vote... :animated_scratchchin:

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Call me crazy but I really don't think Jerry has those votes in the jury. Not a one of them really liked Jerry.

So I see Keesha is out whimpy and crying. I don't think Keesha was really there to win the game. I think she was there to have fun and exposure. I think she just has her "feelers" hurt that Memphis betrayed her.

Keesha pick up a broom or a dust cloth. It might take your mind off your pity party.

You are a sweet girl but you did not win those competitions when you needed them. Remember you always say... It is just a game.

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believe me Keesha was there to win some money, she has talked about how it could be life changing to win that kind of money even 50 grand, and as Keesha went on in this game I really did not see her as a hollywood type at all, so I do not think she was there just for exposure, some, but not totally, and pity party?? Michelle maybe a pity party, but not Keesha, she really feels betrayed, she thought Memphis was her friend, it is sad when someone in this game realizes that this is not a game for the faint of heart.That if you are thinned skinned you will get hurt, I would be hurt even tho I know that it is a stinkin rotten game. I think Keesha really is a nice person and a decent human being and she was wwaayy too trusting, I feel bad for her to have gotten taken for a ride.

Oh and by the way she should have fought harder than she did, but because I do not think she realized what kind of skank Memphis really is and he would not in fact give her a shot at it she did not play hard enough,

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